

单词 Dahal
释义 Dahal
Prime Minister Pushpa KamalDahalappears to be in a balancing act.普拉昌达总理似乎是在采取平衡的手法。
What is the real objective of the Prime MinisterDahal's impending India visit?达哈尔总理日益临近的印度之行的真正目的是什么?
It is widely believed that Prime MinisterDahal's India visit is being arranged in haste. What say you?人们广泛地认为达哈尔总理的这次印度之行安排得有些仓促,您认为呢?
Dahal's resignation clearly indicates that the Maoists have failed to cobble together a new majority.而他最终宣布辞职则表明,尼联共的努力化为泡影。
Baidya was expected to table a written proposal counteringDahal's report, but he didn't do so in today's meeting.人们预计巴迪亚会提交一份书面的草案反对普拉昌达的报告,但在当天的会议上他并没有那样做。
Prachanda, whose real name is Pushpa KamalDahal, will lead a Maoist-led coalition government.普拉昌达本名叫卡迈勒达哈尔,他将领导一个以毛派为主的联合政府。




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