

单词 conquers
释义 con·quer·s 英'kɒŋkəʳ美'kɑːŋkər COCA⁵⁷⁸²⁵BNC⁶⁵⁰⁰²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt. 攻克,征服

take possession of sth by force

vt. 破除,克服


to put down by force or authority;

suppress a nascent uprising

stamp down on littering

conquer one's desires

take possession of by force, as after an invasion;

the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants

The army seized the town

The militia captured the castle

overcome by conquest;

conquer your fears

conquer a country

conquer, defeat, overcome, win


win表示“获胜”“赢得”,指在竞赛或战斗中击败对方,宾语一般是战役或胜利等; conquer表示“征服”,此词应用范围很广,既可指靠武力或精神道德方面的力量使对方屈服,又可指在排除障碍和阻力后取得胜利,该词强调的不仅是击败对方,而且还包括使对方就范; defeat应用范围也很广,但不像conquer那样含有彻底击败或征服的意思,而是强调暂时的胜利; overcome的意思是“克服”“战胜”,既可用于战斗或任何竞赛,又可用于感情、习惯等方面,强调压倒或胜过。例如:

There has been a tremendous international effort to conquer cancer.全世界已作出了巨大努力来征服癌症。
They acknowledged having been defeated.他们承认被打败了。
We have the courage to overcome difficulties.我们有战胜困难的勇气。conquer, overcome, surmount, vanquish

这组词的共同意思是“征服”。指克服困难,改掉不良习惯或克制某种情感时, conquer和overcome可以通用; conquer意为“征服,占领”,多指用武力攻取,达到对其领土及政治实体等的控制; vanquish意为“征服,击溃”,特指军事力量,在战斗中彻底打败敌方; overcome和surmount都指“战胜,克服”困难、引诱或恐惧心理等抽象的事物,但surmount更强调运用意志力去克服。









用作动词 v.
~+名词conquer a city攻克一座城市conquer bad habits克服不良的习惯conquer shyness克服羞怯心理
近义词 overcomeoverwhelm反义词 yieldgive insurrender
S+~+ n./pron.We have conquered the enemy.我们战胜了敌人。
When will scientists conquer the stars?科学家什么时候能征服恒星呢?
I conquered my dislike for mathematics.我克服了讨厌数学的毛病。
用作及物动词Conquer the desire, or they willconqueryou.你不战胜欲念,欲念就会征服你。
If we want light, we mustconquerdarkness.我们要光明,就得征服黑暗。
No difficulties can shake their resolve toconquernature.环境再艰苦也动摇不了他们征服自然的决心。
The only way toconquera fear is to face it.克服恐惧的唯一方法是正视恐惧。
Iconqueredmy shyness gradually with the help of my friends.在朋友的帮助下,我逐渐克服了我的羞怯。
Conquer the desires, or they willconqueryou.战胜欲念,否则欲念将战胜你。
We mustconquerthese difficulties in learning English.我们必须战胜英语学习过程中的困难。用作不及物动词We have no choice but toconquer.我们别无选择,只有获胜。 But it has still to show that it can hold the territory it conquers in Swat, let alone in the Taliban’s heartland in the semi- autonomous tribal areas.
但是军方能否守住在白瓦沙占据的领土,还有待验证;位于半自治宗教地区的塔利班腹地就更难说了。 ecocn

Chinese food conquers the world with taste.
中餐以美味征服世界。 edu.sina.com.cn

Do not stand by idle but use your heart that will lead your actions to better end of all and fear not indeed, since Love conquers ALL.
不要无所事事的站立一旁,而要用心使你的行动往更好一面去发展,真的没必要担心,因为爱会征服一切。 guangyuai

Do you believe that love conquers all?
你相信爱能战胜一切吗? yeeyan

Experiment results show that this algorithm conquers the unsmoothed clustering and deals with clustering boundary well.
实验结果显示,克服了传统聚类的不平滑现象,使聚类边界得以很好的处理。 joca

I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self.

If the Player conquers the town, he too has access to them.
如果玩家征服的城市,他也已经与他们接触。 bbs.mountblade.com.cn

In response to questions on love, men were slightly more romantic in their description, using expressions women avoided, like“ destiny” and“ love conquers all”.
在回答关于爱的问题时,男人所用描述比女人要浪漫一点,他们使用女人常回避的如“命运”和“爱战胜一切”之类词语。 yeeyan

Love is the ultimate feeling that conquers all and makes a person feel nothing but good.
爱是一种至极的感觉,能征服一切,让人感觉无比美好。 yeeyan

Love conquers all, even the bad economy, it seems.
爱情能战胜一切,甚至都战胜了糟糕的经济。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Love conquers all.
爱情征服一切。 blog.sina.com.cn

The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace, but now the long sleep that outlasts love, that conquers even the grimace of love, had cuckolded him.
那尸体躺在那里,显出一度是拥抱的姿势,但那比爱情更能持久、那战胜了爱情的熬煎的永恒的长眠已经使他驯服了。 putclub

They say love conquers all, but maybe love never meet Georgina Sparks.
人们说“爱”所向无敌,也许“爱”从来没有遇见过 G。 cri

This approach the problem of conquers phase excursion and frequency drift that anciently adopts fixed frequency filter and its frame is simple.
这种方法克服了以往采用固定频率滤波器带来的相移和频率漂移问题,而且结构简单。 cnki

Xerxes conquers and controls everything he rests his eyes upon.
一切薛西斯眼神停留过的事物都被他征服了。 blog.sina.com.cn




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