

单词 affectations
释义 affectations ˌæfekˈteɪʃənz COCA⁹¹³⁵¹BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.假装affectation的名词复数;装模作样;装模作样的言行原型affectation的复数 And Depp, being Depp, just can't resist adding bizarre affectations to the character of widowed Wisconsin maths teacher Frank Tupelo.
脸上写着德普的德普,无法不把自己古怪的气质强加到这个来自威斯康辛最近丧妻的数学教师弗兰克•塔皮罗的身上。 yeeyan

Friends, Lao Wang sells melons for a living. How could he carry on business if he by imitating the affectations of us intellectuals, were to show false modesty about his melons?
老兄,老王是靠卖瓜吃饭的,叫他也学我们书生扭扭捏捏,对自己的瓜谦虚一番,生意还用做么? taisha

Their love withered in the winter and became the lifelong regret. Fortunately, the snow has memorized their affectations of each other.
文臻的情缘,过不了一个冬季,成了半生的遗憾。白雪了记忆了他们真爱的相守。 blog.sina.com.cn

But without a little affectations place.
而且没有一点做作的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn

He met a group of wealthy and cynical Jews, Americans, Belgians, and Germans, but he judged their sophistication painful and their affectations boring.
他遇到了一群又有钱又玩世不恭的犹太人、美国人、比利时人和德国人,不过他认为他们那种世故是令人痛苦的,他们那些虚伪做作很讨厌。 ebigear

Her father is well-know prof, but i have never seen any affectations of scholar on his father.
她的父亲是一位有名望的教授,但我从没有她父亲身上看到故作姿态的学者派头。 iciba

Her little affectations annoyed me.
她的小动作惹恼了我。 ebigear

I am not too blind to see through Peter, with all his affectations, and if I had been hall a century younger I would have married him myself, for the fun of it.
我可不会装作瞎子一样看待彼得,如果我能早半个世纪出生的话,我自己就会十分乐意嫁给他的。 douban

Now there are people who start with the bad behavior and the affectations, hoping that it will be seen as a sign of insight and talent.
现在有许多所谓的明星都行为不检点,装模作样,希望这些能够成为天赋和领悟的标志。 blog.sina.com.cn

Affectations of manner and speech are mere frippery.
态度和语言的做作只是俗丽服饰而已。 bab




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