

单词 AFA
释义 AFACOCA⁹⁶⁷⁸⁴BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Acclaimed Hong Kong director Yonfan, who presided over the nomination ceremony, is this year’s AFA jury president.
香港导演杨凡主持了这次发布会,同时他也是本届亚洲电影节评审团主席。 yeeyan

And his contribution was such that the Argentine Football Federation AFA recently'retired' his old No.10 shirt.
由于他的杰出贡献,阿根廷足协最近宣布将他曾经穿过的10号球衣永久封存。 yeeyan

Because of changing into serving from administration, it caused the existence of the new style of AFA.
行政职能从以管理为主转变为以服务为主,导致行政事实行为这种新的行为型态产生。 cnki

The afternoon before the Uruguay match, one AFA insider messaged several of them just before3pm, saying Maradona had just got up.
就在对乌拉圭队比赛的当天下午3点之前,阿根廷足协的给其中几个记者发信说马拉多纳刚刚起床。 yeeyan

When her manager went out for a phone call, she sited down watching a fax when suddenly felt that Afa scraped her instep by his foot.
拉拉的经理出去接个电话,拉拉坐下看一份传真,忽然感觉阿发拿脚在摩挲她的脚背。 yeeyan

Anyway Afa is a boss with momentum while Xia Hong’s bold and generous cold down in the end.
原来阿发到底是个老总,有老总的气势,夏红虽然豪迈,还是怯场了。 yeeyan

Business in that company is good whose boss Hu Afa was taken as farmer entrepreneur model by local government.
公司的效益不错,老板胡阿发被当地镇政府树为农民企业家的旗帜。 yeeyan

But more worryingly still, Maradona's outburst echoes the warring attitude of the long-standing AFA president, Julio Grondona, towards the main media in particular, and most of the press in general.
但更令人担心的是,马拉多纳的爆粗也呼应了在任多年的阿根廷足协主席,胡里奥·格隆多纳对于大多数媒体,特别是主流媒体的敌对情绪。 yeeyan

But AFA is young and it still has a long way to go.
但“亚洲电影大奖”还很年轻,前面的路还很长。 yeeyan

Diego Maradona's spell as Argentina coach came to an end on Tuesday when soccer chiefs voted unanimously not to renew his contract, the country's AFA football association said on Tuesday.
阿根廷足协于本周二宣布,足协官员一致投票决定不再与国家队主教练迭戈•马拉多纳续约,马大帅在阿根廷国家队的执教生涯就此结束。 iciba

Got off work at nightfall, Afa send her back to Guangzhou.
傍晚下班,阿发送她回广州。 yeeyan

He also said AFA’s executive committee would meet Thursday and decide on sanctions against River Plate.
我们将在周四决定对这一事件的制裁。 goalhi

In 2008 the AFA handed the reins to Diego Maradona, a legendary player but an unproven coach.
2008年,尚未证明自己执教能力的传奇球员迭戈•马拉多纳从阿足协手中捧得帅印。 putclub

Julio Grondona, the president of the AFA, is also vice- president of Fifa and was aware of the deliberations being made by football's governing body.
阿根廷足协主席格隆多纳 Julio Grondona同时也是国际足联的副主席,很清楚这个世界足球的管理机构正在审议对马拉多纳进行惩罚。 yeeyan

Last year the state television channel induced the Argentine Football Association AFA to tear up its cable contract and agree to the transmission of the league's matches over free airwaves.
去年,在国家电视台的劝诱下,阿足协撕毁了转播协议,同意其免费转播足协的比赛。 ecocn

Objective To study antifilaggrin antibody AFA in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis RA.
目的研究抗聚角蛋白微丝蛋白抗体 AFA在早期类风湿关节炎 RA的意义。 iciba

Rumours had swirled ahead of the announcement that Maradona would not continue as Argentina's coach, a position he has held since November2008, because of a disagreement with the AFA.
此前就有传闻称因马拉多纳与阿根廷足协意见不一,将不再担任阿根廷国家队主教练。 马拉多纳于2008年11月接掌阿根廷国家队帅印。 ebigear

Technical documents and quality insurance management documents are developed based on the full understanding of the information provided by Framatome to guide the fabrication of AFA3G fuel elements.
在消化法马通所提供资料的基础上,编制出相关技术文件和质量管理文件,对 AFA3G燃料元件的制造进行规范。 cnki

The focus is the technology about fabrication difficulties in the AFA3G technology, to insure the successful transfer of the AFA3G fabrication technology.
重点解决 AFA3G技术转让中的制造技术难点。确保了 AFA3G制造技术引进的成功。 cnki

This paper describes design characteristics on Advanced Fuel Assembly AFA supplied by Fragema, and also describes several new improvements on second generation of Advanced Fuel Assembly.
本文介绍了法杰马所提供的先进燃料组件 AFA设计所具有的特点,同时介绍了第二代先进燃料组件的技术改进。 cnki

Whether it is robotics, conveyor systems, packaging or high-speed assembly, AFA can provide custom solutions for all of your needs.
无论是机器人技术,输送系统,包装或是高速整合, AFA都能一一为您解决。 pmmichina

Afa was sitting in the car consciously and whisper to her, he will order a long-term room for her in China Hotel.
阿发在车上坐得端端正正,小声和拉拉说,他以后会在中国大酒店长包一间房,给拉拉享用。 yeeyan

Afa endure to wait her finished the reciting then asked her“ how many words amount to ?”
阿发忍着气,等她背完,问她:“这《陋室铭》共有多少个字?” yeeyan




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