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词汇 contract
释义 con·tract 英ˈkɒnˌtrækt美ˈkɑnˌtræktAHDkŏnʹtrăkt' ★★★★☆高四六研GIT宝牛46八COCA¹⁴⁶⁶BNC⁷⁶⁰iWeb¹⁰⁶⁵Economist²¹¹⁴

vi. & vt. 缔结; 订契约

make, settle or establish by contract

vt. 染上恶习; 染上疾病

get bad habits; catch an illness

vi. 缩小; 紧缩

make smaller; shrink


compact; pact

a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by lawcontract bridge the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must makea variety of bridge in which the bidder receives points toward game only for the number of tricks he bid
enter into a contractual arrangementengage by written agreement;

They signed two new pitchers for the next season

squeeze or press together;

she compressed her lips

the spasm contracted the muscle

be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness;

He got AIDS

She came down with pneumonia

She took a chill

become smaller or draw together;

The fabric shrank

The balloon shrank

make smaller;

The heat contracted the woollen garment

compress or concentrate;

Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan

make or become more narrow or restricted;

The selection was narrowed

The road narrowed

reduce in scope while retaining essential elements;

The manuscript must be shortened

contract, abbreviate, abridge, condense, shorten


1.abridge, condense和shorten都可指压缩文章、著作的篇幅而内容不变, abridge比shorten更文雅; abbreviate主要用于删除音节、字母或单词而保留词头; contract通常指省略单词的中间部分,不包括只保留词头的词。

2.表示“缩略成…”时, abbreviate, condense, contract和shorten常与介词to搭配; condense也常与介词into搭配。

contract, compress, condense, shrink

这组词都可表示“压缩”。condense指用一定的方法使物体聚缩得更紧密、结实或更浓厚、稠密,或减去不必要的部分使其体积变小,但不失去基本内容; compress指通过压〔挤,弄平〕等方式使物体变小或具有一定形状; contract指一物体由于某种原因或使用某种方法而使其体积由大变小或由长变短; shrink指长度、范围、容积等的收缩或变小。

contract, covenant, engage, pledge, promise


promise指作出口头或书面的许诺,但仅指主观意愿,并不暗示一定能实现或有实现的基础; engage指在正式或重大场合用誓言、条约等许下有约束力的诺言或作出可以信赖的保证,尤指订婚; pledge指用行动或言语作出庄严的许诺或正式保证; covenant指订立双方或多方共同遵守的协议; contract指订立慎重并且通常有法律效力的合同或协议。例如:

Our son is engaged to a nice young girl.我们的儿子已跟一位漂亮的女孩订了婚。
I covenant to pay 5000 pounds a year to help rebuild the college.我立约保证每年将付5000英镑帮助重建学院。
They have pledged that any detail given to them will remain confidential.他们已保证,给他们提供的任何细节将予以保密。
Many councils are contracting out services such as rubbish collection to private companies as a way of cutting costs.许多市政会把垃圾收集这样的服务项目包给私人公司以减少费用。
contract, agreement, pact, treaty


treaty指在外交谈判后按国际公法签署的正式条约,在重要性和约束力上都比pact强; agreement泛指人与人之间、团体或国家之间达成的任何“合同,协定”,包括正式的或非正式的、书面的或口头上的; contract通常用于双方或多方订立的“契约”,为正式的,有法定效力。
















con-,表强调,-tract,拉,拉紧,词源同attract, traction。引申词义确立条款,签订合同。 con来自短语confidence man的缩写,反讽,被信任的人欺骗。 tract来自拉丁语tractus,跑道,路径。来自拉丁语trahere,拖,拉,使移动。来自原始印欧语*tragh,拖,拉,使移动。来自原始印欧语*dhragh,拉,拉出,词源同draw, tract。引申词义一片土地,地带,道,束等。来自拉丁语tractare,处理,操纵,对待。来自拉丁语trahere的反复格动词形式,词源同treat, treatise。引申词义小书,论文,小册子等。 attractat-,向,往,-tract,拉,词源同tractor,卡车。 traction来自拉丁语trahere,拖,拉,使移动,词源同drag, tract。-ct,过去分词格,-ion,表名词。引申词义牵引,牵引力。
用作动词 v.
~+名词contract one's body缩作一团contract the book约稿contract one's brows皱眉头contract a project承包工程~+副词contract advantageously有利地承包contract legally合法承包contract physically自然地订立合约contract solemnly严肃地缔结contract out立即把工作等包出,退出合同、协议等~+介词contract for订契约,承包,承建contract for a house承包盖房屋contract out of订约使自己不受…的约束,退出合同contract out of an agreement订明不受契约限制contract to sb许配给某人contract with与…立约contract with a factory for machines向某厂订购机器用作名词 n.动词+~break a contract撕毁契约complete a contract合同执行完毕dissolve a contract解除合同write a contract起草合同形容词+~certain contract确定的契约simple contract口头契约void contract无效契约名词+~agency contract代理合同marriage contract婚约insurance contract保险契约~+名词contract party签合同的一方介词+~by contract根据合同law of contract合同法parties to a contract契约的双方under contract根据合同~+介词contract for…的契约contract of sales买卖合同contract with与…的契约
contract for v.+prep.

承建; 承包,承办 offer one's price for making or supplying (sth)

contract for sthThe builders have contracted for three bridges this year.今年这些建筑工人已经承包了三座新桥梁。
contract in v.+adv.

承诺参加 promise officially to take part in (an activity)

contract inHow many of the companies have contracted in so far?到目前为止已有多少公司承诺加入呢?
contract out v.+adv.

拒绝参加 refuse to join (in an agreement, etc.)

contract outI don't want to be associated with your scheme; I'm contracting out.我不想参与你们的计划; 我要退出。contract sth ⇔ outThe city council has already contracted out the work on the new road.市政会已把这条新路的铺设工作包出去了。contract out of sthWorkers are permitted to contract out of the latest old-age insurance plan.允许工人们不参加最近的老年保险计划。
contract to v.+prep.

缩写成 abbreviate (sth into sth)

contract sth to sthIn conversational English “is not” often contracts to “isn't”.英语口语中 is not 常缩写为 isn't 。“I am” is often contracted to “I'm”. I am常缩写成 I'm 。
contract with v.+prep.

与某人或某公司签订合同 make an agreement in law with (sb or a firm)

contract sth with sbThe woman claims that she contracted a form of marriage with the prisoner, who already has a wife.这位妇女声称她与这个囚犯曾订立婚约,但他已经有了妻子。
She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank.她和一位有身份的富人联姻。contract with sthThe city council has contracted with White Company for the new building.市议会已与怀特公司就建造新楼一事签了合同。
They contracted with that factory for ten lathes.他们和那家工厂立约购买10台车床。
Our shop contracted with a clothing firm to buy 100 coats a week.我们商店和一家服装公司签订合同,每周从那里买一百件外套。钱博士con一起+trac拖+t拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,等于=ed,在此除了构成动词外,还可以构成名词,表示动作完成后的产物→拖到一起的结果⇒收缩将各部分向里拖到一起;签订契约将双方拖到一起达成一致;感染把病毒和自己拖到一起
con一起+trac拖+t拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,等于=ed,在此除了构成动词外,还可以构成名词,表示动作完成后的产物→拖到一起的结果⇒收缩将各部分向里拖到一起;签订契约将双方拖到一起达成一致;感染把病毒和自己拖到一起。GRE红宝书con共同, tract拉-拉到一起-收缩; 把人拉到一起-签合同
con + tract 拖,拉→拖拉到一起→收缩,一起收缩,退步→订合同
故事记忆原告证据是 Contract合约数量金额都 Exact精确的辩方律师有 Tact机智被某条款 Attract吸引把申辩时间 Protract延长娓娓道出了 Fact真相故事记忆现在我说 Fact事实贼王富有 Tact机智每句话都 Exact精确的所以把我 Attract吸引一点没有 Protract拖延和他签了 Contract合同非常记忆con康〖谐音〗+tr土人〖拼音〗+act表演〖熟词〗⇒和康熙签合同后土人开始表演非常记忆con“共同” 词根tract=draw“拉” 共同拉到一起⇒达成一致 ⇒订合同 词根记忆con共同+tract=共同拉回去=收缩,对大家都有制约=合同词根记忆con共同+tract拉,拽→合同将双方损益拉到一起→订合同词根记忆con共同+tract拉,拽→合同将双方拉到一起con+tract拉⇒拉到一起→感染近义词n. agreement反义词 annul废除repudiate拒绝expand使 … 膨胀
S+~+AEarthworms can contract.蚯蚓能缩小。
Metal contracts as it becomes cool.金属冷却时体积缩小。
Bad habits are easy to contract.坏习惯是很容易养成的。
S+~+ n./pron.They've contracted an agreement.他们缔结了一项协议。
The two business contracted a merger.这两家公司签约合并为一家。
She contracted debts of 1000 yuan .她负债一千元。
He contracted huge debts by rash spending.他由于乱花钱而背上沉重的债务。
His hoarseness and coughing showed that he had contracted a cold.他嗓音嘶哑又咳嗽,这表明他患了感冒。
My son's contracted a severe fever.我的儿子已患病,严重高烧。
When you bend your elbow, you contract the muscles of the arm.你屈肘时,手臂的肌肉收缩。
By moving into smaller quarters he hoped shortly to contract his expenses.他搬进了较小的住房,希望不久就会紧缩自己的开销。S+~+to- vThey have contracted to build a railway across Africa.他们已立约承建一条穿越非洲的铁路。用作名词n.Once you have reached formal agreement, you should enter into a contract with the other party.你一旦达成正式协议,就应该和对方签订合同。
How long ago did you sign thecontract?你多久以前签的合同?
We can ill afford to lose thiscontract.我们承受不起失去这份合同所带来的损失。Pcontractus契约Psub-contract二包Pcontracturen.挛缩Pcontractuala.契约的Pmacrocontract总契约Pquasi-contract准契约Pcocontraction协同收缩Pcontractibleness收缩性Ppre-contract合同前阶段Pafter-contraction后收缩Pco-contractor联合承包商Pcontracting缔约的承包的Pnon-contractual非契约的Ppost-contract合同后阶段Pacrocontracture四肢挛缩Pcontractiblea.会缩的缩小的Pcontractibilityn.收缩收缩性Pcontractionn.收缩缩写式宫缩Pcontractorn.立契约的人承包商Pcontractilea.会缩的有收缩性的Pcontractivea.收缩的有收缩性的Pcontraction-remainder收缩残余Pgalvanocontractility电流收缩性Pprecontractn.预约婚约v.预约订婚Pfaradocontractility感应电伸缩性Pcocontractor共同承揽人共同承包商Pcontractilityn.收缩性缩小性伸缩力Pcontracteda.收缩了的已定约的契约的Psub-contractor二包商二包单位分包商Pelectrocontractility电刺激收缩性Psubcontractn.转包合同分包合同v.转包Psubcontractorn.转包工作的承包者分包者转包人Pcontractual-joint-venture契约式联合经营合作经营


contract作“订契约”解时,指双方为共同利益所吸引。用作及物动词时可接名词或动词不定式作宾语; 用作不及物动词接for可表示“承包”“录入”; 接in可表示“承诺加入”; 接with可表示“与…订合约”。


contract用作不及物动词时,可表示“订合同,订约”,后面常接介词with; 与介词for连用表示原因或目的。



用作名词They had set a term to thecontract.他们已给合同定了期限。
Families sought favourable alliances, either by marriage orcontract.各个家庭通过婚姻或者婚约来建立有力的亲缘关系。
Several companies will bid for thecontract.数家公司要投标争取合约。
He managed to disengage himself from thecontract.他成功地为自己解除了契约义务。用作动词The heatcontractedthe woollen garment.高温让羊毛衣缩小了。
We'd like tocontractin on this project,if possible.如有可能,我们愿意签订合同参加这一计划。
It's an urgent business, we have no time for unnecessary consideration—pleasecontractyour inspection period!这是个紧急时间,我们没时间做多余的考虑了——请缩短你的审查期!
She hascontracteda severe fever.她感染上了严重的热病。
He hascontractedthe habit of talking to himself.他养成了自言自语的习惯。noun.agreement, deal
同义词 arrangement,bargain,bond,commitment,guarantee,obligation,pact,pledge,record,settlementcommission,compact,concordat,convention,covenant,deposition,dicker,engagement,evidence,handshake,indenture,liability,paper,promise,proof,stipulation,treaty,understandingmise
反义词 disagreementmisunderstandingverb.condense
同义词 consume,decline,decrease,narrow,reduce,shrink,weakenabate,abbreviate,abridge,clench,compress,confine,constrict,curtail,deflate,dwindle,ebb,edit,epitomize,evaporate,lessen,lose,omit,purse,recede,shrivel,subside,syncopate,tighten,wane,waste,wither,wrinklebecome smaller,draw in,fall away,fall off,grow less,take in
反义词 develop,enlarge,expand,grow,increase,raise,strengthen,add,amplify,blow up,extend,free,lengthen,let go,loose,loosen,open,prolong,release,rise,savebreak off,dilate,disagree,give,spread,stretchverb.come to terms
同义词 agree,buy,negotiate,owe,settle,sign up,undertakeadjust,arrange,assent,bargain,bound,circumscribe,clinch,close,commit,consent,covenant,dicker,engage,initial,ink,limit,obligate,pact,pledge,promise,set,stipulateaccept offer,become indebted,come around,enter into,firm a deal,give one's word,go along with,hammer out deal,it's a deal,make terms,put in writing,shake hands on it,sign for,sign papers,swear to,work out details
反义词 break,confuse,derange,disagree,disapprove,disarrange,discourage,disorder,disorganize,dissent,end,free,let go,open,refuse,reject,releaseamplify,break off,dilate,enlarge,expand,extend,give,increase,lengthen,spread,stretchverb.catch disease
同义词 acquire,decline,develop,incur,obtain,weakenafflict,cause,derange,disorder,fall,get,indispose,induce,sicken,sink,take,upsetbe afflicted with,become infected with,be ill with,bring on,come down with,fall victim to,go down with,succumb to,take one's death
反义词 forfeit,lose,calm,comfort,discourage,fail,help,hold,misunderstand,order,overthrow,please,riseamplify,break off,dilate,disagree,enlarge,expand,extend,give,increase,lengthen,spread,stretch
abbreviateverb shorten
abridge,abstract,boil down,clip,compress,condense,cut,cut back,cut down,cut off,cut out,digest,encapsulate,get to the meat,pare,prune,put in a nutshell,reduce,summarize,take out,trim
abridgeverb shorten
abbreviate,abstract,blue pencil,chop,clip,compress,concentrate,condense,contract,curtail,cut,decrease,digest,diminish,downsize,lessen,limit,narrow,put in nutshell,reduce,restrict,slash,snip,summarize,trim,truncate
acknowledgmentnoun physical symbol of recognition
agree toverb consent to
abide by,accept,acknowledge,allow,approve,comply with,confirm,contract,endorse,go along with,ratify,settle for,shake on,support
agreed toverb consent to
abided by,accepted,acknowledged,allowed,approved,complied with,confirmed,contracted,endorsed,ratified,settled for,shook on,supported,went along with
agreeing toverb consent to
abiding by,accepting,acknowledging,allowing,approving,complying with,confirming,contracting,endorsing,going along with,ratifying,settling for,shaking on,supporting And, for the customer, the benefits of having a single contract with one set of wording and terms should not be underestimated.

Do they tell you not to worry about the contract?
他们是不是跟你说不用担心合同? yeeyan

How about software tools that want to test or enforce the contract?
对于那些想要测试或者增强契约的软件工具怎么办? infoq

So the arbitration clauses have to be included in contract.
必须在合同中写上关于纠纷仲裁的条款。 ebigear

Did you go over the contract with our supplier?
你看过我们和供应商的合同吗? ebigear

He offered them a new contract.
他向他们提出一份新合同。 baidu

If a new implementation of the existing contract is introduced, then consumers should not be affected and no versioning is required.
如果现有契约的一个新的实现被引入,那么客户将不会受到影响,也不需要新的版本。 ibm

Interfaces represent the client contract and specify the inputs to and outputs from the service.
接口表示客户端契约并指定到服务的输入和从服务的输出。 ibm

Not just in the contract but in my interactions with them.
不仅仅局限于合同,而是我与他们的相互交流。 infoq

Some relative clauses in the contract have to be amended owing to the unexpected situation.

The contract admits of no other interpretation.

The contract contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiations.
这个合同基本上囊括了所有我们在谈判中所达成协议。 hjenglish

These constraints indicate what the service contract is intended to accomplish and how to measure success.
这些约束指出服务契约要完成的是什么,以及如何衡量是否成功。 ibm

They determined the contract.

They can contract or expand with demand.
他们能够收缩或扩大需求。 ecocn

They lost on the contract.

This allows you to apply any terms that apply to all customers within the store, including guest shoppers, in one contract.
这允许您在一个契约中应用适用于商店中所有客户包括来宾购物者的任何条款。 ibm

We all know that nobody reads this stuff, but it is a binding contract.
我们都知道没人去读这些东西,但是它是一个有约束力的合同。 yeeyan

We should include an arbitration clause in the contract.
在合同中,我们应该加进仲裁的条款。 hjenglish

What clause do you require in the contract?

Would you like more time to look over the contract?
您是否需要更多的时间来看一下这项合同? putclub

You can set any pricing that applies to all customers in this contract.
您可以设置适用于此契约中所有客户的任何定价。 ibm

You can use the services for one session or many with no contract.
您可以使用服务进行一次会议或多次会议,没有合同。 ibm

You need to check each commodity or futures contract since each of them is unique.
你必需去留心每件商品或期货合同,因为它们每一份都是唯一的。 yeeyan




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