

单词 convergence
释义 con·ver·gence 英kənˈvɜːdʒəns美kənˈvɝdʒənsAHDkən-vûrʹjəns ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁴³¹⁰BNC⁹⁶⁷⁹iWeb¹¹⁴⁷³Economist⁸³²⁸
the occurrence of two or more things coming togetherthe approach of an infinite series to a finite limita representation of common ground between theories or phenomena;

there was no overlap between their proposals

the act of converging coming closerconverge聚合uniform convergence一致收敛,均匀收敛…convergence control聚焦调整,收敛控制,…convergence zone会聚区beam convergence束会聚,聚束,射束会…convergence method逐次近似法,收敛法…convergence magnet聚焦磁铁quadratic convergence二次收敛convergence coil聚焦线圈convergence reflex聚合反射convergence factor收敛因子convergence yoke会聚系统,会聚偏转线…convergence point辐合点convergence principle收敛原则convergence rate收敛速度dynamic convergence动态会聚,动态聚焦…spiral convergence螺旋收敛adaptive convergence适应趋同convergence line辐合线convergence angle会聚角,收敛角…
con一起+verg转+ence名词后缀,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词形式,相当于ing→转到一起的行为和结果⇒收敛,会聚。近义词 union结合corner角落meeting会议overlap重叠assembly集会junction连接conjunction结合convergency会合intersection交集converging光会聚反义词 divergence分歧

用作名词At last the globalconvergenceis obtained.最后给出全局收敛性分析。
This paper establishesconvergenceproperties of a new algorithm.本文论证了一种新算法的收敛性。
The picture is filled with different sizes and shapes of the pointer, the common feature is theirconvergence, as if attracted.画面布满了大小不一,形状各异的指针,其共同的特征就是汇聚一处,像是被什么吸引住。
When thisconvergenceoccurs, the individual voltage blips pile up, increasing the strength of the signal, thus making a stronger connection among the neurons involved.讯号一旦可以汇聚起来,各个小电位就可以加乘在一起,让讯号变大,进而加强参与其中的神经元连线。
We finally found out the town at theconvergenceof two rivers.我们最终找到了位于两条河流汇合处的城镇。noun.union
同义词 concurrence,confluence,meeting,merging
assemblageverb gathering of people
concentrationnoun aggregation
concoursenoun crowd, group
confluencenoun coming together
confluxnoun confluence
coming together,concourse,conjunction,convergence,joining,junction,meeting,merging
convergent evolutionnoun adaptive evolution
biological evolution,convergence,parallel evolution,speciation And these are, indeed, the three areas where convergence is most visible.
实际上,这三个方面也是融合最显著的三个区域。 ecocn

In the20th century technological progress was driven by the convergence of engineering and physics, which yielded electronics.
20世纪时,工程学和物理学的集合使科技得到了发展,最后产生了电子学。 ecocn

The convergence of biology and engineering is turning health care into an information industry.
生物学和工程学的融合使得医疗保健成为了信息产业。 iciba

Although this convergence is interesting, it is also cautionary for men over40 who want to start families or have more children.
尽管这是一种非常有趣集合,它也警示了那些超过40岁想要成家的或想再要孩子的男士。 yeeyan

Analysts say that to unlock the full potential of network convergence, they would have to be merged under one regulator.
分析师表示,为了完全释放三网融合的潜力,监管职能将不得不进行合并,由一家机构监管。 iciba

As the OECD notes, the economic impact of convergence is broader than just this.
正如经合组织所指出的那样,趋同的经济影响比这更加广泛。 blog.sina.com.cn

But all of these transactions were prompted by a single underlying trend that has become the industry's new mantra: convergence.
但所有的这些交易却被一个潜在的趋势所驱使着。这个趋势就是电信工业新的一曲颂歌:融合。 ecocn

But the book raises a new question: is a new cycle, dominated by a rejection of conservatism and a convergence with West European norms, about to dawn?
但是这本书也提出了一个崭新的问题:这个以排斥保守主义融合西欧准则为显著特征的新时期是否即将到来? yeeyan

But this time it looks as though it might really happen, thanks to improvements in technology and the industry's current mania for convergence.
但是在这次,好像还真是有了些眉目的。 这最终要感谢科技的进步和电信工业当前的融合狂热症。 ecocn

But why is convergence necessary?
但是,为什么需要收敛呢? ibm

He thinks that inflation convergence is something to be expected after adopting the euro, not before.
他认为通胀趋同是在使用欧元之后,而非之前,预计的情况。 ecocn

Moreover, the great convergence has spread beyond India and China.
并且,“大融合”已经扩散到了印度和中国之外。 ecocn

My theory is that rare forms of creative imagination are the result of an extraordinary convergence of normally disconnected thoughts, memories, feelings and ideas.
我的理论是创造性想象的罕见形式是一种超常的由通常不连贯的思维、记忆、感觉、和观念收敛的结果。 yeeyan

That makes them pioneers of the convergence of the physical and the digital world.
这种需求使他们成为融合有形的基础设施与无形的数码世界的先锋。 ecocn

The“ principle of convergence”, as it is known, holds that armed conflict is, in essence, an information- gathering exercise.
这个软件被命名为“趋同原则”,认为武装冲突在本质上是一种信息搜集的实行过程。 ecocn

The emergence of this data represents a rare convergence of two fields— genetics and epidemiology, McGrath says.
这一数据的出现表明遗传学和流行病学这两大领域的集合,这是非常罕见的。 yeeyan

Whether or not convergence turns out to merit the hype, the industry has convinced itself that it is worth pursuing, and anyone who disagrees risks being left behind.
无论融合的后果是好是坏,电信业深信,融合还是值得他们一试的,如果一个人拒绝冒险那他将会落在其他人的后面。 ecocn

With convergence to an ideal state, you can expect the system to be in or near that ideal state.
通过收敛到一种理想状态,您可以期望系统处于或接近那一理想状态。 ibm

Convergence does have some merits then— mainly in cutting costs and increasing efficiency— but the hype is wide of the mark.
融合还是有一些优点的——主要是降低价格和增加效率——但是这还要大规模的宣传。 ecocn




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