

单词 contacted
释义 con·tact·ed 英'kɒntækt美'kɑːntækt COCA¹²³⁴²BNC⁸⁵⁶²Economist¹⁵⁴²⁸

the act or state of touching or coming together


the state of having a connection or exchanging information or ideas with sb else


a social, professional, or business connection; a person one knows who can help


an electrical part that can be moved to touch another part in order to complete an electrical circuit

vt. & vi. 联系

communicate with

close interaction;

they kept in daily contact

they claimed that they had been in contact with extraterrestrial beings

the act of touching physically;

her fingers came in contact with the light switch

the state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity;

litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid

the physical coming together of two or more things;

contact with the pier scraped paint from the hull

a person who is in a position to give you special assistance;

he used his business contacts to get an introduction to the governor

a channel for communication between groups;

he provided a liaison with the guerrillas

electronics a junction where things as two electrical conductors touch or are in physical contact;

they forget to solder the contacts

a communicative interaction;

the pilot made contact with the base

he got in touch with his colleagues

a thin curved glass or plastic lens designed to fit over the cornea in order to correct vision or to deliver medication
be in or establish communication with;

Our advertisements reach millions

He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia

be in direct physical contact with; make contact;

The two buildings touch

Their hands touched

The wire must not contact the metal cover

The surfaces contact at this point

contact, touch

这两个词都可表示“接触”“联系”。其区别在于:touch指具体的、感觉器官的接触,并暗示这类接触所带来的优美或亲密的感觉; 而contact指抽象的接触,仅指“联系”而身体未必接触。例如:

I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decisions.在作出最后决定以前,我必须先同我的律师联系一下。
Until recently, this remote tribe had contacted little with the outside world.这个边远的部落直到最近和外界几乎没什么联系。contact,touch








confront 不可避免地,面对面地相遇,也指敢于正视困难或问题。



17世纪20年代进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的contingere:com 一起) +tangere (接触),意为在一起接触
用作名词 (n.
动词+~break contact断电establish contact建立联系make contact with和…取得联系形容词+~close contact亲密的交往cultural contact文化交往social contact社交名词+~business contact业务联系介词+~in contact with与…接触~+介词contact between teacher and student老师和学生之间的接触用作动词 v.~+名词contact one's lawyer联系某人的律师~+介词contact sb about sth与某人联系某事contact sb by telephone用电话联系某人
contact with v.+prep.

与…有交往 have a touch with (sb)

contact with sbHe contacted with me.他曾和我有过交往。
Have you contacted with your solicitor recently?你最近同你的律师有联系吗?
We contacted with the ship by radio.我们通过无线电与那只船取得了联系。
Until recently, this remote tribe had contacted little with the outside world.这个边远的部落直到最近和外界几乎没什么联系。近义词 touchn. connection反义词 isolation隔离
用作名词n.Have the children been in contact with the disease?孩子们同这种疾病有过接触吗?
Until recently, this remote tribe had little contact with the outside world.这个边远的部落直到最近和外界几乎都没有什么联系。
In his contact with others, he never forces people to accept his point of view.在与人交往中,他从不强迫别人接受他的观点。
I've got a useful contact in the tax office.我在税务局有熟人。
The switch closes the contacts and complete the circuit.这个开关可使接触器接通电流形成回路。用作动词v.
S+~+AWe agreed to contact again as soon as possible.我们同意尽快再次联系。
If the exposed wires contact, we shall have a short circuit.如果裸露的电线相互接触,就会发生短路现象。
She thought perhaps the scout would still come to contact.她想或许侦察员还会来联系。
S+~+ n./pron.I'll contact you by telephone.我将用电话和你联系。
Where can I contact you tomorrow?明天我在哪里能跟你联系?
I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decisions.在作出最后决定以前,我必须先同我的律师联系一下。
Please contact Mrs. Oda for further details.欲知详情,请与奥达太太联系。
They tried hard but still couldn't contact the headquarter.他们费了很大的劲,仍然未能与司令部取得联系。
I'm sorry not to have contacted you sooner but I've been off colour for the last few days.我很遗憾没有早点和你取得联系,不过前几天我一直身体不舒服。
Please contact me at your earliest convenience.请你尽早在你方便时与我联系。
Brake shoes contact the inside diameter of the drum.制动器的刹车片与刹车鼓的内壁相接触。
No enemy was contacted by our patrols on all our fronts today.今天在各条战线上敌人均未与我方遭遇。
The nearest hospital should be contacted right away.立即与最近的医院取得联系。



contact作名词时,既可作单数,也可作复数。英国人习惯用其单数形式,而美国人则习惯用其复数形式,表示“联系”的意思。I have had many contacts with my friends.

contact作动词时,指“与……联系”。During my stay in the city I contacted several teachers.

表示“开始与某人接触”时,可以用以下来两种表达方式:come into contact with和come in contact with。前者比后者使用更频繁;

make contact with 表示“与某人进行接触”;

contact的几个注意点:有时可指“被联系的人”。contact还常有“跟无线电台通信”或“跟……交战”的意思。I have got this information from one of my contacts, who used to live overseas.

用作名词The rich secluded themselves fromcontactwith the poor.富人不肯同穷人接触。
I finally madecontactwith her in Paris.我终于在巴黎同她取得了联系。
She has acontactin the software industry.她在软件行业有个熟人。用作动词Contact the police at once!立刻与警方联系!
Our patrols on all our frontscontactedno enemy today.今天我方在各条战线上的巡逻队均未遭遇敌人。用作形容词She suffers from acontactskin rash.她患上了一种接触传染性皮疹。verb.communicate with
同义词 approach,call,connect,phone,reach,talk,telephone,visitbuzz,get,interact,interface,network,relatebe in touch with,check with,get ahold of,get in touch with,reach out,speak to,touch base,write to
反义词 depart,leave,listen,refrainavoid The Times never contacted me or my team to confirm the accuracy of this story.
时代周刊也从未联系过我、或我的团队以确认这个报道的真实性。 yeeyan

Apple declined to comment on the story when contacted by The Guardian.
当《卫报》联系苹果公司时,其拒绝对这件事发表评论。 yeeyan

But the prosecutors never contacted her, and she now fears for her life.
但是检察官们从来没有联系过她,她现在担心她的性命。 ecocn

But we were assured we would be contacted once the beta began so that we can invite people to help test it.
但是向我们保证只要测试版放出来就会联系我们,所以我们可以邀请人们来测试。 yeeyan

Especially as you begin to be known for your own expertise, most of them will be happy to be contacted by you.
尤其是随着你开始由于自己的专业而为人所熟知,他们大都会乐意你跟其联系的。 yeeyan

He contacted a pastor to arrange a surrender at the American embassy.
他联系了一名牧师,让他安排在美国大使馆的自首。 ecocn

He contacted the headquarters of the Farm Security Administration in Washington and said he wanted to work as a migrant.
他联系了农场安全管理局在华盛顿的总部,说他想作为一名移民参加工作。 yeeyan

If the remote plan does not appear optimal, the system administrator for the remote data source should be contacted to investigate the performance issue.
如果远程计划不是最优的,那么应该与远程数据源的系统管理员联系,以便调查性能问题。 ibm

In these cases, if the original reporter has not contacted the other vendors, we may contact the affected vendors.
这种情况下,若初始报告者未联系该应用提供商,我们可能会联系受影响的厂商。 cnbeta

Not long ago, Castresana contacted me again, and for the first time in a while he sounded enthused.
不久前,卡斯特雷萨纳再度联系了我,一段时间以来他的声音头回透着热情。 yeeyan

Other Vietnamese scientists contacted by Nature were most angered by instances of what they consider to be gratuitous uses of the cow- tongue map.
《自然》杂志联系的其他越南科学家对这种他们认为是故意使用的“牛舌头”地图感到非常愤怒。 yeeyan

She contacted all of his friends.
她联系了他所有的朋友。 yeeyan

So she contacted his consultant at once to consult with him about this.
于是她立刻联系他的顾问医生向他请教怎么办。 ebigear

Then22 and only a semester shy of graduation, he contacted the American colleges that had accepted him to graduate school.
那时候只有22岁还有一学期就毕业的他联系了已经接受了他做研究生的美国大学。 yeeyan

They say hundreds more people have contacted them, suspecting that their phone messages have been accessed.
他们说,另外几百人曾经联系他们,怀疑他们的手机信息被人窃听过。 hxen

They contacted me in the hope that I could show them a better way.
他们联系到我,希望我能给他们展示一种更好的方法。 ibm

Through an intermediary, I contacted the Americans.
通过一位中间人,我联系了美国人。 yeeyan

Two months ago, Christina Collazo contacted me and asked if I was up to a challenge.
两个月前,克里斯蒂娜·科拉佐与我联系,问我是否能接受一项挑战。 yeeyan

We contacted her and she agreed immediately to come.
我们联系到了她,她立马就答应过来了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

We contacted the police.
我们联系了警方。 yeeyan




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