

单词 considered
释义 con·sid·ered 英kənˈsɪdəd美kənˈsɪdədAHDkən-sĭdʹərd ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹²⁶³BNC⁸⁵⁷iWeb²⁰³⁰²Economist¹⁸⁷⁹
carefully weighed;

a considered opinion

all things considered从各方面考虑起来…consider考虑ill-considered不充分考虑的…be considered as被认为是
蒋争熟词记忆consider考虑-ed已…的⇒经过深思熟虑的consider考虑-ed已…的⇒经过深思熟虑的近义词 advised熟虑的intended预期的measured量过的careful小心谨慎的painstaking辛苦的well-thought-out经过周详之考虑的…

用作形容词Normal adjustments to planetary conditions follow the general physical patterns previouslyconsidered.标准的行星环境调整遵循先前考虑过的一般的物质模式。
The Pentagon has not yet picked a new color for the packages because each oneconsideredso far had some cultural sensitivity to it.目前五角大楼还没有最终选定袋子的颜色,因为至今为止所考虑过的各种颜色都有某种文化上的敏感性。adj.deliberate, thought-out
同义词 studied,treatedadvised,contemplated,designed,examined,express,investigated,mediated,premeditated,weighedaforethought,designful,given due consideration,gone into,intentional,prepense,studious,thought-about,thought-through,voluntary,well advised,well-chosen,willful
反义词 disregarded,forgotten,neglected,unplanned,unstudied
advisedadjective thought out
deliberateadjective intentional
advised,aforethought,calculated,careful,cautious,cold-blooded,conscious,considered,cut-and-dried,designed,designful,done on purpose,express,fixed,intended,judged,meticulous,planned,pondered,prearranged,predesigned,predeterminate,predetermined,premeditated,prepense,projected,provident,prudent,purposed,purposeful,purposive,reasoned,resolved,schemed,scrupulous,studied,studious,thought-out,thoughtful,voluntary,wary,weighed,willful,with forethought,witting
expressadjective certain, precise
inducedadjective inferred
analyzed,argued,assumed,concluded,considered,debated,determined,discussed,explained,hypothesized,posited,postulatedratiocinated rationalizedreasoned,thought
intentionaladjective deliberate
advised,aforethought,calculated,considered,designed,designful,done on purpose,intended,meant,meditated,planned,prearranged,premeditated,proposed,purposed,studied,unforced,voluntary,willful,willing,witting
investigatedadjective examined
checked,consideredcross-examinedexplored,inspected,measuredprobedquestioned,researched,reviewed,scrutinized,searched,studied,tested,tried A product deployed under an exception in one context might not be considered for exception in another.
在一种例外环境中部署的产品不会在另一个例外环境中进行考虑。 ibm

Every aspect should be considered.

Have you considered your future?
你有没有考虑你的前途? yeeyan

He always considered carefully before he acted.

I was considered way out and perhaps not really an economist.
我曾考虑出路,或许我真的不是一名经济学家。 yeeyan

In Figure1, and throughout this article, the method, tools, enablement, infrastructure, organization, and adoption are all considered to be part of the environment itself.
在图1中以及贯穿本文始终,我们都将方法、工具、授权、基础结构、组织和采用认为是环境自身的一部分。 ibm

IT governance should not be considered a company initiative.
不应该将 IT治理认为是公司的计划。 ibm

Moreover, integration with other tools must be considered as well.
此外,还必须考虑同其他工具的集成。 ibm

Or can they simply be considered properties of the products?
或者是否可以仅仅将它们考虑成产品的属性呢? ibm

Our purposes are different from yours, however, complementary, and considered by us, of the animal kingdom, just as important.
我们的目的与你们的不同,然而,我们认为其对动物王国的互补性是同样重要的。 yeeyan

She interlocked her fingers and considered the offer.

So she carried it in a duffel bag in her trunk for a week, while she and her boyfriend considered what to do.
于是她将那个东西放在后备箱的一个行李袋里放了一个星期,同时她和他的男友在考虑如何应对。 yeeyan

Statins should be considered only for kids with the worst combination of risk factors.
只有针对存在最坏的风险组合的孩子才能考虑使用斯达汀。 yeeyan

These issues must be carefully considered in the application design, but they are beyond the scope of this article.
在进行应用程序设计时,必须认真考虑这些问题,但是这些问题超出了本文的讨论范围。 ibm

This mix should be considered during the plan phase of the IT governance lifecycle.
这一混合应该在 IT治理生命周期的计划阶段过程中予以考虑。 ibm

This plan with all its disadvantages is considered to be one of the best.

This was not considered for long.
这被认为是不能长久的。 ibm

This we considered to be a reasonable set of criteria and deliverables.
这是我们考虑的一个合理的标准集合并可以交付。 ibm

Thus, routine assessment and screening for anxiety and depression in all patients diagnosed with COPD should be considered.
因此,我们最好考虑诊断为 COPD的患者都应该做常规的焦虑和抑郁评估和筛查。 yeeyan

Weather of course must be considered for this type of flight, as it must be for any flight.
在这种类型的飞行中气候理所当然是需要考虑的,正如需要在任何飞行中考虑一样。 yeeyan

What are the macro trends in this industry that should be considered during application design?
在应用程序设计期间应该考虑此行业中的哪些宏观趋势? ibm

White box elements within them are only considered at the next level of decomposition.
它们其中的白盒元素只有在下一个分解层级中才会被考虑。 ibm

Yet only one in ten of those polled considered themselves able to speak one of them.
然而仅有十分之一的受访者认为他们还能讲出一种曾经学过的外语。 huanqiu




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