

单词 consul general
释义 consul general ˈkɔnsəlˈdʒenərəl 短语³⁹⁹²⁵
On August28, Consul General Gao Yanping attended the2010 Annual Who's Who in Asian American Communities WWAAC Award Ceremony in Atlanta.
2010年8月28日,驻休斯敦总领事高燕平应邀出席美国亚美协会在美国亚特兰大市举行的2010年度杰出亚裔人士颁奖典礼。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

On August30, Consul General Gao Yanping met with President of Emory University James Wagner.
2010年8月30日,驻休斯敦总领事高燕平会见美国艾默里大学詹姆斯·瓦格纳校长。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

On June15th, Consul General Gao Yanping met with Annise Parker, Mayor of the City of Houston in the City Hall. Consul Wang Peijun and Chief of Staff of the Mayor's office Waynette Chan were present.
2010年6月15日,驻休斯敦总领事高燕平在美国休斯敦市政厅会见安妮斯·帕克市长,驻休斯敦领事王培军和休斯敦市长办公厅主任温妮特·陈等在座。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

On October14th,2009, Consul General Gao Yanping met with Mr. Joel Bartsch, President of the Houston Museum of Natural ScienceHMNS.
2009年10月14日下午,高燕平总领事会见了休斯敦自然科学博物馆馆长乔百奇。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Speaking to VOA by telephone from Peshawar, an Afghan official, Noor Mohammad Takal, says that the kidnapped diplomat was still serving as the consul general at the Afghan consulate in Peshawawr.
阿富汗官员塔卡尔在白沙瓦通过电话告诉美国之音,法拉希当时依然担任阿富汗驻白沙瓦市领馆总领事的职位。 kekenet

The Chinese Consul General in Chiang Mai led staff to the site where the two ships were anchored without delay, and the Chinese Embassy in Thailand also sent staff for coordination.
驻清迈总领事在第一时间率员赶赴两船停靠地开展工作,驻泰国使馆也已派员协同处置。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The Consul General Li Shugang and Hon. Premier Colin Barnett respectively delivered a speech at the reception.
招待会上,李树钢总领事、巴奈特州长先后发表了讲话。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Consul General Gao and Mayor Leffingwell also exchanges views on other issues of common interest.
高总与林菲维尔市长还就其他双方共同关心的问题交换了看法。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Minister Yang Zigang, minister counselor You Shaozhong, counselor and consul general Chen Xiongfeng were also present at the festival.
大使馆杨子刚公使、尤少忠公使衔参赞、陈雄风参赞兼总领事等也出席了开幕式。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Yasuhisa Kawamura is Japan's deputy consul general in New York.
川村泰久是日本驻纽约副总领事。 hxen

Consul General Brian Goldbeck has told me about the robust, cooperative partnership the Consulate enjoys with AmCham South China.
高来恩总领事告诉我领事馆与华南美国商会之间有着十分活跃的合作伙伴关系。 putclub

Consul General Gao also exchanges views on other issues of common interest with Governor Perry and Secretary Andrade.
高总领事与佩里州长和安德雷德州务卿还就其他双方共同关心的问题交换了看法。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Consul General Gao also exchanged views with Governor Perry on issues of common interest.
高总与佩里州长还就共同感兴趣的其他问题交换了看法。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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