conversational style短语⁶⁰⁵⁵⁸ 基本例句 会话风格 Mr Anwar spends a lot of time abroad with national and religious leaders whose names he drops slightly too easily into an engaging conversational style. 安瓦尔有相当长的时间都是身处国外,混迹于国家领导、宗教领袖之中,而且轻而易举就能跟这些人谈得热火朝天。 ecocn Today's way of conducting business is informal so that's what we should aim for in our business writing too— a friendly, conversational style. 当今做生意的办法是不打官腔的,所以我们写往来生意信件的方式也需要这样——友善且口语化。