

单词 conservatives
释义 conservatives 英kən'sɜːvətɪvz美kən'sɜːvətɪvz COCA⁴⁸⁶⁴BNC³²⁹⁶
名词 conservative:
a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideasa member of a Conservative PartyVigorous backing of theconservativesgot him in trouble with progressives.守旧派的支持使他陷入与进步派的纠纷中。
As for those obstinateconservatives, we should not only persuade them with words, but also prove their mistakes with facts.对于顽固的守旧派,我们不能只用言语说服他们,更要以事实证明给他们看。 And the president also promised conservatives reform of America’s madtort system.
总统还承诺对美国的精神侵权系统作保守的改革。 ecocn

For his part, David Cameron, leader of the Conservatives, has pledged to fight for the“ great ignored”.
保守党领袖大卫卡梅隆则针锋相对,称其会为那些被忽视的群体而战斗。 ecocn

Some of the worries extend to conservatives.
这些担心甚至延伸到了保守派。 ecocn

The Southern conservatives within the party backlashed.

Another factor that bodes well for Republicans is that millions of conservatives appear energized to vote this year.
对共和党有力的另一个因素是成百万保守派选民今年似乎要积极投票。 www.voanews.com.cn

At some level Akhromeev was following a rule of thumb of Soviet conservatives: You’re in a hole?
在某种程度上,阿赫罗梅耶夫是跟随了苏联保守派的经验法则:你在洞里吗? yeeyan

But even this might not prevent a slight shift to the conservatives.
但即使如此,也不能阻止天平向保守派一方略微倾斜。 ecocn

But he acknowledged he still has a long way to go to win over staunch conservatives.
但是他承认,要把坚定的保守派争取过来,还有很长的一段路要走。 kekenet

But some other conservatives, more deficithawkish and less tax-focused, see a VAT as one of the less unpalatable of a menu of bad options.
但是其他一些保守派更喜欢在赤字上做文章而非税务。 他们视增值税为菜单中一道不合口味的坏选择。 ecocn

But that does not mean, as Britain’s Conservatives almost seem to think, that they cannot be judged at all.
但是这并不意味着,就象大多数英国保守党所认为的,他们根本就不能被判断。 ecocn

But conservatives can claim Obama is hellbent on increasing the power of the government over the economy.
但是保守派可以声称,奥巴马很坚决的加强了政府对经济控制的权利。 ecocn

If conservatives were to rally around a single alternative candidate, they could quite probably supplant Mr Romney with one of their own.
如果保守派被要求团结在一个参选人周围的话,他们很有可能会选择其他人来代替罗姆尼。 yeeyan

Many conservatives are getting credentialed.

Often opposition comes not only from the conservatives, who cling to tradition, but also from the extremist militants, who favor neither the old nor the new.
通常,反对者不光是那些墨守成规的保守派,也有可能来自既不喜新亦不厌旧的极端主义好斗者。 yeeyan

The easiest way for Obama to recapture the center and push the opposition rightward is to pick some battles with conservatives— and win them.
奥巴马重获政治中心,向右推动在野党的最简单方法就是与保守派开展一些斗争并赢得胜利。 yeeyan

The Southern Democrats were factionalized into two groups: conservatives and liberals.

The problem for oppositions in crises, as the Conservatives have discovered, is that they can talk but not act.
正如保守派发现的那样,在危机中反对派的问题是能说不能做。 ecocn

This election, she voted for a leftist party because she believes it will do a better job than conservatives to help people cope with the economic crisis.
她在这次选举中投了一个左派政党的票,因为她相信,左派政党在帮助人民应对经济危机方面会比保守派做得更好。 ebigear

Yet now the Progressive Conservatives face a rebellion on the prairies— from the right, rather than the left.
但是如今,进步保守党面临着草原的反叛:来自右翼的,而不是来自左翼的。 ecocn

Yet social conservatives are only a small minority of the national electorate, so they have to pick a candidate who also appeals to others.
然而社会保守派只占全国投票者的一小部分,因此他们不得不挑选一个也能获得其他人支持的候选人。 ecocn

Conservatives believe that this is the defining struggle of the age, whereas liberals see it as a hysterical response that will only add to the problem.
保守派认为这是现在这个阶段最关键的一场斗争,然而,自由主义者认为这种说法只会让问题进一步恶化。 ecocn




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