

单词 contrite
释义 con·trite 英kənˈtraɪt, ˈkɒnˌtraɪt美kənˈtraɪt, ˈkɑnˌtraɪtAHDkən-trītʹ, kŏnʹtrīt' ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝COCA³⁷⁷⁴⁸BNC³⁶⁰⁰⁸iWeb³³³³²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offensescon-, 强调。-trit, 转,磨,词源同turn, detergent. 此处用于比喻义,指磨心的,内心不安的。钱博士con加强语气+tr=ter-,磨+ite拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,=ed,在此用作形容词后缀,表示动作完成后的状态→已经被内疚感磨坏的⇒悔悟的,后悔的,悔罪的
GRE红宝书con共同, trite摩擦-做错事后心灵受到摩擦-后悔的
con + 音:踹它一起踹他,大家一起踹坏人,坏人悔罪;con + trite 磨→一起磨??心里象万把刀在磨→痛悔;con + trial it 审判→一起审判它→它很痛悔
con+trite摩擦→ 心灵摩擦→痛悔的
con加强语气+tr=ter-,磨+ite拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,=ed,在此用作形容词后缀,表示动作完成后的状态→已经被内疚感磨坏的⇒悔悟的,后悔的,悔罪的。GRE难词记忆contrite→con+trite=to grind 磨,折磨→内心受折磨的→痛悔的词根记忆con + trite摩擦→心灵摩擦 ⇒痛悔的词根记忆con共同+trite=身心全部磨擦=悔恨交加的近义词 rueful悲伤的sorry对不起的ruthful悲哀的penitent忏悔的regretful惋惜的repentant后悔的apologetic道歉的remorseful悔恨的ashamed感到惭愧的

用作形容词He was to becontriteand wish to be reconciled.他必须感到悔悟,并且希望得到赦免。
He made acontriteapology.他深表懊悔地致歉。
The look she gave Anna was guilty andcontrite.她给安娜的脸色是内疚和愧悔的。
She wascontritethe whole morning after her angry outburst.她发了一通脾气之后整个早上都追悔莫及。adj.regretful
同义词 apologetic,humble,remorseful,repentant,sorryattritional,chastened,compunctious,conscience-stricken,penitent,penitential,sorrowful
反义词 hurtful,indifferent,mean,unrepentant
apologeticadjective expressing remorse, regret
atoning,attritional,compunctious,conciliatory,expiatory,explanatory,on one's knees,penitent,penitential,propitiatory,regretful,remorseful,repentant,rueful,self-effacing,self-incriminating,sorry,supplicating
ashamedadjective regretting, remorseful
badadjective sorry
badderadjective sorry
compunctiousadjective remorseful
guiltyadjective blameworthy;found at fault
accusable,caught,censurable,censured,chargeable,condemned,conscience-stricken,contrite,convictable,convicted,criminal,culpable,damned,delinquent,depraved,doomed,erring,evil,felonious,hangdogimpeachedin error,in the wrong,incriminated,iniquitous,judged,liable,licentious,offending,on one's head,out of line,proscribed,regretful,remorseful,reprehensible,responsible,rueful,sentenced,sheepish,sinful,sorry,wicked,wrong A contrite Sucre explains that he can’t seem to reach Maricruz on her cell phone.
Sucre懊悔地向她解释,他打不通Maricruz的手机。 yeeyan

Mr. Blagojevich was by turns defiant, impassioned and, briefly, contrite during his50- minute address.
在50分钟的讲话中,布拉戈耶维奇脸上交替出现了藐视一切、激情澎湃以及一度深感懊悔的表情。 ebigear

The sacrifices He accepts are broken and contrite hearts.
因为神所悦纳的祭,乃是忧伤痛悔的心。 ebigear

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
神所要的祭,就是忧伤的灵。神阿,忧伤痛悔的心,你必不轻看。 ebigear

There stood Shirley in the gallery, looking contrite, ashamed, sorry as any repentant child.
谢利站在过道上,象个悔悟的小孩那样,显得后悔,羞渐,难受。 bab

“ I'm sorry, ” I said simply, hoping he would see how ashamed I was, how contrite, and how sad and how frightened.
“对不起,”我简单地说,希望他能看到我是多么羞愧,多么后悔,多么难过以及多么的害怕。 blogbus

“ Nino, that will do!” she cried. It was more than she could endure to see him so stupid and so contrite. “ Answer me: what if they eat it alive?”
“尼诺,行了!”她高声说,她见不得他这副傻头傻脑,悔过认罪的摸样,“告诉我,乌鸦把它活吃了怎么办?” yeeyan

“I’m not sure how it converts fuel to energy,” Tom replied with a contrite smile.
“我不太清楚它是如何把燃料转变成能的。”汤姆回答道,脸上露出歉疚的笑容。 ebigear

As to all the rest, he was humble and contrite, and I never knew him complain.
在其他时间里,他是那么谦恭自卑,蕴含着懊悔的心情,但我没有见到过他抱怨。 tingroom

General McChrystal's reaction to the article has been swift and contrite.
麦克•克里斯托将军迅速回应了这篇文章,并且态度懊悔不已 ecocn

God washes clean those who, no matter their past sins, return to him with a contrite heart.
无论过去的罪多大,只要带着忧伤痛悔的心回到祂那里,祂就洗净他们。 yeeyan

I'd spent10 years pursuing a“ monster”, and found instead a wizened old man who appeared to be contrite and displaying humanity.
我花了十年时间追踪一个“恶魔”,到头来却找到一个形容枯槁的老头,他深感懊悔而表现人道。 yeeyan

If Democrats get trounced, will he emerge, sounding contrite, and take responsibility for their losses?
如果民主党被痛击,他将站出来并深感懊悔地对他们的损失承担责任吗? yeeyan

In fact, he sounded somber and contrite.
事实上,他即郁闷又痛悔。 yeeyan

In the45- minute telephone interview Thursday night, Ms. Stone was at first strident and then contrite about her remarks.
星期四的晚上,在长达45分钟的电话采访中,沙通首先言语尖锐,接下来才对自己的评论表示后悔。 blog.sina.com.cn

In November a spokesperson said the MP for Camberwell and Peckham strongly rejected the allegations and would deny the charge but today struck a more contrite tone.
就在去年11月,发言人声称内务大臣强烈反对所有猜测并拒不承认指控但是今天却采取了懊悔的语气。 yeeyan

Now the blood's started flowing they're getting contrite about the whole thing.
而现在他们的良知回来了,开始对于整件事情表现出了忏悔。 yeeyan

Since the crisis Mr Varley has shown a deft political touch, with contrite interview performances on British television.
从金融危机发生以来,瓦利先生一直显示出了敏锐的政治触觉,但在英国电视台采访中的表现得充满懊悔。 ecocn

The bank management's response, in a document dated February18th, is also contrite.
世界银行管理层于2月18日发文对此事做出的回应亦表露悔意。 topsage

The contrite tech then confessed that two of his close relatives had died from cancer and apologized to both of us.
这位追悔莫及的技术员后来交待,他的两个亲人被癌症夺走了生命。 他向我们俩表达了歉意。 yeeyan

This week a contrite Mr Lee said he would listen to the public's concerns.
本周,深表懊悔的李明博总统表示将会听取民众所关心的问题。 ecocn




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