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词汇 consumes
释义 con·sume·s 英kən'sjuːm美kən'suːm COCA²²⁵⁰⁵BNC²⁵²⁷³Economist¹²⁴⁷²
vt. 消耗; 消费; 耗尽

use up

vt. 大吃,大喝

eat or drink, especially eagerly or in large amounts

vt. 烧毁,毁灭


eat immoderately;

Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal

serve oneself to, or consume regularly;

Have another bowl of chicken soup!

I don't take sugar in my coffee

spend extravagantly;

waste not, want not

destroy completely;

The fire consumed the building

use up resources or materials;

this car consumes a lot of gas

We exhausted our savings

They run through 20 bottles of wine a week

engage fully;

The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy

consume, devour, eat, ingest, swallow

这几个词的共同意思是“吃”。其区别在于:eat最常用,指放入口中经过咀嚼再吞咽下去的过程,对人或物都适用,引申指缓慢地逐渐腐蚀或消磨过程; consume指吃完全部食物或喝光所有饮料,引申指消耗光所有的物质、金钱等; devour强调狼吞虎咽地吃,引申指吞灭或毁灭; ingest是生理学用语,指咽下或吸收的过程; swallow指不经过充分咀嚼就囫囵吞入肚中,强调匆忙。例如:

The termites have eaten deep into the wood.白蚁已经把木头蛀得很深了。
The fire soon consumed the wooden building.大火不久就烧毁了这座木头建筑物。
He was devoured by hate.他满腔怨恨。

Twelve workers have ingested radioactive substances well above the permitted maximum.12名工人摄入体内的放射性物质已大大超过最大限度。

This drug can't be swallowed; it has to be injected.这药不能吞服,只能注射。consume, dissipate, fritter, squander, waste


waste指任意地挥霍,通常是花费而不见成果; squander的意思比waste强,强调胡乱花费,含有花光而导致贫困的意思; dissipate指因奢侈而丧失东西,犹如随风撒东西一样,强调将存有的东西用光或几乎用光; fritter常和away连用,指一点一点地花费,或花费在不重要的东西上,含有逐渐用光的意思; consume强调吞食或毁坏,但也可指完全浪费或挥霍掉,用于金钱或财产时,指频繁地减少,偶尔用于时间或精力时,指无益地花费。例如:

The council has been squandering the ratepayers' money.市议会一直在挥霍房地产纳税人的金钱。
He dissipated his large fortune in a few years of heavy spending.他在几年的大肆挥霍中把自己一大笔财产都花光了。
She fritters away all her money on clothes and trips to the cinema.她把所有金钱都浪费在穿衣服和看电影上了。
The fire soon consumed the wooden buildings.大火很快就把那些木制建筑物吞没了。14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的consumere:come 加调作用) +sumere (拿),意为大肆地买
用作动词 (v.
~+名词consume all the hamburgers吃光所有的汉堡consume the whole city吞噬整个城市consume time消耗时间~+副词consume away烧毁,毁灭~+介词be consumed with为某种思想而不断受折磨
consume away v.+adv.

毁掉,毁灭 destroy

consume sth ⇔ awayThe fire had consumed half the forest away before it was stopped.大火在熄灭之前毁掉了树林的一半。
consume with v.+prep.

为某种思想而不断受折磨 fill the thoughts or feelings of continuously, especially in a damaging way

be consumed with sthShe was consumed with guilt.她深感内疚。近义词 eat吃up向上take拿drink喝use使用have已经down向下ware制品spend预算waste废物devour吞食expend花费use up用完prey牺牲者eat up吃光ingest咽下destroy破坏deplete耗尽swallow燕子take in接受put away收拾raze夷为平地drink up喝完wipe out消灭squander浪费munch大声咀嚼burn up烧起来go through经历chomp大声地咀嚼exhaust使筋疲力尽burn down烧成平地run through跑着穿过incinerate焚化废物utilize利用或使用…annihilate消灭反义词 produce生产abstain戒绝
S+~+ n./pron.The children consumed all the hamburgers.孩子们把汉堡全部吃完了。
Arguing about details consumed many hours of the committee's valuable time.争论细节问题花费了委员会数小时宝贵的时间。
The fire soon consumed the wooden buildings.大火很快就把那些木制建筑物烧毁了。
用作动词His old carconsumedmuch gasoline.他的旧汽车耗油很多。
Each year Americansconsumea high percentage of the world's energy.每年美国人都消耗掉世界能源的很大比例
I'm sure that Chinese peopleconsumethe largest amount of rice in the world.我敢肯定,世界上中国人吃掉的大米最多。
I saw the flamesconsumingthe whole building.我看见火焰吞噬了整栋建筑物。 The number of lumens a bulb produces for each watt it consumes.
一个灯管消耗每单位瓦特所产生的流明数。 yeeyan

China consumes more steel, iron ore and cement per capita than any industrial nation in history.
中国人均消耗更多的钢、铁矿石和水泥,超过历史上任何一个工业国家。 yeeyan

During each turn, the partition consumes or cedes the given processor entitlement.
在每个轮次中,分区消耗或放弃被授予的处理器权限。 ibm

Each day the local market consumes between three and six tonnes of its yoghurt.
当地市场每天消耗三至六吨该公司生产的酸乳酪。 yeeyan

Home construction also consumes around 40% of the steel and lumber produced in China.
住宅建设同时也消费了中国钢铁及木材产量的40%。 forbeschina

In most machines friction consumes effort, with the result that less work is got out than is put in.

It wastes huge amounts of electricity, radiating 95% of the energy it consumes as heat rather than light.
因为它浪费了大量的电力资源,消耗的电能中有95%是用来发热而不是发光。 ecocn

Its mission is not human exploration for its own sake, nor off- planet colonisation, yet human spaceflight consumes a large chunk of the budget.
它的任务不是为了人类自己的利益而进行的探索,也不是外星球殖民,但是人类航天消耗了相当大的一笔预算。 yeeyan

Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.
人是唯一只消费不生产的生物。 yeeyan

Starting an instance consumes some memory, but not much.
启动一个实例要消耗一些内存,但是不多。 ibm

The data required to represent these models consumes available memory. Extending a project by importing additional subject areas will increase the consumption of memory.
显示这些模型所需的数据消耗可用内存,通过导入附加对象领域来扩展一个项目将会增加内存的消耗。 ibm

They“ host” the resources that a team creates and consumes by creating a workspace for each project.
它们通过为每个项目创建工作区来“寄存”团队创建和消耗的资源。 ibm

Well, electrolysis of water consumes energy.

Who produces and consumes assertions?
谁生产和消费断言? ibm




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