

单词 contact system
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It is suggested that supervision company shall try the supervision fee accounting and contact system, while avoiding contract completely substituting administration.
建议监理单位对监理机构试行监理费核算包干的经济责任制,同时避免以包代管。 cnki

It fundamentally realizes the zero-current- break control for three phase contact system.
基本实现同步分断三相电流过零分断。 admin.dj.iciba.com

The main detection computer gets real-time data from the slave computer to compensate dynamic staggers of over contact system.
从机处理后向上级检测主机实时传输补偿数据,对动态拉出值进行补偿。 dictall

The overhead contact system is an important pant of the electrified railWay set up along the line.
接触网是电气化铁道的重要组成部分,是沿线路架设的特殊供电网路。 cnki

Traction substation which obtains power from power system supplies power for overhead contact system by feeders.
牵引变电所从电网取得电能,经馈线向接触网供电。 fabiao




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