

单词 contemptible
释义 con·tempt·i·ble 英kənˈtemptəbəl美kənˈtɛmptəbəlAHDkən-tĕmpʹtə-bəl ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIT宝COCA⁴⁵⁷⁸⁵BNC³²⁶⁸⁵iWeb³¹⁵³³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

deserving of contempt or scorn钱博士contempt蔑视,在此转作动词+ible可以被…的→可蔑视的⇒可鄙的,卑劣的
contempt蔑视,在此转作动词+ible可以被…的→可蔑视的⇒可鄙的,卑劣的。GRE红宝书contempt 轻蔑,藐视词根记忆contempt+ible近义词 petty小的black黑的mean意思是vile恶劣的wicked坏的cruel残酷的awful糟糕的brutal野蛮的rotten腐烂的filthy污秽的abject卑贱的ghastly可怕的dreadful可怕的wretched可怜的ruthless残忍的horrible可怕的terrible可怕的grievous痛苦的atrocious残暴的obnoxious可憎的loathsome讨厌的despicable可鄙的detestable可憎的disgraceful可耻的worthless无价值的distasteful味道差的shameful可耻或丢脸的…disreputable声名狼藉的反义词 estimable〈旧或文〉值得尊敬的…

用作形容词His cowardice in face of the enemy wascontemptible.他在敌人面前胆小如鼠,真是可鄙。
It's acontemptibletrick to play on a friend!这种手段欺骗朋友,真是卑劣!adj.despicable, shameful
同义词 abhorrent,abominable,disgusting,hateful,odious,vile,worthlessabject,bad,base,beggarly,cheap,crass,currish,degenerate,despisable,detestable,dirty,heel,ignoble,ignominious,inferior,low,low-down,lowest,mean,outcast,paltry,pitiable,pitiful,poor,sad,scummy,scurvy,shabby,sordid,sorry,swinish,unworthy,wretched
反义词 delightful,kind,likeable,lovable,nice,pleasant,pleasingadmirable,admired,good,honorable,loved,respectable,worthy
abjectadjective hopeless and downtrodden
abominableadjective awful, detestable
baseadjective vulgar, low
basebornadjective lowly
basestadjective vulgar, low
cheapadjective low, vulgar
abject,base,beggarly,contemptible,despicable,dirty,dishonest,mean,pitiable,scurvy,shabby,sordid,tawdry,vile A man, especially one regarded as foolish or contemptible.
家伙,怪人人,尤指愚蠢或卑劣的人。 iciba

For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible, and he failed to restrain them.
我曾告诉他必永远降罚与他的家,因他知道儿子作孽,自招咒诅,却不禁止他们。 ebigear

One who is selfish is contemptible.
自私自利的人是可鄙的。 iciba

The election is based on a contemptible new constitution that preserves a pre-eminent role for the armed forces in running the country’s affairssee article.
选举基于卑劣的新宪法之上,该宪法为掌管国家事务的军队预留了有利地位。 ecocn

The idea of attaining fame and position is contemptible.
追名求位的思想是可鄙的。 hotdic

The liars, dissemblers and opinion launderers are contemptible.
说谎者、伪君子和“洗观点”的人都是可鄙的。 yeeyan

The members censured him since he had done a very contemptible thing.
因为他做了一件很可鄙的事情,会员们都责难他。 jukuu

At this moment hope makes me despise their riches, which seem to me contemptible.
现在,我的希望使我鄙视他们的财富,那笔钱在我看来似乎太不值一提了。 ebigear

By saying that the LORD's table is contemptible.
因你们说,耶和华的桌子是可藐视的。 ebigear

Cowards and cheats are contemptible.
懦夫和骗子是可鄙的。 old.blog.edu.cn

He usurped power by contemptible measures.
他用卑鄙的手段得以篡权。 chinafanyi.com

I hated his contemptible cowardice.
我讨厌他可鄙的胆怯。 blog.sina.com.cn

It gives us great pain and makes us appear contemptible in our own eyes to the last degree.
它给我们巨大的痛苦,并使我们在我们自己的眼中显得卑微不堪。 jukuu

Sexual harassment is unacceptable and contemptible.
性骚扰是无法接受的也是可鄙的。 iciba

So wasteful and contemptible.
多浪费和可耻啊。 yeeyan

Such contemptible folk have also left their mark on Brazil, of course.
当然,这些被他蔑视的人也在巴西留下了印记。 ecocn

That was a contemptible trick to play on a friend!

The upshot of his retreat was that Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Janders considered their husbands contemptible cowards.
他这一步退棋的结果是使黑尔太太和詹德尔斯太太认为自己的丈夫是可耻的胆小鬼。 jukuu

Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.
所以我使你们被众人藐视,看为下贱,因你们不守我的道,竟在律法上瞻徇情面。 ebigear

They could not understand, they said, how even animals could bring themselves to sing such contemptible rubbish.
按他们的说法,他们无法理解动物们怎么会唱如此不堪入耳的垃圾歌曲。 yeeyan

Those who continue to support the theory despite all this are either obtuse, self-deceived or morally contemptible.
那些无视这些弊病,依然支持马克思主义的人,不是自欺欺人的蠢蛋,就是道德卑下的小人。 yeeyan

We ask all of our Janus customers to keep in mind this contemptible situation whenever purchasing Janus diskettes.
我们要求我们的所有贾纳斯客户在采购贾纳斯软盘时牢记这一种卑鄙的情况。 worlduc

When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.
当邪恶汇聚,良善的人们就必须团结起来,否则一个一个都将成为卑劣斗争下无谓的牺牲品。 hicoo

You can tell he is a rude and contemptible man by the content of his hostile comments.




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