

单词 convergent
释义 con·ver·gent 英kən'vɜːdʒənt美kən'vɝdʒənt 高四GMS宝COCA³⁰²²³BNC²⁷⁶⁴¹iWeb²⁴⁶⁹⁰Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

tending to come together from different directionsconvergent evolution趋同进化converge聚合convergent oscillation减幅衰减振动…convergent series收敛级数convergent channel会聚槽convergent community趋同群落convergent light汇聚光convergent beam会聚光束convergent adaptation趋同适应convergent lens聚光镜convergent sequence收敛序列convergent flow合流,收敛流,汇流…convergent plate聚敛板块,聚合板块…convergent character趋同特性convergent improvement辐合改进convergent contour收敛形convergent nozzle渐缩喷嘴convergent current合流,收敛流,汇流…convergent point会聚点
con一起+verg转+ent形容词后缀,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词形式,相当于ing→转到一起的⇒会聚的,汇合的,相交的,趋同的,收敛的。GRE红宝书converge近义词 coherent连贯的反义词 divergent分歧的

用作形容词On this basis, aconvergentinteractive programming algorithm is developed in this paper for solving these nonlinear multiobjective group decision making problems.由此,建立了一个求解非线性多目标群体决策问题的收敛的交互规划算法。adj.converging
同义词 coming together,concurrent,confluent,connecting,meeting,merging
approachingadjective nearing
advancing,at hand,coming,drawing near,imminent,impending,moving closer
concurrentadjective agreeing, converging
allied,at one,centrolineal,coinciding,compatible,concerted,confluent,consentient,consistent,convergent,cooperating,coterminous,harmonious,in agreement,in rapport,joined,like-minded,meeting,mutual,of the same mind,unified,uniting
confluentadjective meeting
coalescent,coming together,concurrent,connecting,convergent,flowing,joining,mingling In an example of what's known as convergent evolution, geographically isolated and genetically distinct species developed similar characteristics because they were adjusting to similar environments.
这是趋同进化的一个例子:间隔十万八千里 ,基因不同的物种,为了适应相似的外部环境,越来越趋于同质化了。 yeeyan

The analysis manifest that the method is convergent.
理论分析表明该方法是收敛的。 cnki

“The tablet is the first truly convergent electronic device, ” he says.
他说:“平板电脑是第一个真正全方位融合的电子产品”。 yeeyan

Another approach to questioning asks if they require convergent or divergent answers.
提问的另外一种方式,就是询问是需要聚合型还是发散型答案。 yeeyan

Dr Conway- Morris has arrived at this view from a detailed study of what is known as convergent evolution.
康威-莫瑞斯博士通过对聚合进化进行细致研究后得出这一观点。 ecocn

However, from a consistency perspective, only convergent consistency is given.
但是,从一致性方面来看,只提供收敛一致性。 ibm

In Qing Dynasty1644-1911, it had been a political, economical, military and culture center at the convergent area between Sichuan and surrounding provinces.
清朝时期1644年-1911年,泸州成了四川和周边各省交界地区的政治,经济,军事和文化中心。 yeeyan

Many of the creatures featured in After Man are products of convergent evolution, testaments to the power of natural selection to funnel organisms down similar channels from disparate starting points.
对漏斗式自然选择由上至下相同途径的不同起点进行测试后发现,人类出现后的多数生物都是群居而生的。 yeeyan

The control algorithm based on Phantom scheme was not only convergent, but also could deal with new income accesses smoothly and maintain well fairness among all accesses.
以此方法设计的控制算法不仅是收敛的,同时能够平稳地处理网络接入的新连接,并对所有的连接保持良好的公平性。 cnki

Theorem1 Uniqueness of Limit If the sequence is convergent, then its limit is unique.
定理1极限的唯一性如果数列收敛,那么它的极限唯一。 iciba

They are also convergent in nature. There is an answer, right or wrong.
它们也是聚合型问题,因为只有一个对或错的答案。 yeeyan

We have been trained to be so instantly analytic, practical, convergent in our thinking that this step is very difficult to observe, but it is crucial.
我们的思维被训练成始终保持分析,实用和汇聚性,所以这个步骤很难做到,但是它至关重要. yeeyan

Convergent questions have one correct answer.
聚合型问题只有一个正确答案。 yeeyan




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