

单词 conversations
释义 conversations ˌkɔnvəˈseiʃənz COCA⁴⁸⁶⁰BNC⁶¹⁹³Economist⁶⁹¹⁹
n.会话conversation的复数原型conversation的复数 After learning a little about them and their lives, you can have more conversations with them in the future.
在初步了解他们和他们的生活后,在将来你可以与他们更多地交谈。 cri

But, I believe that all these voices, all these conversations must be having an impact on them.
但是,我觉得,所有这些呼声、这些对话必然会对他们产生影响。 iciba

Finally, we discuss the role that conversations could play in conjunction with all these other technologies.
最后,我们讨论对话与所有其他这些技术结合时可以扮演的角色。 ibm

I have emphasized all of these issues in my conversations with leaders around the world and will continue to do so.
我在同世界各国领导人的谈话中强调了这些议题,并会继续这样做。 putclub

I know from conversations with other smokers that this is not unusual.
我知道,这是一场对于其他吸烟者的不寻常的谈话。 yeeyan

I listened to the conversations.
我听到人们的谈话。 ebigear

In my conversations with her, I did not believe that she had the derivatives or mathematical background to understand the violations.
从我和她的对话来判断,我不相信她有足够的数学背景以至于她无法懂得那些违规。 yeeyan

In conversations with the client, when discussing the project, I was focused on the tasks associated with deploying the server.
跟客户的交谈,在讨论这个项目的时候,我的注意力放在与部署服务器有关的任务上。 yeeyan

Others like to use them because they prefer to communicate efficiently and not miss out on any important conversations and connections.
另一些人喜欢他们则是因为他们偏好于更有效的通信,不会错过一些重要的交谈和联系。 yeeyan

Share your conversations with friends.
与你的朋友分享会话。 yeeyan

Sometimes, I can hear conversations through the vents in my bathroom, or music pulsing through the wall from the next apartment over.
有时,在浴室里我都能通过走廊听到隔壁房间的谈话,或者,听到旁边公寓透过墙壁传来的音乐声。 yeeyan

The other broker will have no record of this conversation in its transaction store, and so it will be unable to continue any conversations started by the crashed broker.
另一个代理的事务存储中将没有这个对话的任何记录,因此它将不能继续由已崩溃的代理启动的任何对话。 ibm

These“ conversations” are an important piece of information.
这些“会话”是信息比较重要的一方面。 ibm

These meetings and conversations have impressed on me the excellent reputation of WHO.
这些会见和交谈使我深深感到世卫组织极佳的声誉。 who

They wiretapped the representatives' conversations.

This application allows the sales team to track conversations about any company or item.
该应用程序允许销售团队跟踪有关所有公司或产品的会话。 ibm

This really transforms anything you do, from work tasks to conversations to chores like washing the dishes.
这真的可以改变你做的所有事,从工作任务到对话到像洗衣服那样的日常琐事。 yeeyan

We managed more conversations than ever before.
我们交谈的次数要比以前多。 yeeyan

Conversations should lead to deeper understandings of the person you're with.
交谈应当使你更深刻地了解和你在一起的那个人。 net

Conversations usually involve some sort of reply and response, where one person makes a statement or asks a question and the other responds based on what the first person said.
通常谈话将包括一些答复和响应,其中一个人给出陈述或提出问题,然后其他人根据第一个人所说的内容进行响应。 ibm




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