

单词 controllable
释义 con·trol·la·ble 英kən'trəʊləbl美kən'troləbl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁹⁶³³BNC²⁵⁹²⁰iWeb¹⁷²⁷⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

capable of being controlledcontrollable factor控制因子controllable pitch活螺距,可调螺距…controllable reactor可控反应堆controllable variance可控制差异controllable thrust可变推力,可调推力…controllable reaction可控反应controllable costs可控成本,可控制成本…controllable recovery可控回收controllable variable可控变量controllable interest可控权益controllable system可控系统controllable investment可控制投资,可控投资…controllable propeller可操纵的变距螺旋桨…controllable trawl变水层拖网controllable register调节挡板
蒋争熟词记忆control控制l重复字母-able可…的⇒可控制的control控制l重复字母-able可…的⇒可控制的近义词 manageable易办的governable可统治的well-behaved很乖的well-regulated井然有序的反义词 incontrollable难控制的

用作形容词Drugs can make violent patientscontrollable.麻醉药可使狂躁病人安静下来。
The wings havecontrollablesections known as ailerons .机翼上可操纵的部分叫做副翼。
Mental depression iscontrollablethrough medication.精神抑郁是可以通过药物治疗控制的。
The test method proved reliable,controllableand repeatable.该试验方法证明是可靠、可控制和可重复的。adj.manageable
同义词 administrable,governable,tractable
administrableadjective governable
governableadjective manageable
harmlessadjective not injurious or dangerous
obedientadjective well-behaved;submissive
acquiescent,amenable,at one's beck and call,attentive,biddable,complaisant,compliant,controllable,deferential,devoted,docile,docious,duteous,dutiful,faithful,governable,honoring,in one's clutches,in one's pocket,in one's power,law-abiding,loyal,obeisant,obliging,observant,on a string,pliant,regardful,resigned,respectful,reverential,sheeplike,subservient,tame,tractable,under control,venerating,well-trained,willing,wrapped around finger,yielding
rulableadjective governable
tractableadjective manageable
acquiescent,amenable,biddable,complaisant,compliant,controllable,docile,ductile,facile,flexible,game,going along with,governable,hanging loose,malleable,meek,obedient,persuadable,plastic,pliable,pliant,putty in hands,rolling with punches,subdued,submissive,tame,tractile,willing,workable,yielding For a time, it appeared that Mr. Prokhorov’s entrance into the political arena was an attempt by the Kremlin to have a controllable“ liberal” candidate, but the control proved to be short-lived.
有一段时间,似乎普罗霍罗夫进入政治舞台是一个克里姆林宫安排可控‘自由派’候选人的尝试,但是事实证明控制是短暂的。 yeeyan

It’s far from easy to design a robot with one controllable joint, so imagine the difficulty of creating an artificial hand and its numerous knuckles.
设计可控制协作的机器人很困难,因此更难想象创造一只拥有大量指关节的机械手了。 yeeyan

It certainly seems that John, famous for an absurd and barely controllable sense of humor, would have wanted parties and not wakes.
确切地看起来,因为他的荒唐和难以控制的幽默感,约翰也许会喜欢很多的舞会而不愿醒来。 yeeyan

The overall price level is within a controllable range and is expected to drop steadily.

The rise of the overall price level has a very strong structural feature, yet it is on the whole moderate and controllable.
总体物价水平的上升有着很强的结构性,但基本上还是温和可控的。 hjenglish

But the record suggests that living languages are not in the end controllable.
但以往的记录表明,使用着的活语言到底是不可控的。 ecocn

Examples of attributes that are typically assigned to websites and software in general are“ supporting,” “ useful,” “ clear” and“ controllable.”
和网站通常还有软件相关联的属性例子是“支持的”“有用的”“清晰的”和“可控制的”。 yeeyan

It may be controllable distractions, unfocused efforts, or a poor environment.
它可能是可控制的焦虑,不尽心的努力,或者一个糟糕的环境。 yeeyan

Make whatever adjustments you need to the lighting, temperature, noise level, and other controllable factors in your office.
你可以适当调节你的工作环境,包括灯光、温度、噪音水平及其他可控因素。 i21st

Once the reactor's control rods are between sections of fuel rods, how is fission slowed to where it is controllable?
一旦反应堆的控制杆置于核燃料棒的中间了,我们应该怎么将裂变减慢到我们可控制的程度呢? yeeyan

Sanitary conditions are controllable within a dehydration pant, whereas in open fields contamination from dust, insects. birds and rodents are major problems.
脱水工厂内部的卫生条件是可以控制的,而在旷野上,受灰尘、昆虫、鸟类和齿动物污染是主要问题。 ebigear

Subscription based cloud computing model becomes a fixed cost to a controllable service of many business oriented strategy models.
订阅式云计算模型成为许多面向业务战略模型的一个可控服务的固定成本。 ibm

The American Heart Association considers diabetes one of the six major controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
美国心脏协会认为糖尿病是冠心病的六大可控的危险因素之一。 yeeyan

The second vulnerability has to do with using user- controllable data to control a business process.
第二个安全漏洞与攻击者借助用户可管理数据来控制业务流程有关。 infoq

The aim being to produce more controllable citizens.
其目的是生产出更加可以控制的公民们。 yeeyan

This gives us a hint as to how we can break this document down into controllable pieces.
这提示我们如何将该文档分成几个可控制的部分。 ibm

This is controllable with thyroid supplements.
这是可控制的与甲状腺补充。 iciba

We will continue to steadily move forward the reform of the RMB exchange rate regime in a self-initiated, controllable and gradual manner.
中国将继续按照主动性、可控性、渐进性的原则,稳步推进人民币汇率形成机制改革。 hjenglish

With controllable cold fusion, many of the world's energy problems would melt away: no wonder the US Department of Energy is interested.
如果有可控制的冷聚变,那么,许多世界能源问题就能够化解:难怪美国能源部对此这么感兴趣。 yeeyan




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