

单词 constitutes
释义 constitutes 英'kɒnstɪtjuːts美'kɒnstɪtjuːts COCA⁸⁵³³BNC⁶²¹⁴Economist¹⁴⁶⁹⁵
动词 constitute:
form or composecreate and charge with a task or functionto compose or represent:This wall forms the background of the stage settingset up or lay the groundwork for
用作动词A corresponding pair of such keysconstitutesa key pair.相应的一对这样的密钥组成了密钥对。
Use of the informationconstitutesacceptance for use in an AS IS condition.数据的使用为使用组成接受在一当是情况之时。verb.comprise, form
同义词 create,establishaggregate,complement,complete,compose,compound,construct,develop,embody,enact,fix,found,frame,incorporate,integrate,makecook up,dream up,fill out,flesh out,fudge together,make up,set up
反义词 destroy,ruin,break,disarrange,disperse,divide,end,exclude,fail,forget,halt,ignore,neglect,prevent,raze,refuse,separate,stop,vetodenyverb.authorize
同义词 empower,establishappoint,legislate,decree,name,nominate,make,ordain,commission,draft,delegate,deputize,order,enact,designate,depute
反义词 fail,stopdenyretract,veto,disallow,prevent,ignore,refuse The challenge will be to identify what constitutes the start of tightening.
最大的挑战将是确定什么构成了紧缩的开始。 yeeyan

The sample client application constitutes the controller layer of the solution.
示例客户机应用程序构成解决方案的控制层。 ibm

What constitutes the middle class is relative, subjective and not easily defined.
中产阶级的构成是相对主观的,没有那么容易界定。 yeeyan

A year constitutes a cycle of the seasons.
一年由四季的周期循环组成。 edu.sina.com.cn

Do you think that other people have different views of what constitutes democracy from yours?
在关于民主的构成方面,你觉得其他人持有和你相反的观点吗? yeeyan

Even defining what constitutes a religion is fraught with difficulty.
甚至对于宗教组成的定义都是困难重重。 ecocn

For guidance on what class of actions constitutes greed, we can start with three of the Ten Commandments, which prohibit killing, theft and lying.
对于鉴定什么层次的行为构成贪婪,我们可以从以禁止杀戮,威胁和欺骗为主旨的《十诫》中得到三条标准。 yeeyan

For that matter, who gets to decide what constitutes a good life?
对于这个问题,谁又能肯定是什么组成了好生活? yeeyan

However, in actual environments, executing a test constitutes a complex and inter-related set of events on which, many times, the nature of test execution depends.
但是,在实际的环境中,执行一个测试操作组成了一个复杂而又内联的事件,很多时候测试执行的本质就取决于它。 ibm

In this sense the farmers’ supply of wheat constitutes their demand for automobiles and other goods.
从这个意义上来讲,农民小麦的供应构成了他们对汽车和其他商品的需求。 yeeyan

It does not make a declaratory statement about what constitutes an act of war or use of force in cyberspace.
它不是做一个宣布的声明关于什么将构成战争行为或是力量被使用在网络空间里。 yeeyan

Neither a lazy employee nor a bankrupt employer constitutes just cause.
员工懒散和雇主破产都不构成正当理由。 ecocn

The belt, which extends from a few hundred to about2000 kilometers above Earth, “ constitutes the most abundant source of antiprotons in Earth's vicinity,” Bruno says.
“这条带在地球以上几百公里到大约2000公里处延伸着,构成了地球附近最为丰富的反质子储存库,”布鲁诺说。 yeeyan

The collection of behaviors you can expect from built-in types constitutes a protocol they implement.
您可以预期的内置类型的行为集合构成了它们实现的一个协议。 ibm

There should have been decided, beforehand, what constitutes acceptable thresholds for defect levels and other metrics.
预先应该已经确定了,构成缺陷级别和其他量度的可接收的门限是什么。 ibm

Therefore, this constitutes two transactions, not one.
因此,它由两个业务,而不是一个组成。 ibm

To understand our situation, we need to step back and ask: what constitutes a fundamental change in the nature of civilisation?
要想了解自己的处境,我们必须退后一步问:是什么构成了文明本质的根本改变? iciba

What is known is that dark energy constitutes about three quarters of the Universe.
我们唯一知道的是宇宙的四分之三由暗能量所组成。 hjenglish

What constitutes the “ right” tools?
什么构成“合适”的工具呢? ebigear

What constitutes the ground of human dignity?

What constitutes a basic translation verification test?
基本翻译验证测试由什么组成? ibm

What constitutes genes for each category?
每一种分别由什么构成基因? yeeyan

What constitutes the alienation of labor?
是什么构成了劳动的异化呢? yeeyan




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