

单词 Constructs
释义 Constructs kənˈstrʌkts COCA¹¹⁶³²BNC²⁰⁶²⁶Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.构图;构念名词construct的复数形式.原型construct的三单 The attachment is added at the process level; you cannot attach files to other constructs such as roles business items.
附件是在流程级别添加的;您不能将文件附加到诸如角色和业务项等其他构造。 ibm

The code in this table is a little more complicated because it constructs a table row for each announcement.
这个清单中的代码稍微有点儿复杂,因为它要为每个公告构造一个表格行。 ibm

The question is: how can you add multiple tasks or other constructs to a model without having to use two clicks every time?
问题是:如何能够将多个任务或其他构造添加到模型,而不必每次使用两次单击呢? ibm

The use of these constructs in an application can reduce the complexity of the code and increase generality of the application.
在应用程序中使用这些构造可以减少代码的复杂性,并且提高了应用程序的通用性。 ibm

Around that time, economists fell in love with theoretical constructs, a shift that has no single explanation.
大约那时,经济学家喜欢上理论构造,这一转变没有单一的解释。 yeeyan

But first, you must understand the target environment for the compiled recipe constructs.
但是,首先必须了解已编译配方构造的目标环境。 ibm

EGL provides constructs, wizards, and code construction that automate all the steps required to create and consume any number of services in an SOA environment.
EGL也提供了构造、向导,和代码结构,通过他们能够自动化 SOA环境中创造和使用许多服务所需的所有步骤。 ibm

For the purchasing request from the buyer, the agent process first constructs a product quote request for each supplier.
对于购买者提出的购买请求,代理流程将首先对各供应商构造产品报价请求。 ibm

Functional management uses functional and business domains as their first class constructs.
功能管理使用功能和业务领域作为其第一类构造。 ibm

Have you ever created a model where you end up with extra inputs and outputs on gateway constructs such as decisions and merges?
您是否创建了这样的模型,您最终在诸如决策和合并等网关构造上获得额外的输入和输出? ibm

In version6.1.2, related constructs are still grouped together, but you can select any of them at any time.
在6.1.2版本中,相关构造仍然分组在一起,但是您可以在任何时候选择其中任何构造。 ibm

Line18 constructs a string that contains the location of the PDF document on the user's workstation.
第 18行构造一个字符串,该字符串包含 PDF文档在用户工作站上的位置。 ibm

Once you start down the path of eliminating redundant syntactic constructs, you often want to keep going down that path.
一旦开始走上了消除多余的语法构造这条路,那么你通常会希望继续走下去。 yeeyan

Our ordinary life, at least in its narrative quality, provides no direct analog for the programming constructs of these languages.
我们的日常生活至少在叙事质量方面没有提供对这些语言的编程构造的直接模拟。 ibm

Principles must cover all relevant and important constructs of an organization.
原则必须涵盖组织的所有相关和重要的构造。 ibm

Some familiarity with the constructs of the C programming language is helpful, but it is not required.
如果您对 C编程语言的构造比较熟悉,那么将会很有帮助,但这并不是必需的。 ibm

The picture illustrates this, but you can also create larger scale constructs like function definitions and classes.
该图说明了这一点,但还可以创建更大规模的构造,如函数定义和类。 ibm

The question at hand is how one constructs such a life.
手上的问题是怎么去构建一份如此的生活。 yeeyan

These constructs can vary greatly depending on the business requirements.
这些构造可以根据业务需求而大相径庭。 infoq

This convenient method proceeds from the tree root towards the leaves and constructs and populates it.
这个方便的方法从树根开始一直处理到树叶,构造并填充树。 ibm

When no existing method applies, new constructs are added to form a new one with its own color and range.
当现有方法不适用时,将添加新构造,以形成具有自己颜色标识和范围的新方法。 ibm

When you look at low-level design constructs such as forms and views, you might often use one, or a number of these, to represent a single logical unit.
在考虑诸如表单和视图之类的低级设计构造时,可能通常会使用这其中的一个或多个元素来表现单个逻辑单元。 ibm

With a few simple constructs it can be used for almost any parsing task.
通过几个简单构造就可以用它完成几乎所有的解析任务。 ibm

You can use them in constructs, such as expirations.
您可以在诸如“过期”等构造中使用业务日历。 ibm




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