

单词 contrives
释义 con·trive·s 英kən'traɪv美kən'traɪv COCA¹¹⁰¹⁶⁹BNC⁵⁶⁵²²
vt. 谋划〔策划〕某事; 设计; 发明

plan sth cleverly or deceitfully; invent; an experiment

vi. 设法做到

manage to do sth

make or work out a plan for; devise;

They contrived to murder their boss

design a new sales strategy

plan an attack

come up with an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle after a mental effort;

excogitate a way to measure the speed of light

put or send forth;

She threw the flashlight beam into the corner

The setting sun threw long shadows

cast a spell

cast a warm light

contrive, manage


1.当后面跟动词不定式时, contrive用在将来时中,表示说话人实际所做的努力,至于是否成功,说话人则无把握,仅表示朝着成功的方向努力,用于过去时中表示“设法,图谋”,有时表示“竟然弄到…的地步”; manage则强调虽然有一定困难,最后还是设法完成了。


用作动词 v.
副词+~ingeniously contrive精巧地设计viciously contrive恶意地策划~+介词contrive from设法利用
近义词 cast掷throw扔plan计划plot情节forge锻造design设计devise设计invent发明scheme阴谋lay out设计arrange整理cook up编造compass圆规project计划conspire阴谋machinate图谋originate发起fabricate编造engineer工程师excogitate想出architect建筑师formulate用公式表示manufacture手工制造…
S+~+AWe can contrive without meat.没有肉我们也能设法料理。
S+~+to- vHe contrived to make a mess of the whole thing.他偏偏把一切弄糟了。
Can you contrive to be here a little earlier?你能不能早一点来?


用作动词The prisonercontriveda way to escape.囚犯图谋越狱。
Hecontrivedto gain their votes.他施展计谋获得了他们的选票。
Hecontriveda new machine for flying.他设计了一种新式飞行器。
Can youcontriveto be at the station by noon?你能设法在中午前赶到车站吗?
I cancontrivewithout meat.我没有肉也能凑合吃这顿饭。 However, because of varieties of reasons and causes, you cannot do that. Maybe the society has maliciously contrives a snare, which you unconsciously and willingly leap into.
也许社会就是这样给他们设好了陷阱,让他们不知不觉地,而且是心甘情愿的钻进去。 blog.sina.com.cn

With the help of both document inductive methed and material analytic methed, this essay contrives to reflect the life intelligence of ZhuangZi objectively and completely.
本文文献归纳法和材料分析法兼用,力求能比较客观和全面地反映《庄子》的生命智慧。 fabiao

And even to those sterile spots to which Nature has denied beauty, she yet contrives to dispense her smiles.
甚至对那些大自然不给予美饰的贫瘠地区,她也以笑容相待。 bab

Based on the knowledge of selfishness of humanity, Han Fei plans and contrives the power restrain methods for monarch.
从人性“自为”、“自利”的认识出发,韩非子为君主尽心谋划权力制约之道。 cnki

But how she contrives it without reflecting on the character of her own father, who had himself two wives, I know not.
但是,我不晓得她怎么能这样想,这岂不有损于她自己父亲的人格,因为他就有过两个妻子。 kekenet

I know information from some foreign contrives, I know a lot of knowledge from foreign contrives, I know a lot of cultures that I want to know very much.
我学到了许多有关于其他国家的知识,许多我想知道的国外文化。 cctv

One that contrives, devises, or constructs something.
发明,设计,或建造某物的人。 poptool

The striver contrives to derive that privacy can’t be deprived.
奋斗者想方设法推导得出隐私权不可剥夺. kekenet

There are seven factors to be worth notice when the government contrives the BOT concession agreement.
政府在创制 BOT特许权协议中有七个方面的问题值得注意。 cnki

This paper proposes a kind of method that can preserve integrity constraints in data mapping, contrives a mechanism DAPPIC of generating constraints-preserving publishing rules.
提出一种在数据映射方式下保持完整性约束的数据发布方法,设计了一套保持完整性约束的数据发布规则生成机制 DAPPIC。 dictall




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