

单词 containing
释义 containing 英kən'teɪnɪŋ美kən'teɪnɪŋ 高COCA⁵³²²BNC²¹¹⁹iWeb³¹⁹⁸⁵Economist⁴⁸⁶¹
动词 contain:
include or contain; have as a componentcontain or hold; have withinlessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limitsbe divisible bybe capable of holding or containinghold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of
用作名词The rowcontainingthe cell is a shared row.包含该单元格的行是共享行。
Returns an arraycontainingall encodings.返回包含所有编码的数组。
An instruction formatcontainingfour address parts.一种包括四个地址部分的指令格式。
Atomic nucleicontainingseveral closely packed protons exist at all.包括几个紧密挨在一起的质子的原子核确实存在。as in.comprehensive
同义词 all-inclusive,broad,complete,encyclopedic,exhaustive,extensive,far-reaching,full,global,overall,sweeping,thoroughabsolute,blanket,catholic,general,infinite,umbrella,wholeacross the board,all-embracing,compendious,comprising,discursive,encircling,expansive,in depth,lock stock and barrel,of great scope,synoptic,the big picture,the whole shebang,the works,wall-to-wall,wide,widespread
反义词 empty,incomplete,limited,narrow,needy,restricted,short,uncomprehensive,unfinished,circumscribed,definite,imperfect,partial,specificexclusive,incomprehensive,particular,selectiveas in.of
同义词 about,appertaining to,appropriate to,as concerns,as regards,attributed to,away from,based on,belonging to,characterized by,coming from,concerning,connected with,consisting of,epithetical,going from,in reference to,in regard to,like,made from,out from,out of,peculiar to,pertaining to,proceeding from,referring to,regarding,related to,showing
comprehensiveadjective inclusive
absolute,across the board,all-embracing,all-inclusive,blanket,broad,catholic,compendious,complete,comprising,discursive,encircling,encyclopedic,exhaustive,expansive,extensive,far-reaching,full,general,global,in depth,infinite,lock stock and barrel,of great scope,overall,sweeping,synoptic,the big picture,the whole shebang,the works,thorough,umbrella,wall-to-wall,whole,wide,widespread
more comprehensiveadjective inclusive
absolute,across the board,all-embracing,all-inclusive,blanket,broad,catholic,compendious,complete,comprising,containing,discursive,encircling,encyclopedic,exhaustive,expansive,extensive,far-reaching,full,general,global,in depth,infinite,lock stock and barrel,of great scope,overall,sweeping,synoptic,the big picture,the whole shebang,the works,thorough,umbrella,wall-to-wall,whole,wide,widespread
most comprehensiveadjective inclusive
absolute,across the board,all-embracing,all-inclusive,blanket,broad,catholic,compendious,complete,comprising,containing,discursive,encircling,encyclopedic,exhaustive,expansive,extensive,far-reaching,full,general,global,in depth,infinite,lock stock and barrel,of great scope,overall,sweeping,synoptic,the big picture,the whole shebang,the works,thorough,umbrella,wall-to-wall,whole,wide,widespread
ofpreposition from
about,appertaining to,appropriate to,as concerns,as regards,attributed to,away from,based on,belonging to,characterized by,coming from,concerning,connected with,consisting of,containing,epithetical,going from,in reference to,in regard to,like,made from,out from,out of,peculiar to,pertaining to,proceeding from,referring to,regarding,related to,showing A template is an XML document containing a blueprint for the creation of an application place including the details of all its contained components and the relationships between them.
模板指的是包含应用程序位置创建计划的 XML文档,这个创建计划中包含了有关所有内含组件及其相互关系的细节。 ibm

There is only one set of files containing the logic for these applications per installation, and those application files are located with the rest of the core product binary files.
对于每个安装来说,仅仅有一套包含逻辑的应用程序文件,并且这些应用程序文件其余核心产品二进制文件位于一起。 ibm

Each tag is listed, and the number of blog articles containing that tag is listed in the next element.
不仅列出了每个标记,还在下一个元素中列出了包含该标记的博客文章的数量。 ibm

For example, think of a secure chat application containing a number of chat rooms with several people in each room.
例如,考虑一个包含许多聊天室的安全聊天应用程序,其中每个聊天室都有几个人。 ibm

Like the archive file containing the stylesheets, do not extract the contents of the file yet.
像包含样式表的归档文件一样,仍然不要解压缩文件的内容。 ibm

Listing1 demonstrates how to use these stored procedures to produce one XML element string per row, each containing one element per column.
清单1说明如何使用这些存储过程来生成每行的 XML元素字符串,每个字符串包含每列的一个元素。 ibm

Materials containing chlorine or metal should therefore not be incinerated.
因此,含氯或金属的材料不应当被焚烧。 who

Not all business operations require transaction management, only those containing multiple operations needing to be coordinated in such a way that all operations must complete successfully.
不是所有的业务运作都需要事务管理,只有那些包含多个操作,需要以所有操作必须成功完成的方式协调的。 ibm

Rather than storing data into a rigid schema of tables, rows, and columns, joined by relationships, documents are written individually, containing whatever data they require.
而不是将数据存储到刚性模式的表、行和列中,通过关系加入,文档被单独编写,包含它们需要的任何数据。 ibm

Search engines might help you find content containing specific words, but that content might not be exactly what you want.
搜索引擎可以帮助您找到包含特定单词的内容,但是这些内容可能并不是您想要的。 ibm

Suppose you have a document containing customer information, company information, and product information.
假定您有一个包含客户信息、公司信息和产品信息的文档。 ibm

The data we store in each menu item object is an array containing only one element: the name of the category.
我们储存在每个菜单项对象中的数据是一个仅包含一个元素的数组:类别名。 ibm

These capabilities are grouped into packages, each containing the necessary process, skills development, and tools to support the capability.
这些能力被分组打成包,每个都包含必需的过程,技术开发和支持该能力的工具。 ibm

This creates a very flexible environment that you can use, for example, to replace an approval module that contains a human task with a module containing a business rule.
这就创建了一个非常灵活的环境,例如,可以通过这一环境,使用包含业务规则的模块替换包含人工任务的审批模块。 ibm

This leaves you with50 files, each containing the trace for just one thread.
这样将给您带来50 个文件,每个文件仅包含一个线程的跟踪数据。 ibm

This loop will create26 documents, one for each lowercase letter of the alphabet, each document containing the character itself and its ASCII character code.
此循环将创建26 个文档,代表字母表的每个小写字母,每个文档包含字符本身及其 ASCII字符码。 ibm

Water is a compound containing the elements hydrogen and oxygen.

You can see how the topic map is like a table of contents containing four sections.
下面您可以看到主题图是多么类似于一个包含四部分的目录表。 ibm




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