

单词 contextually
释义 con·tex·tu·al·ly 英kən'tekstʃʊəl美kən'tekstʃʊəl 高COCA⁵¹⁴³⁶BNC⁴⁰⁴⁴⁶iWeb³²⁰⁶⁷
relating to or determined by or in context;

contextual information

contextual addressing of data数据上下文关系编址…contextual function语境功能contextual restriction语境限制contextual meaning语境意义,上下文意义…contextual protection上下文保护contextual neutralization语境中立化
近义词 related相关的background背景circumstantial依情况而定的…

A profile is a collection of information about the user, typically including a short biography and contextually appropriate facts.
配置文件是一个关于用户的信息集合,特别是包括了一个简短的介绍以及一些上下文相关的事实。 yeeyan

Additionally design research focuses on more authentic contextually dependent learning outcomes.

Also keep in mind that these icons only appear when they are contextually relevant, usually there won’t be this many at the same time.
此外在脑子里想象这些图标只在它们上下文相关的时候才出现,通常情况下不会同时有这么多图标的。 yeeyan

Authentic materials use language which has not been simplified in any way for learners and is contextually rich and culturally pertinent.
正宗的资料使用的语言不会为了学习者而进行任何方式的简化,语境丰富,具有文化相关性。 blog.sina.com.cn

It is a matter of learning the word contextually as a fragment of sentences which one learns to bring forth as wholes under appropriate circumstances.
这样的学习过程中没有类比,没有描述,而是把所要学习的词当作在适当情况下习得的那些整句的共同片断。 blog.sina.com.cn

Now, how exactly reading another unrelated email will serve up a more contextually relevant ad, I’m not sure.
现在,我不清楚阅读一封没有关联的邮件能如何帮助Google来实现更精准的广告投放。 yeeyan

Only a mind can know the various organizational states in their complex environmental context and be able to understand any changes causally, conceptually, contextually and technologically.
唯有心智可以瞭解复杂环境中不同的组织状态,以及明白任何遭遇到的挑战之因果关系、概念、及技术。 goldenmarkint.com

Others think freely and contextually.
其他人认为自由和语境来。 billwang

The last six lines are contextually weak, and line3 represents nothing but context.
最后六行的上下文不很明确,第 3行只表示上下文。 ibm

The last six lines are contextually weak.
最后六行的上下文不很明确。 ibm

We've found that awareness is often higher with non- contextually targeted ads, but engagement and recall is higher with contextual ads.
我们发现与上下文无关的广告被觉察到的机会更高,但是上下文相关的广告有更高的关注率和回忆率。 blog.sina.com.cn

You have to teach how to do cultural studies, how to think contextually and conjuncturally.
你得教授怎样去做文化研究,怎样脉络化和形势化地思考。 mediachina




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