

单词 consisted in
释义 consisted in短语⁷⁶¹⁷³
The innovation that capitalism brought consisted in the establishment of shops producing for the many.
而资本主义所带来的创新则产生了服务于大多数人需求的各类工厂。 yeeyan

What a tragedy would that be of which the distress consisted in a colic.
只有表现出了痛苦才称得上是悲剧。 yeeyan

Analyzing their speech into its constituent parts, we knew that the strength of it consisted in the justice of it.
分析他们演讲的成分的话,我们知道演讲的力量在于它的正义。 ebigear

Happiness for plato consisted in a “harmony of the soul.”
柏拉图则说“快乐是灵魂的谐音”。 blog.sina.com.cn

Her obedience in this instance consisted in not remembering what Marius forgot.
她的服从主要在于不去回忆马吕斯已忘却的事。 ebigear

His only crime consisted in furnishing us with provisions.
他唯一的罪名就是供给我们粮草罢了。 kuenglish

If life consisted in communion with God, then, on the principle of opposites, death may have been interpretable as separation from God.




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