

单词 Contract Law
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that branch of jurisprudence that studies the rights and obligations of parties entering into contracts Some terms of the New Contract Law should be standardized.
我国新《合同法》有关规定的称谓应规范化; cnki

The Contract Law, which is the regulation for standardizing the market must component unite the contract freedom, and contract justice, which can maintain its normal business activities.
合同法作为规范市场经济活动的法则必须将合同自由与合同正义有机地统一起来,才能维护正常的市场交易活动。 cnki

Capacity Contracting is the embodiment of capacity for civil transactions in contract law, capacity contracting of minor directly affects the effect of contract that minor contracts.
缔约能力是民事行为能力在合同法中的体现,未成年人的缔约能力直接影响到其订立的合同的效力。 cnki

FIFA, the world football authority, which is organising this year's World Cup in Germany, will use contract law.
作为世界足球的官方机构,正在组织今年德国世界杯的国际足联将会采用合同法。 ecocn

It plays a very important role in Contract Law and it is also regarded as a basic principle.
它在《合同法》中占据十分重要的地位,也是面向国内外技术市场的基本准则。 cnki

The workplace newbie is already under pressure learning engineering, contract law and business.
这位职场新人在压力之下,已经开始学习工程学,合同法和贸易业务。 i21st

This time Contract Law stipulates right of subrogation, but overlooks the procedural mechanism- proceedings for right of subrogation.
此次合同法关于代位权的规定,忽视了实现代位权的程序机制——代位权诉讼。 cnki

Two of the largest categories of civil law are contract law and tort law.
民法中最大两个类别是合同法和侵权法。 ebigear

Uncertainty is eroding commercial confidence as it is, without the government trashing contract law.
即便政府不调整合同法,不确定性就已经在侵蚀市场的信心。 ecocn

We implemented the Labor Contract Law and the Law on Promoting Employment, raised minimum wages, and promoted harmonious labor relations.
实施劳动合同法和就业促进法,普遍提高最低工资标准,推动建立和谐劳动关系。 examw

Contract law is initially concerned with determining what promises the law will enforce or recognize as creating legal rights.
合同法首先涉及确认哪些许诺可以作为创设的法律权利而由法律强制实施或承认。 ebigear

Law professors cite Dobby's tale to teach contract law and civil rights.
法学教授引用多比的故事来教授合同法和人权。 yeeyan




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