

单词 contested
释义 con·test·ed 英'kɒntest美'kɑːntest 高COCA¹⁸⁴⁸¹BNC¹⁷⁶⁶⁹iWeb¹⁴⁸⁵⁵Economist⁵²⁶¹
vi. & vt. 争夺,竞争

fight for; struggle for; compete for





an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestantsa struggle between rivals
to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation;

They contested the outcome of the race

contest, compete, contend


compete指在体育或辩论等需竞争的活动中,为征服或取胜而进行的努力,有时暗示在奖赏的鼓励或刺激下进行竞争; 而contend暗示竞争的紧张程度,通常指双方成功的机会相等,所以,为取胜或征服对方,就需要艰苦的努力,强调奋斗或斗争的必要性; contest则指在竞争中毫无保留地展示自己,比如在总统竞选中,双方尽力展示自己的优势,以战胜对方。

contest, competition, emulation, race




Competition between business firms keeps prices down.商业公司之间的竞争使价格下降。
At the Olympic Games our representatives were in competition with the best swimmers from all parts of the world.我们的代表队在奥运会上与世界各地的最佳游泳选手角逐。


The workers in this factory work hard in emulation of the workers in other factories.这工厂的工人努力工作以赶超其他厂的工人。
The young man worked hard in emulation of his famous father.这位年轻人努力工作,要迎头赶上他出名的父亲。


The newspaper is now running an enormous scenario contest.这家报纸正在举办大型电影剧本创作竞赛。
He won the contest for the deputy leadership.他在副手竞争中获胜。compete,contend,contest,rival











1600年左右进入英语,直接源自法语的contester,意为反对,争论;最初源自拉丁语的contestari:com 一起 +testari 见证),意为一起见证,证明。
用作动词 (v.
~+名词contest sb's claim on the property驳倒某人对财产的要求contest an election争取选举获胜contest every inch of land寸土必争contest an issue争论问题contest a match比赛竞争contest a passage争夺道路contest the prize争夺奖品contest a seat争夺席位contest a statement驳斥某一说法contest a will对遗嘱提出异议~+副词contest bitterly辛苦地斗争contest ceaselessly无休止地斗争contest diplomatically外交斗争contest dramatically戏剧性地斗争contest hotly激烈地争夺contest successfully成功地驳倒contest violently残暴地竞争~+介词contest against the best runners与最优秀的赛跑选手竞争contest against a person与某人争论,与某人竞争用作名词 n.动词+~begin a contest开始比赛end a contest结束比赛enter contest参加比赛hold〔run, stage〕 the contest举行比赛inaugurate a contest发起一场竞赛organize a contest组织一场竞赛watch a contest观看比赛win a contest赢得比赛形容词+~bitter contest激烈的竞争decisive contest决赛musical contest音乐比赛violent contest粗暴的争夺名词+~beauty contest选美比赛composition prize contest作文评奖比赛poetry〔recitation〕 contest诗歌比赛speechcontest演讲比赛essay contest论文比赛介词+~in the contest在争论中~+介词contest against an opponent与对手的竞争contest among〔between〕…之间的竞赛contest at boxing拳击比赛contest for争夺…的比赛contest upon the question of对…问题的争论
contest against v.+prep.

与…竞争 compete against (others)

contest against sb/sthThey contested against unreasonable regulations.他们反对不合理的规定。
She had to contest against a very strong opponent for the championship.她必须与强手角逐争夺冠军。
contest for v.+prep.

为获得…而竞争 try to win (sth such as a prize or trade in competition with sb or sth)

contest for sthThey contested for the position of minister of foreign affairs.他们在竞争外交部长的职位。
The two teams were contesting for the cup.两队在争夺奖杯。
The crow contested one another for nesting territory.乌鸦互相争夺筑巢之地。
contest with v.+prep.

与…作斗争 fight against (sb or sth)

contest with sb/sthHe was reluctant to contest with Mag.他不愿与玛格竞争。
The two boys with each other to see who was better.两个孩子较量比个高低。
I had to contest with deep-rooted prejudice.我得和根深蒂固的偏见作斗争。近义词 disputen. battle
S+~+ n./pron.How many people are contesting this seat on the city council?有多少人在竞争市议会的这个席位?
They contested every point.他们逐点进行争论。
He's contesting the election next week.他在争取下周当选。
I intend to contest the judge's decision in another court.我打算在另一个法庭上反驳法官的裁决。
The soldiers contested every inch of land.士兵们寸土必争。
The prize was hotly contested.对奖品的竞争很激烈。
The referee's decision was contested by the loser.负方对裁判的裁决有异议。用作名词n.We entered a fishing contest.我们参加了钓鱼比赛。
She took the first place in the beauty contest.她在选美比赛中得了第一名。
He won the contest for the deputy leadership.他在副职竞争中获胜。
This is man's contest with nature.这是人与大自然的搏斗。


contest可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时常与介词 against 连用表示“与…竞争”,与介词for连用表示“为获得…而竞争”,与介词with连用表示“与…作斗争”。

用作名词She won a gold medal for her fine performance in thecontest.她在竞赛中成绩优异获金牌。
This football match is an unequalcontest.这场足球赛是一场实力悬殊的比赛。
Janet said she is thinking about attending a KTVcontest.珍妮说她正考虑参加一个KTV歌唱比赛。用作及物动词I intend tocontestthe judge's decision in another court.我准备下次开庭时反驳法官的判决。
We would hotlycontestthis idea.我们猛烈地批驳这一观点。
The soldierscontestedevery inch of ground.士兵们为争夺每一寸土地而斗争。adj.disputed
同义词 debatedargued,challenged,impugned,questioned
mootableadjective debatable
arguable,between rock and hard place,between sixes and sevens,betwixt and between,bone of contention,borderline,chancy,contestable,disputable,doubtful,dubious,exceptionable,iffy,in dispute,moot,open to question,problematic,problematical,questionable,the jury's out,touch and go,uncertain,undecided,unsettled,up for discussion
problematicaladjective debatable
arguable,between rock and hard place,between sixes and sevens,betwixt and between,bone of contention,borderline,chancy,contestable,contested,disputable,doubtful,dubious,exceptionable,iffy,in dispute,moot,mootable,open to question,problematic,questionable,the jury's out,touch and go,uncertain,undecided,unsettled,up for discussion Its burgeoning domestic markets are fiercely contested, so its firms want new sources of advantage like Western brands and marketing expertise.
蒸蒸日上的国内市场竞争惨烈,所以中国企业需要新优势,例如西方牌子的以及营销技术。 yeeyan

The pursuit of this is justified by a contested theory that virtually merged airlines offer lower fares on flights through their hubs.
此举目的可用一个已验证的理论证明,即真正合并的航空公司通过中心所在提供更低价的机票。 ecocn

Election officials in several closely- contested states say Democrats are turning out to vote early in greater numbers than Republicans.
在美国几个竞选激烈的州,选举官员说,民主党选民提前投票的人数超过共和党人。 ebigear

In the world of aid agencies, this notion has been hotly contested.
在援助机构界中,这个观念遭到了猛烈的辩驳。 ecocn

In all this, France has played a key, and often contested, role.
在此过程中,法国的角色十分关键,也常常受到质疑。 ecocn

Judges use a multi- part test, that does not include love, to approve a contested divorce.
法官使用一个多部分测试来批准诉讼离婚,而这一测试并不包含爱情。 ecocn

Second, it shows that the degree of transparency of the search process is a highly contested variable, which some concerns pressing for greater transparency and some pressing for less.
第二,它说明了搜索过程的透明程度是高竞争性的变量,一些人迫切要求更大透明度,一些人则要求更少。 yeeyan

Space is a congested, contested and competitive place, and one in which America is merely first among equals.
太空成为了一个拥堵的,充满争夺和竞争的地方。在太空中,美国也仅仅只是侪辈之冠。 ecocn

The Dutch perinatal mortality rate is one of the highest in Europe, though the cause is contested.
荷兰出生前后的死亡率是欧洲最高的国家之一,究其原因却说法不一。 ecocn

The lawyer contested every point.

The opposition contested the results in several constituencies and rowed over the allocation of some seats by a proportional system.
反对党力争到了好几个选区的支持,并且依据比例分配原则在席位占有上一路领先。 ecocn

The election was rigged, giving the army’s Union Solidarity and Development Party about 60% of the contested seats, on top of the 25% of seats reserved for army officers.
整个选举似乎是被设计好的。 属于军队的联邦巩固与发展党在所有竞争的席位里占了60%,这还不算原本就为军队官员们预留的25%的席位。 yeeyan

The supremacy of the consumers is not contested by any capitalistic institution.
任何资本主义制度都不会对消费者的这种主权地位存有异议。 yeeyan

They contested his right to speak.

Vernon has usually appointed its officials, rather than electing them, since positions were not even contested.
因为岗位无人争夺,所以弗农市通常任命官员,而不是举行选举。 kekenet

We can expect ground to be contested across Afghanistan, and, sadly, we can also expect more casualties across the coalition.
我们可以预料战斗在在整个阿富汗进行,而且,令人沮丧的是,联军还会有更多的伤亡。 yeeyan




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