

单词 contextual
释义 con·tex·tu·al 英kənˈtekstʃuːəl, kɒn-美kənˈtɛkstʃuəl, kɑn-AHDkən-tĕksʹch›-əl, kŏn- ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁵³⁸⁷BNC¹¹³⁹⁷iWeb¹²³⁴⁴
relating to or determined by or in context;

contextual information

contextual addressing of data数据上下文关系编址…contextual function语境功能contextual restriction语境限制contextual meaning语境意义,上下文意义…contextual protection上下文保护contextual neutralization语境中立化
词根记忆con-共同,一起text编织→编写⇒文字,本文-ual形容词后缀…的近义词 related相关的background背景circumstantial依情况而定的…

This word has a specialcontextualmeaning here.本词在这里具有与上下文有关的特殊意义。adj.depending upon a set of circumstances
同义词 circumstantial,dependentcontingent,environmental,provisional
反义词 out-of-contextunrelated A contextual portal enables a further reduction of the filtered portal content to the relevant portal content.
上下文门户可以根据相关门户内容进一步减少经过筛选的门户内容。 ibm

The main reason is that contextual, semantical, specific applications can always deliver additional value to the end user.
主要原因在于上下文的、语义的、具体的应用程序总能向终端用户传递额外价值。 yeeyan

The site uses traditional pop-up windows to present small chunks of contextual information about each product and product option.
站点使用传统的弹出窗口显示每个产品和产品选项的一小段上下文信息。 ibm

The contextual- domain components are then arrayed around the periphery like a dashboard.
然后将上下文相关的域组件像指示板一样排列在周边。 ibm

Also, because other people are focused on their application domains, they may have ideas for how you can use their domain- contextual components in your application to benefit your users.
另外,因为别人主要关注他们自己的应用领域,所以他们希望知道您在自己的应用程序中如何使用他们的领域上下文组件。 ibm

Composite applications are a key element in a service-oriented architecture SOA and contextual collaboration strategy.
复合应用程序是面向服务架构 SOA和上下文协作策略的关键元素。 ibm

Currently, before the introduction of the contextual portal, he must repeatedly click through a complex hierarchical navigation each day.
目前,在引入上下文门户之前,他必须每天在复杂的分层导航中重复地单击。 ibm

Furthermore the parser provides no contextual information, so it is up to the application to match the events with each other.
而且,语法分析器不提供上下文信息,因此,应用程序必须负责匹配各个事件。 ibm

However, this approach fails to capture two important aspects of knowledge: the contextual and evolving nature of knowledge.
但是,此访问无法解决知识的两个重要方面:知识的上下文和不断演化的性质。 ibm

In a classic conversion approach, domain- contextual components are the second tier of development.
在传统的转换过程中,领域上下文组件是开发的第二个层次。 ibm

It can take many different forms from simple arithmetic general calculations to contextual domain lookups.
它可以使用多种形式,包括简单的一般性算术计算和上下文域查找。 ibm

Later in this article, you see how the same tasks can be accomplished using a contextual portal, how things differ, and how to overcome static portal drawbacks.
在下文中,您将了解如何使用上下文门户完成相同的任务、二者的区别是什么,以及如何克服静态门户的不足。 ibm

The next challenge he addresses is database monitoring and contextual tracing.
他迎接的下一个挑战是数据库监控和上下文跟踪。 infoq

The contextual outline developed can be used to navigate any content.
成熟的语境概要可以用来搜索任何内容。 yeeyan

They discuss domain-centric components and contextual domain components, which are meta- patterns in and of themselves.
这些文章讨论了以域为中心的组件和上下文域组件,它们本身都是元模式。 ibm

Transient pages are created based on the definition of an existing page and are then added to the navigation along with contextual information.
临时页面是根据现有页面的定义创建的,然后将它们与上下文信息一起添加到导航中。 ibm

Use contextual clues from the radio website.
利用电台网站的上下文线索。 yeeyan

What is a contextual portal?
什么是上下文门户? ibm

When a client requests to use a provider's taxonomy, the provider may choose to perform a contextual validation along with validating that the requester is authorized to use the taxonomy.
当客户机请求使用提供者的分类法的时候,提供者在验证请求者是否是合法使用分类法之外,还可以选择进行有上下文的验证。 ibm

Contextual information that is typically used for filtering includes current date, time, last actions performed, current navigational position, and awareness of other persons online.
通常用于筛选的上下文信息包括当前日期、时间、上次执行的操作、当前的导航位置和其他个人联机识别。 ibm

Contextual integrity, which was developed by Helen Nissenbaum of New York University, relies on four classes of variable.
语境完整性,由纽约大学的海伦·尼森堡姆提出,依赖于四种类型的变量。 ecocn

Contextual windows eliminate the need for legends in many online maps.
许多在线地图的上下文窗口减少了图例的使用。 yeeyan




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