

单词 consolidates
释义 con·sol·i·date·s 英kən'sɒlɪdeɪt美kən'sɒləˌdeɪt COCA⁶³⁸⁷⁸BNC⁴⁹⁷⁹²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
vt. & vi. 联合,合并

unite or combine into one

vt. & vi. 巩固,加强

make solid or strong

unite into one;

The companies consolidated

make firm or secure; strengthen;

consolidate one's gains

consolidate one's hold on first place

bring together into a single whole or system;

The town and county schools are being consolidated

form into a solid mass or whole;

The mud had consolidated overnight

make or form into a solid or hardened mass;

consolidate fibers into boards

consolidate, compact, concentrate, unify


compact表示“压紧,束紧”,通常指将许多东西压在一起,形成一个结实的整体; consolidate通常指联合或融合在一起,从而得以“巩固”“加强”; unify表示“统一”,强调由部分构成的统一体,但是各部门仍行使自己的职责,既为自己也为整体的利益服务; concentrate表示“浓缩”“聚拢”,指将许多散开的东西聚集在一个中心的周围。

用作动词 v.
~+名词consolidate sb's chance增加某人的机会consolidate a conquest巩固征服范围consolidate a constitution充实一部宪法consolidate many shops合并许多商店consolidate one's position巩固阵地〔某人的地位〕consolidate one's reputation巩固某人的威望~+副词consolidate further进一步巩固consolidate soon迅速合并consolidate nicely满意地加强~+介词consolidate by因…而巩固consolidate… into把…合并为consolidate… with用…加强
近义词 join连接band乐队unite联合merge合并fuse保险丝cohere粘合reduce减少combine联合firm up巩固confirm证实enhance提高conjoin结合squeeze挤压condense浓缩secure安全的compress压缩associate联想integrate整合establish建立strengthen加强amalgamate合并compound化合物concentrate专心telescope望远镜centralize使集聚unify使统一、使成为一体…
S+~+AThe two companies will consolidate in July next year.明年七月这两家公司将合并。
Those four banks have consolidated and formed a single, large bank.那四家银行已合并成一家大银行。
His position consolidated after winning the primary election.初选获胜后,他的地位得到了巩固。
We've made a good start; now it's time to consolidate.我们有了一个良好的开端,现在应该加以巩固。
The business is consolidating nicely.这家商店正令人满意地得到加强。
S+~+ n./pron.They consolidated many small shops into one large department store.他们把许多小商店联合起来,组成一家大百货公司。
The government is going to consolidate those two states to form a new one.政府即将把那两个州合并成一个新的州。
He had consolidated his position.他巩固了自己的地位。
The presidential candidates consolidated his reputation by winning several primary elections.这位总统候选人因在几次初选中得胜而巩固了自己的威望。
Our troops consolidated our position with reinforcements.增援部队的到来巩固了我军的阵地。
The team's victory consolidated its chance for the championship.该队的获胜增加了他们夺取冠军的机会。
The two schools will be consolidated into one.这两所学校将合并成一所。
The two railroads were consolidated into one line.两条铁路线合并成一条。
Our national defence will be further consolidated.我们的国防将进一步得到巩固。



用作动词The two companiesconsolidatedlast year.这两个公司去年合并了。
We willconsolidateand deliver together then.我们届时将提前统一运输。
He bribes his leader toconsolidatehis position.他贿赂他的领导来巩固他的地位。
We've made a good start, now it's time toconsolidate.我们有了一个良好的开端, 现在应该加以巩固。 The completed insulation consolidates those gains— but makes further gains, such as second languages, far harder to come by.
绝缘完成后已有收益得到巩固,但新的收益比如学习第二外语就会受到妨碍。 yeeyan

The crackdown is designed to further restrict the activities of civil society and opposition, as the king closes down democratic space and consolidates his hold on power.
进行打击的目的是在国王压缩民主空间并巩固其对权力掌控的同时,进一步压制民间社会和反对派的活动。 yeeyan

“It the understanding consolidates the political foundation of our friendly relations,” the ambassador said.
他说,这个立场极大地巩固了中澳两国友好关系的政治基础。 edu.sina.com.cn

A tabbed chat user interface lets you easily manage several conversations as it consolidates all active IM sessions in one window.
一个附签式聊天用户界面使您可以更轻松地管理若干会话,因为它能够将所有活动的 IM会话集中到一个窗口。 ibm

After a processor consolidates a stylesheet from all the imported and included modules, it goes through various steps to prepare for transformation.
处理程序从所有导入和包含的模块中合成样式表之后,转换之前还要经过多个步骤。 ibm

As Mr Abbas loses ground, Hamas gains it— and consolidates.
随着阿巴斯失去势力,哈马斯反而获得并且巩固了其势力。 ecocn

Dr Daniel, one of the study authors, said: “ Sleep consolidates memories, protecting them against subsequent interference or decay.”
这篇论文的一位作者丹尼尔博士说:“睡眠可以巩固记忆,防止它们随后受到干扰或衰减。” ebigear

It consolidates oversight of consumer financial products, from mortgages to credit cards, in a single agency.
它在一个单一的机构中加强了消费者金融产品的监管,从抵押贷款到信用卡,不一而足。 ecocn

One in four Chinese people will have a mobile phone by the end of the year, as the world's most populous country consolidates its status as the largest cell market, state media said.
消息称,到今年年底,四分之一的中国公众将拥有手机,中国将进一步巩固其全球最大手机市场的地位。 ebigear

Some researchers theorize that the REM, or rapid eye movement, phase of sleep is when the brain produces and consolidates neural networks for memory and cognition.
一些研究人员提出,大脑在快速动眼睡眠期会产生并巩固形成记忆和认知的神经元。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The draft text consolidates and reorders hundreds of changes demanded by countries to the previous version, which saw it balloon to an unmanageable300 pages.
这份草案文本合并和重新排序了各国提出的数百项针对上一个版本的修订要求,它的篇幅曾膨胀至不可收拾的300页之巨。 yeeyan

This is the full text of the1989 second edition, which consolidates the original OED, all the supplementary volumes and additional new material.
它包括了1989第二版的全部内容,即原先的牛津词典、补遗部分及新增材料。 jukuu

Virtualization consolidates server workloads for efficiency, but other elements of the server ecosystem are emerging as candidates for further consolidation.
虚拟化加强了服务器负载的效率,但服务器生态系统的其他部分也成为了未来加强的选项。 ibm




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