

单词 consoles
释义 con·sole·s 英kən'səʊl美kən'soʊl COCA⁴¹⁰⁹⁶BNC⁵⁵⁴¹²Economist¹⁷⁰⁹⁹
vt. 安慰,慰问

give comfort or sympathy to sb

a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a walla scientific instrument consisting of displays and an input device that an operator can use to monitor and control a system especially a computer systeman ornamental scroll-shaped bracket especially one used to support a wall fixture;

the bust of Napoleon stood on a console

housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television
give moral or emotional strength to
console, comfort


1.comfort指从道义或精神上通过语言或行动来安慰; console指做些事情以弥补损失。例如:

Mother's words of love comforted the sobbing child.母亲充满爱意的话安慰了她哭泣的 孩子。
Console yourself with the thought that it might have been worse!事情本来可能会糟,用这种想法自我 安慰吧!

2.就对象来说, comfort一般是别人; console可以是别人,也可以是自己。

3.就效果来说, comfort指有时可使其减少忧愁和痛苦,有时可使其振奋和高兴; console则指努力减轻别人的忧伤或暂时忘记忧愁或自我安慰。例如:

He comforted his back with soft cushions.他靠在软垫上使后背舒适。
After fire destroyed her house, she con- soled herself with the thought that things might have been worse.大火焚烧了她的房子之后,她自我安 慰说,情况本来可能更糟。

4.comfort是日常用语; console则较正式。








用作动词 v.
~+名词console sb a great deal给某人很大的安慰~+副词console perfunctorily敷衍了事地安慰console profoundly极大安慰console substantially相当大地安慰
近义词 ease容易cheer欢呼solace安慰soothe缓和calm平静的comfort舒适relieve救济support支持cabinet橱柜sympathize同情cheer up高兴起来console table装在墙上的台子…反义词 torment苦痛torture拷问afflict使苦恼
S+~+ n./pron.We tried to console her when her dog died.她的狗死后,我们尽力安慰她。
They perfunctorily consoled him with a few words.他们敷衍了事地安慰了他几句。
用作及物动词I tried toconsoleher, but in vain.我试着去安慰她,但是无效。
Heconsoledhimself with the thought that it might have been worse.他聊以自慰的是幸亏事情没有更糟。
He was beyond my skill to quiet orconsole!我可没有那个本事使他安静下来,或者能给他慰藉!用作名词There are many lights and electrical instruments on the computerconsole.电脑控制板上有许多小灯和电子设备。
Theconsoleis just like a typewriter.控制台就像一台打字机。
I have aconsolemodel with a 25-inch picture tube.我有一台25英寸映像管的落地式电视机。 A lot of discussion of porting software has to do with two major industries: desktop computers and video game consoles.
对于软件移植的很多讨论都需要解决两个主要业界中的问题:桌面计算机和视频游戏控制台。 ibm

An ever- evolving market, all current and next- generation consoles to date have the ability to connect over broadband connections.
随着市场的发展,当前和下一代的所有游戏机都能够通过宽带连接在一起。 ibm

Curated Computing is necessary to empower alternative form factors, such as touchscreen tablets, wearable and ambient devices, game consoles, and connected TVs.
辅助计算用于授权析取范式,比如触摸屏写字板,便携式外界设备,游戏控制台以及网络电视等等。 yeeyan

The users can start and stop configurations and open consoles for the VM instances right inside the IDE.
用户可以启动或停止相关配置,还可以在 IDE中打开 VM实例的控制台。 infoq

While you're at it why not do a similar survey relating to consoles, television, texting, radio, football practice and staring into space?
你会想为什么不能做一个类似的与游戏机、电视、短信、电台、足球,和盯着看太空有关的调查? yeeyan

You'll also have to remove full- sized video-game consoles, DVD players, and some video cameras from your baggage for separate screening.
当然,如果你的行李中有大尺寸的游戏机、 DVD播放器以及摄像机,这些也是要单独扫描的哦。 yeeyan

Because it costs so much to develop games for today's technically advanced consoles, videogame companies often stick to sequels of popular games or surefire hits along familiar themes.
由于为先进的游戏机开发游戏软件的成本是如此高昂,电视游戏公司往往都固守那些热卖游戏的续集或是十拿九稳的熟悉题材。 ebigear

Both consoles run different programs in their own user space.
两个控制台在各自的用户空间中运行不同的程序。 ibm

For those of you who own consoles: Did the ability for the console to remain current play a part in your decision to buy it?
对于拥有游戏机的各位:能够让游戏机“永葆青春”是否在各位购买游戏机的决策中起着很大的作用呢? yeeyan

However, the deployment manager cells and base nodes can also be managed through their respective consoles.
然而,也可以通过其各自的控制台管理部署管理器单元和基本节点。 ibm

I found this man in the Duke, but the Duke is old and old age neither shields nor consoles.
我过去找到过这个人,就是公爵,但公爵年事已高,既不能保护我又不能安慰我。 ebigear

I guess when consoles started becoming more popular, it was speculated that it would be better for their niche audience to be prepubescent boys.
我猜想,在游戏机开始越来越受欢迎的时候,游戏商们推断如果将其特定受众定位于青春期前的男孩,销量会更好。 yeeyan

If you aren't using the multiple login consoles of your PS3, you can turn off the ones you aren't using.
如果当前没有使用 PS3的多个登录控制台,那么可以关掉不使用的登录控制台。 ibm

In fact, video game consoles are often an exception to general rules about modern code not needing much porting.
实际上,视频游戏控制台对于现代代码来说通常都是一个例外,不需要太多移植。 ibm

In the West, people are more into their consoles.
而在西方,人们更喜欢他们的控制台。 iciba

In the case of consoles, the console manufacturer will partner with ISPs and offer a specific service for that console.
对于控制台游戏,控制台的制造商将会与 ISP合伙并为这种控制台提供一种特别的服务。 ibm

Nina consoles Jack, but he believes that this hit on Palmer has some personal connection to himself.
尼娜安慰着杰克,但是杰克相信这起针对帕默的暗杀与他自己有着一些私人关联。 yeeyan

Shanda, China’s second-biggest operator of online games, started selling consoles in2005.
盛大,中国第二大在线游戏运营商,在2005年开始销售游戏机。 yeeyan

Since he really wants to see how far he can go, he decides to look for open consoles.
由于他确实想知道自己能走多远,所以决定查找开放的控制台。 ibm

Since consoles are usually sold at a loss, they are usually locked down to prevent games from running on them without the publisher paying royalties to the console developer.
由于控制台销售价格都很低,因此它们通常都对系统进行了加锁以防止未向控制台开发者支付版税的游戏在上面运行。 ibm

Thermal constraints could well force design decisions in computers, game consoles, and the like.
热量约束可以很好地强制计算机、程序控制台等的设计决策。 ibm

These games date back to the time of serial consoles, mainframes, and minicomputers.
这些游戏的历史可以追溯到串行控制台、大型机和小型机时代。 ibm




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