

单词 contraception
释义 con·tra·cep·tion 英ˌkɒntrəˈsepʃən美ˌkɑntrəˈsɛpʃənAHDkŏn'trə-sĕpʹshən ★☆☆☆☆高八COCA¹⁸¹⁷⁹BNC¹¹⁹³⁴iWeb¹³¹⁵⁵Economist⁷⁰²⁸

birth control by the use of devices diaphragm or intrauterine device or condom or drugs or surgerycontra-, 相对,相反。-ception, 缩写至conception, 孕育。contra-反cept-拿|抓-ion行为|动作|状态⇒n.避孕法n.避孕法节育法节制生育;节育近义词 contraceptive method避孕法

用作名词While advocating family planning, China has mainly focused oncontraception.中国实行计划生育坚持以避孕为主。
His report suggests that older women might consider other forms ofcontraception.他的报告建议年龄较大的妇女要考虑用其他种类的避孕法。as in.birth control
同义词 abstinence,condom,contraceptive,diaphragm,family planning,pill,vasectomyIUD,birth prevention,conception prevention,method of preventing pregnancy,planned parenthood,rhythm method,rubber,tied tubesas in.family planning
同义词 birth prevention,planned parenthood
birth controlnoun prevention of conception
IUD,abstinence,birth prevention,conception prevention,condom,contraceptive,diaphragm,family planning,method of preventing pregnancy,pill,planned parenthood,rhythm method,rubber,tied tubes,vasectomy
family planningnoun birth control
birth prevention,contraception,planned parenthood Your teen is likely curious about sex and contraception, whether or not you bring up the topic.
即使你没有与他们谈到过这个问题,孩子们对性与避孕的问题都是好奇的。 yeeyan

A doctor or nurse can also explain different methods of contraception and protection.
医生或护士也能在避孕和防护措施方面出些点子。 yeeyan

Called so because it is the only form of contraception endorsed by the Catholic Church.
这么叫是因为这是唯一得到天主教会认可的避孕方式。 yeeyan

Can you use several birth control pills at once for emergency contraception?
是否能同时一次服用多种避孕药来作为紧急避孕? yeeyan

Find out how to talk to your teen about abstinence and contraception.
学习一下如何与你十几岁的孩子讨论禁欲与避孕的问题。 yeeyan

If reliable contraception in the late 20th century gave women anything it gave them choices.
如果20世纪末的靠谱的避孕法给了女性什么,那她给的就是选择。 yeeyan

If you don't want to conceive, you and your partner must avoid having sex or use a barrier method of contraception during your fertile days each month.
如果你不想意外怀孕,你和你的配偶在你每个月的排卵期必须避免性生活,或者使用其他的避孕方法。 yeeyan

Other studies included in the series examined the effect of contraception on weight gain and bone density loss.
其他的研究,包括一系列关于避孕法在体重增加和骨骼密度方面的影响调查。 yeeyan

Prior to modern methods of contraception, it was one of the few ways of limiting family size that was both safe for the mother and effective.
在使用现代避孕方法之前,这是少数几种限制家庭规模的方法之一,它既高效又对母体安全。 yeeyan

Similarly, discussions of fertility by demographers cannot avoid topics such as contraception that are central to the study of human sexuality.
同样地,人口学家讨论的生育,不可能避开避孕这样的主题,它是人类性研究的中心。 yeeyan

Some people have said because they forbade abortion and birth control, contraception.

Teens and sex can be a risky combination. Find out how to talk to your teen about abstinence and contraception.
青少年与性是危险的组合。学习一下如何与你十几岁的孩子讨论禁欲与避孕的问题。 yeeyan

The Vatican opposes abortion and artificial contraception.
梵蒂冈反对堕胎和人工避孕。 iciba

Then there is the contraception issue.
接下来就是避孕问题了。 yeeyan

This means that young adults constitute the majority of the population and, unlike their fathers and mothers, they can read and write, and they also practice contraception.
这意味着年轻人已成为人口组成的大多数,与其父母不同,他们具备读写能力,而且实施避孕。 yeeyan




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