

单词 aerosolized
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in the form of ultramicroscopic solid or liquid particles dispersed or suspended in air or gas Artillery shells or airplanes could disperse aerosolized weapons; biological missile warheads are also possible but would be more technologically challenging.
朝鲜能够利用炮弹或空投方式传播雾状的化武,在导弹上安装生化武器弹头也是可行的办法,不过更有技术难度。 yeeyan

As the aerosolized material settled back down to the surface and cooled, it formed glass beads.
火山将超高温的熔岩喷发至空中,雾化的物质随即凝固,并落回地面冷却,由此形成了各种玻璃珠子。 yeeyan

Corkery said Nektar and partner Bayer AG are talking with U. S. regulators about the design of a Phase3 trial of its aerosolized powder form of the antibiotic amikacin.
Corkery说, Nektar及其伙伴德国拜耳公司正在与 US当局讨论阿米卡星干粉喷雾剂的3期临床设计问题。 tnbz

Objective To investigate the effects of aerosolized perfluorocarbon PFC on gas exchanges, respiratory mechanics and hemodynamics in a swine model of acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS.
目的探讨全氟化碳 PFC雾化吸入对急性呼吸窘迫综合征 ARDS猪气体交换、呼吸力学和血流动力学的影响。 cnki

Objective To investigate the effects of aerosolized prostaglandin E1 PGE1 inhalation on circulatory and respiratory function during lung injury ALI induced by hydrochloric acidHC1 aspiration.
目的探讨雾化吸入前列腺素 E1 PGE1对盐酸所致急性肺损伤 ALI循环及呼吸功能的影响。 cnki

Objective: To investigate the effect of aerosolized ketamine on activity of protein kinase C PKC of airway smooth muscleASM of sensitized guinea pigs.
目的:研究氯胺酮雾化吸入对致敏豚鼠气管平滑肌 PKC活性的影响。 dictall

Primary pneumonic plague results from inhalation of aerosolized infective droplets and can be transmitted from human to human without involvement of fleas or animals.
原发性肺鼠疫是由吸入烟雾状传染性飞沫造成的,并可在没有跳蚤或动物卷入的情况下在人与人之间传播。 who

The researchers believe aerosolized forms of the bitter substances will work best.
研究者相信,悬浮微粒的形式辣的食物效果最好。 yeeyan

The study indicated that aerosolized oxygencombined drug liquid is a better oxygen therapy method for treating pneumonia.
研究认为组合药液湿化给氧疗法方法简便,疗效确切。 cnki

The aerosolized testosterone is directed towards the lungs and other pulmonary organs, leading to fast and efficient absorption of testosterone molecules into the circulatory system of the body.
雾气状睾酮能够直接吸入肺部或其他肺器官,从而使睾酮分子能够快速有效地吸收到人体循环系统。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

Aerosolized drugs delivered with a facemask may inadvertently deposit on the face and in the eyes, raising concerns about cutaneous and ocular side effects with these drugs.
雾化器给药用面罩释放的方式可能不注意地沉积于脸部和眼部,提高这些药物的皮肤和眼部的副反应。 med66

Aerosolized medications maximize clinical benefit by targeting the airways and minimize side effects by reducing though not eliminating systemic exposure.
雾化器给药通过气道给药达到最大的临床利益和通过减低而不是消除全身性暴露最小的副反应。 med66




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