

单词 control right
释义 control right短语⁶⁸⁸⁰⁹
The financing method determines the allocation of control right.
融资方式的选择,规定着企业控制权的分配。 cnki

The premium of control right bears heavily on the transfer of equity and stock.
控制权溢价水平的高低对于股权转让和股票交易具有重要影响。 cnki

After painful reflection, people discover that the inefficient allocation of the control right level of companies destroy the micro- foundation of the efficient function of the whole market.
人们经过痛苦地反思后发现,上市公司控制权层面的无效率配置摧毁了整个市场赖以有效率运行的微观基础。 cnki

As the owner of the enterprise, the central party to the contract possesses the residual control right and residual ownership.
作为企业的所有者,中心签约人拥有合约约定的剩余控制权和剩余所有权。 cnki

Company control right is a key question in corporate governance.
公司控制权是公司治理中的核心问题。 cnki

In the modern market economy, there is a compact relationship between enterprise capital structure and the corporate control right competition.
在现代市场经济条件下,企业资本结构与法人控制权竞争二者之间存在着紧密联系。 dictall

The positive conclusions imply the local government owns the residual control right when their time preferences are not consistent.
这些实证结果说明地方政府在时间偏好不一致的情况下拥有剩余控制权。 cnki

The separation of cash flow right and control right destroy firms' financial performance.
研究发现,上市公司控制权和现金流权的分离程度越高,财务绩效越差; cnki

To improve the decision efficiency in syndication, the design of control right and informal restraint are very important.
而要提高联合投资中的决策效率,控制权的设计和非正式约束非常重要。 cnki

Control right is the core of modern corporations, and can determine the cash- holding level by affecting the financing decision-making.
控制权是现代公司运营的核心权力之一,它通过影响公司的理财决策,进而决定着公司的现金持有水平。 cnki

Control right transferCRT is a historical problem, and the way of CRT is one of the kernel contents in this transfer.
控制权转移是一个历史性的问题,控制权转移方式则是控制权转移问题的核心内容之一。 cnki

Control right transferring has become important behavior of listed companies in China.
控制权转移已经成为我国上市公司群体的重要行为。 dictall




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