释义 |
Constuction 基本例句 构建¹⁰⁰ Please do what you can to expedite theconstuction.请尽量加快建筑进程。 In the process of leading Chinese revolution andconstuction, Mao Zedong had put forward six total routes successively.摘要在领导中国革命和建设的过程中,毛泽东先后提出和制定过六大总路线。 I wish the most that the roadconstuctionis well accomplished and change the beds into ones that beds are above the reading desks.我现在最大的希望就是学校尽快修好路;再把我们宿舍的床换成上面是床下面是桌子的那种. At least 3 years sales working experience in the related industry, experience with industry floor,constuctionmaterial or design institute and project supervisor is preferred.至少3年相关行业销售经验,具备工业地坪,建筑等行业或设计院、工程监理等工作经验者优先录用。 In this paper, the flat-sectionconstuctionmethod and the section forming technology for the FRP super-structure of side wall hovercraft“SHENKIANG”ase mainly introduced.本文主要介绍采用平板结构块、分段拼装建造“申翔”号侧壁气垫船玻璃钢上层建筑的成型工艺和建造方法。 |