

单词 contraceptives
释义 contraceptives 英kɒntrə'septɪvz美kɒntrə'septɪvz COCA²³⁰⁷⁶BNC²⁰²⁴⁵Economist⁹¹⁰⁶
名词 contraceptive:
an agent or device intended to prevent conception And the world will see an Exeter boy who’s going to Princeton and was responsible enough to use contraceptives, and gentleman enough to leave the party and drive you home.
世人见到的是一个将进入普林斯顿大学的艾克赛特男孩,他使用了避孕套,说明他很负责任;事后他离开晚会开车送你回家,说明他够绅士。 yeeyan

In setting the price, particularly for a physical product, such as contraceptives, there are many issues to consider.
设定价格,尤其是有形产品价格,比如避孕用具,有许多因素需要考虑。 yeeyan

This is a country where, the bank said in 2004, the use of modern contraceptives is stagnant and sexually transmitted disease abounds.
而世行2004年还表示,该国迟迟未普及现代化避孕工具的使用,并且性传播疾病泛滥。 ecocn

Those pamphlets and brochures that bothered to discuss contraceptives were often full of errors, or deliberately misleading.
而那些愿意麻烦去讨论避孕方法的小册子却往往错误百出,或故意误导。 ecocn

Combination birth control pills, also known as the pill, are oral contraceptives that contain estrogen and a progestin.
生育控制组合药片,也叫做口服避孕药,它含有雌激素和黄体酮。 yeeyan

Community health workers initiated the use of injectable contraceptives for the first time.
社区卫生工作者开始首次倡导使用注射性避孕用具。 who

However, parents could redeem themselves by using contraceptives or undergoing sterilization procedures, for which they would receive carbon credits.
而对于那些愿意避孕或接受了绝育处理的父母可以得到碳奖励。 yeeyan

If this were to happen with GM foods containing vaccines, antibiotics, contraceptives and so on, it would very well turn into a human health nightmare.
如果这发生在含有疫苗,抗生素及避孕药等的转基因食品身上,将会成为人类健康的梦魇。 yeeyan

Natural family planning may be an appealing birth control option if you can't or choose not to use traditional contraceptives.
如果不能或不想选择传统的避孕方式,那么自然避孕法也许是个很好的选择。 yeeyan

Oral contraceptives contain a synthetic version of progesterone, which studies suggest can lead to depression in some women.
口服避孕药包含了人造孕酮的成分,研究表明这种成分会引发某些女性抑郁。 yeeyan

She noted that women are disproportionately affected by HIV and lack access to contraceptives and family planning, and she discussed the high rates of maternal mortality in many countries.
她提到,感染艾滋病的妇女人数不成比例,缺乏避孕措施和生育计划,她还讨论到了很多国家的孕产妇的高死亡率。 yeeyan

Similarly, most of the male contraceptives that have been developed began as treatments for unrelated illnesses.
男性避孕药的出现也是如此,其本是用来治疗与避孕无关的疾病。 yeeyan

This may be explained by increased maternal literacy and a big rise in the use of contraceptives.
这一状况可以孕产妇文化水平的提高和使用避孕措施的大量增加得以解释。 who

Using oral contraceptives to regulate your menstrual cycles may help reduce the recurrence of breast cysts.
服用口服避孕药调节月经周期可以帮助降低囊肿复发几率。 yeeyan




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