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词汇 consult
释义 con·sult 英kənˈsʌlt美kənˈsʌltAHDkən-sŭltʹ ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛46八COCA⁴⁹¹²BNC⁷⁰¹²iWeb³⁰⁵⁹Economist⁹³²¹

vt. 请教,咨询; 找医生诊治

go to… for advance or information

vt. 翻阅、查考书籍或地图等

refer to; see in order to learn sth from

vt. 顾及,考虑

be thoughtful about

vt. & vi. 商议,商量

discuss with

get or ask advice from;

Consult your local broker

They had to consult before arriving at a decision

seek information from;

You should consult the dictionary

refer to your notes

have a conference in order to talk something over;

We conferred about a plan of action

advise professionally;

The professor consults for industry






词根词缀: con-共同 + sult走
用作动词 v.
~+名词consult an author咨询作者consult a book参考一本书consult sb's conscience问问某人的良心consult a dictionary查阅字典consult a doctor找医生看病consult a guide-book参考导游书consult a map查阅地图~+副词consult long谈了好久consult anxiously焦急地咨询consult confidentially秘密协商consult deliberately仔细考虑consult earnestly认真地请教consult frequently经常地咨询consult gravely严肃地请教consult informally非正式地请教consult privately私下商量consult selfishly自私地考虑consult together一起研究~+介词consult about就…请教consult as to就…咨询consult for在机构〔团体〕里当顾问consult sb on an equation请教某人一个方程式consult sb on the subject请教某人这个问题consult with与…商量consult with sb about a problem与某人就一个问题进行磋商consult with sb about a secret与某人商量一件机密事consult with publisher与出版商交换意见
consult about〔on〕 v.+prep.

就…向某人请教〔询问〕 ask the advice of (sb about/on sth/sb)

consult sb about/on sb/sthI consult him about it.我就此请教了他。
The salesgirl said she would have to consult the supervisor about the matter.女售货员说关于这件事她得请示主管人。
You should consult your doctor about your cough.你咳嗽了,应当去找医生看看。
Parents can consult the teachers about their children.家长可以向老师询问孩子们的情况。
We consult a banker about our money.我们向银行家询问我们的资金情况。
The millionaire consulted his legal adviser on the execution of his testament.那个百万富翁向他的法律顾问请教遗嘱的执行问题。
consult for v.+prep.

在机构〔团体〕里当顾问 be a adviser in a organization or a group

consult for sthFacer consults for a large building firm.费塞在一家大建筑公司当顾问。
Imes consults for a trading company.艾姆斯在一家交易所里当顾问。
consult with v.+prep.

〈正〉与某人磋商 have a formal meeting with (sb in order to reach a decision)

consult with sbConsult with your father before you decide.在你决定之前征求一下你父亲的意见。
Before we can accept the firm's offer we must consult with the workers.在我们接受这家公司的提议之前,我们必须与工人们商量。
I consulted with a friend of mine about it.我为此事跟朋友商量过。
The Minister always consults fully with his subordinates.那位部长总是和他的下属充分交换意见。钱博士con一起+sul=cal-,呼喊,召集+t反复动词后缀→反复喊到一起开会商议⇒商量,请教,咨询
con一起+sul=cal-,呼喊,召集+t反复动词后缀→反复喊到一起开会商议⇒商量,请教,咨询。非常记忆con啃〖谐音〗+sult塑料桶〖拼音〗⇒请教老鼠怎么啃塑料桶联想记忆不顾侮辱insult,不耻请教consult词根记忆con=together+sul=leap近义词 ask询问see看见talk交谈check检查confer商讨access入口confab会议discuss讨论look up查阅sound out试探turn to求助于talk over商议negotiate谈判refer把 … 提交confabulate闲谈confer with商讨talk to与 … 说话over在 … 的上方…
S+~+ n./pron.You'd better consult your father.你最好问问你父亲。
I cannot decide it on my own; I must consult the manager.这事我不能作主,得请示经理。
He consulted the workers to understand the technical process.他询问工人,想了解技术上的程序。
He consulted the dictionary.他查了字典。
She was consulting the map.她正在查阅地图。
They consult our interests.他们考虑我们的利益。
In carrying out the instructions of the party, he seldom consulted his personal safety.在执行党的指示时,他很少顾及自己的安全。
She always consults her own convenience.她总是为自己的便利着想。
Consult your conscience before you act.行动前问问自己的良心。Pconsultandn.咨询者Pjurisconsultn.法学家Pconsulteen.被商量者顾问Pconsultantn.顾问征询意见者Pconsultern.向人商量者查阅者Pconsultationn.请教咨询磋商会Psenatus-consulta元老院的决议Pconsultativea.商议的协议的咨询的Pconsultablea.可与之商量的可被咨询的Pconsultinga.商议的咨询的任专职顾问的Pconsultancyn.商量协商磋商会诊与…商量咨询请教找看病查阅考虑


consult的基本意思是为了作出一项决定、取得一项解决办法而进行对话或讨论。可以是单向的,即“请教”“咨询”; 也可以是双向的,即“商议”“商量”。无论是“咨询”还是“商量”,双方地位都是平等的。引申可以表示向书本咨询,即“翻阅”“查考”资料,也可以表示向自己咨询,即“考虑”“顾及”。

consult可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。作“请教”解时多接人作宾语; 作“翻阅”解时常接书、词典、地图等作宾语; 作“考虑”解时其宾语多为抽象名词。表示“与…商量”可接介词with; 表示请教或商议的一般内容可接介词about,重大或特殊内容则接介词on; 而接介词for时则表示“为…当顾问”。


consult sb表示“向某人请教”,这里的sb也可换成sth,如书本。例:consult the book向书请教;

consult with sb表示“同某人商量”,这里对象只能是人,因其他物体如书不会说话;

注意consult the dictionary和consult the word的区别:前者表示“在词典里查某个词”,后者表示“在词典里查某个词,再以那个词为基础去研究另一个词”;

被人consult的职业有consulting physician顾问医生,consulting engineer顾问工程师等。

用作动词I will have toconsultthe plane time table first.我得先查阅飞机时刻表。
He paused toconsulthis notes, and then proceeded with his questions.他停下来看了看笔记,然后继续提问。
If you wish good advice,consultan old man.若要主意好,老人须请教。
I need toconsultwith my colleagues on the proposals.我需要和我的同事商讨这些建议。
Iconsultedwith a friend on a matter.我和朋友商量一件事。
He went to town toconsulthis doctor.他进城去看医生。verb.ask, confer
同义词 argue,brainstorm,call in,consider,deliberate,discuss,examine,huddle,interview,negotiate,respect,review,turn tocogitate,collogue,commune,confab,confabulate,debate,flap,interrogate,parlay,question,regard,treatask advice of,be closeted with,compare notes,groupthink,kick ideas around,pick one's brains,put heads together,refer to,seek advice,seek opinion of,take a meeting,take account of,take counsel,talk over,toss ideas around
反义词 ignore,neglect,answer,reply
approachverb make request, suggestion
accost,address,advise,appeal to,apply to,beseech,confer,entreat,feel,feel one out,give a play,give a tumble,greet,implore,make advance,make overture,make up to,plead,propose,sound out,speak to,supplicate,take aside,talk to,thumb,tumble
approachesverb make request, suggestion
advances,approximates,bears,bellies up to,borders,buzzes,catches up,close in,comes,comes at,comes close,compares with,contacts,converges,corresponds to,creeps up,draws near,equals,gain on,goes toward,impends,is comparable to,is like,looms up,matches,meets,moves in on,moves toward,nears,progresses,reaches,resembles,surrounds,takes after,threatens,verges upon
canvassverb poll;discuss issues
agitate,analyze,apply,argue,campaign,check,check over,consult,debate,dispute,electioneer,examine,inspect,investigate,review,run,scan,scrutinize,sift,solicit,study,survey,ventilate
conferverb discuss, deliberate
advise,argue,bargain,blitz,brainstorm,breeze,collogue,confab,confabulate,consult,converse,deal,debate,discourse,flap,gab,get heads together,give meeting,groupthink,huddle,jaw,kick ideas around,negotiate,parley,pick one's brain,speak,talk,toss ideas around,treat
confersverb discuss, deliberate
advises,argues,bargains,blitzes,brainstorms,breezes,collogues,confabs,confabulates,consults,converses,deals,debates,discourses,flaps,gabs,gets heads together,gives meeting,groupthinks,huddles,jaws,kicks ideas around,negotiates,parleys,picks one's brain,powwows,speaks,talks,tosses ideas around,treats
considerverb turn over in one's mind
acknowledge,allow for,assent to,chew over,cogitate,concede,consult,contemplate,deal with,deliberate,dream of,envisage,examine,excogitate,favor,flirt with,grant,inspect,keep in mind,look at,meditate,mull over,muse,perpend,ponder,provide for,reason,reckon with,recognize,reflect,regard,revolve,ruminate,scan,scrutinize,see,see about,speculate,study,subscribe to,take into account,take under advisement,take up,think out,think over,toss around The standard notice has traditionally been two to four weeks, but you should consult your employee handbook in case your employer expects more or less advance warning.
按照惯例,标准的通知时间是两到四周,但你应该参考员工手册,以免你的雇主期望更早或更晚得到事先通知。 cri

Another excellent way of choosing a framework is to consult your colleagues in the development community to see which ones they prefer.
另一种很好的选择框架的方式是咨询你那些身处开发者社区的同事,问问他们喜欢哪个。 yeeyan

As with any vitamin or supplement, please consult your doctor before taking.
正如任何一种维生素或补品,服用前请咨询你的医生。 yeeyan

Because of these potential interactions, patients should always consult with their doctors before taking any herbal supplement.
由于这些潜在的相互作用性,在服用任何草药补充剂前,患者应该经常咨询他们的医生。 yeeyan

For an explanation of differences among the drivers, please consult the manuals.
关于各驱动程序之间差别的解释,请查阅手册。 ibm

He or she accepts requests from the waiter to prepare something on behalf of a diner, and may need to consult other resources to get information on how to prepare the dish.
他或者她接收来自服务员的请求,准备好用餐者需要的食物,并且可能参考其它的资源来获取如何准备饭菜的信息。 ibm

I encourage them to consult with specialists who have expertise in management of high-risk patients and get several opinions.
我鼓励她们与管理高风险病人方面有专业技能的专家商量,得到一些意见。 yeeyan

If you don't have this experience yourself, don't hesitate to consult colleagues who have worked with similar systems and contexts.
如果您没有这个经验,不要犹豫去咨询拥有类似系统和背景工作经验的同事。 ibm

If you have any risk factors for skin cancer— especially a family history of the disease— be sure to consult a dermatologist.
如果你有患皮肤癌的危险,尤其是有这种病的家族遗传史,一定要去咨询皮肤科医生。 yeeyan

Or, you can consult the chart below.
或者,你也可以参考下图。 yeeyan

Or, consult the tenants’ rights organization in your community if you have one.
或者是,如果有的话,还可以咨询社区里的租户权益组织。 yeeyan

Please consult a qualified mental health professional before trying it, especially if you have a history of traumatic experiences or mental illnesses.
在尝试前请咨询一位资深的心理健康医师,尤其是有过感情创伤史的或精神病的人士。 yeeyan

Practice the habit of not analyzing and whatever you do don't consult someone else, even your partner.
练习养成不分析的习惯,不管做什么都不要咨询别人,甚至你的伴侣。 yeeyan

Says military action is an option, but would consult with congressional leaders before taking action.
说军事行动是选项之一,但在采取行动前会咨询国会领导人。 yeeyan

She says she will consult with supporters and party officials before making her decision.
克林顿说她将咨询支持者和党内官员,然后再做决定。 kekenet

Similarly, execution environments can process and consult policy descriptions while they are running.
类似地,执行环境可以在运行时处理和咨询策略描述。 ibm

So they consult lawyers and I.
因此他们咨询律师和 I. yeeyan

So they consult lawyers and I.T. risk specialists to consider their options.
因此他们咨询律师和 I.T.的分险专家考虑他们的选择。 yeeyan

Consult your doctor.
向医生咨询。 yeeyan

Consult your doctor and follow his or her recommendations.
向你的医生咨询并按照他或她的建议去做。 yeeyan




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