

单词 contortions
释义 contortions 英kən'tɔːrʃəns美kən'tɔːrʃəns COCA⁵¹¹⁴¹BNC⁴⁹⁷⁹⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
名词 contortion:
the act of twisting or deforming the shape of something e.g., yourselfa tortuous and twisted shape or position用作名词The acrobat went through variouscontortions.卖艺人把身体作出各种扭歪的姿态。noun.distortion, mutilation
同义词 deformation,deformityanamorphosis,crookedness,dislocation,grimace,malformation,pout,twist,ugliness,unsightlinessmisproportion,misshapement,wryness
反义词 grin,smilebeauty,smoothness Brazilian law forbids giving public money to other governments, so legal contortions are inevitable.
巴西法律明文禁止将公款提供他国政府,因此钻法律漏洞无可避免。 ecocn

Despite Mr Dodd’s contortions, no Republicans have yet said they will support the bill.
尽管多德做出了改变,但没有哪个共和党议员明确说要支持该提案。 ecocn

Despite these contortions, the ICC still has popular support in Kenya.
尽管有这些曲解, ICC在肯尼亚还是拥有广泛支持。 ecocn

Ease of mounting: Many times impressive contortions are required to stow a good parachute in a good harness with acceptable results.
易于安装:大家常常会看到为了把一个备份伞装到吊带里面令人印象深刻的费劲。 wingchina

Haiti was a chapter-seven operation, and Brazil's involvement required diplomatic contortions by both it and the UN to pretend that it wasn't.
海地行动就是“强制和平”,但是巴西在参与之时就要求联合国用外交手段将这种“强制性”掩盖。 ecocn

It was on nights like these that Indians fell in love with this strange man, whose contortions defied the best efforts of those in charge of microphone placement.
正是因为许多个这样的夜晚,印度人爱上了这个怪人。 他无视固定着的麦克风,而将身体变换着各种姿势。 ecocn

It was a spiteful, passionate letter, full of confusions, contortions, and condemnations. And a pile of angry questions.
这是一封带着怨恨、饱含感情的信,充满了混乱、扭曲和诅咒。还有一大堆愤怒的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

Some impressive political contortions have reassured the atom-splitters, for now.
眼下一些令人印象深刻的政治变异使人确信了执政党的“原子裂变”。 ecocn

The contortions are more theatrical the closer they live to north Africa.
离北非越近的地方,感受到的这种扭曲就越戏剧性。 yeeyan

These practices of intimacy focus attention on the human contortions of cultural landscapes.




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