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词汇 Constantine I
释义 Constantine I 英ˈkɒnstənˌtiːn, -ˌtaɪn美ˈkɑnstənˌtin, -ˌtaɪnAHDkŏnʹstən-tēn', -tīn' 短语⁶⁸⁷⁹³

Emperor of Rome who stopped the persecution of Christians and in 324 made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire; in 330 he moved his capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople 280-337The EmperorConstantine Ilegalized Christianity in 325 AD.君士坦丁一世于325年宣布基督教合法化。
A soldier of a major division of the Roman army formed in the time ofConstantine I.罗马军队主要部门的一个士兵,形成于康斯坦丁一世时期
Constantine I, baptized on his deathbed, was the first Christian Roman emperor.君士坦丁一世,在临终受洗礼时,就是第一位支持基督教的古罗马皇帝。
The eastern part of the later Roman Empire, dating from a.d. 330 whenConstantine Irebuilt Byzantium and made it his capital.拜占庭帝国:晚期罗马帝国的东部,可追溯到公元330年康斯坦丁一世重建拜占庭城并作为其首都时。
The original structure was built by Bishop Makarios of Jerusalem at the direction ofConstantine Iof the Roman Empire following the First Council of Nicaea in 325.最初的建筑物是在公元325年的第一次尼西亚会议结束后,在罗马皇帝君士坦丁一世的命令下,由耶路撒冷的马卡里斯主教建造的。
An ancient city of Thrace on the site of present-day Istanbul, Turkey. It was founded by the Greeks in the seventh century b.c. and taken by the Romans in a.d.196.Constantine Iordered the rebuilding of the city in330 and renamed it Constantinople.拜占庭城在今土耳其伊斯坦布尔城址上的一座色雷斯古城。公元前7世纪时由希腊人所建。公元196年被罗马人强占。康斯坦丁一世于330年命令重建该城,并重新将之命名为康斯坦丁堡




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