

单词 conned
释义 con·ned 英kɔn美kɑn COCA⁶⁰³⁵⁶BNC³⁸⁴³¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
an argument opposed to a proposala person serving a sentence in a jail or prisona swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
in opposition to a proposition, opinion, etc.;

much was written pro and con

deprive of by deceit;

He swindled me out of my inheritance

She defrauded the customers who trusted her

the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change

commit to memory; learn by heart;

Have you memorized your lines for the play yet?

con brio生气勃勃地, 有活力…con amore意亲爱地con man骗子con artist骗子; 能说会道的人…con dolore义音悲痛地…conning tower军舰司令塔con-=com-前缀…con骗局con.=contra …chilli con carne墨西哥辣味牛肉…convict宣判 … 有罪…con moto稍快的pro and con正反两方con trick[口骗局chili con carne辣子牛肉丁…Con A化 伴刀豆球蛋白…chile con carne西辣椒肉末墨西…con rod连杆con over记诵
近义词 gyp骗局scam骗局pore毛孔fraud欺骗cheat欺骗trick诡计bunco骗局mulct罚金learn学会sting刺痛deceit欺骗rook白嘴鸦hustle催促defraud诈骗swindle诈骗deceive欺骗mislead误导prisoner囚犯jailbird囚犯dupe受骗的人hoodwink欺骗conn指挥操舵con game诈骗flimflam胡说yardbird新兵memorise记住inmate同住者memorize记住gaolbird囚犯deception骗局goldbrick偷懒jail bird囚犯negative否定的hornswoggle 骗diddle急速摇摆victimize使牺牲disadvantage不利in opposition反对bunco game诈骗活动convict宣判 … 有罪…pull a fast one欺骗rip off收取不合理的高价…GIP综合情报计划(联合国…short-change(给顾客少找钱…nobble暗中破坏使…bunko欺骗confidence game获得对方信任而后的欺…confidence trick骗人手段先博得信任而后…反义词 pro能手

用作名词This so-called bargain is just acon!这种所谓的大减价不过是个骗局!
The UN Security Council Voted with Three pros, oneconand one abstention.联合国安理会投票,三票赞成,一票反对,一票弃权。
We must be fair and consider the reason pro andcon.我们必须公平考虑赞成和反对的理由。用作副词They debated the issue pro andcon.他们从正反两方面讨论这个问题。
Much has been written on the subject pro andcon.对那问题已有很多赞成和反对的文章。as in.(cheated
同义词 bamboozled,beguiled,bilked,burned,deceived,dupedfinessedgypped,hoodwinkedoverchargedswindled,tricked,victimizedripped off,scammed,taken inas in.deceived
同义词 baited,bamboozled,betrayed,culled,duped,fooledgulledhadhoaxedhoodwinked,lured,playedsnaredtaken,trapped,victimizedas in.fooled
同义词 bamboozled,deceived,deluded,dupedhornswoggledmisledoutfoxedsnowedflimflammedsucked in
cheatedadjective defrauded
bamboozled,beguiled,bilked,burned,deceived,dupedfinessedgypped,hoodwinkedoverchargedripped off,scammed,swindled,taken in,tricked,victimized
deceivedadjective led astray
fooledadjective tricked
bamboozled,conned,deceived,deluded,dupedflimflammed hornswoggledmisledoutfoxedsnowed,sucked in A referee traduced, a nation conned, a morally demented coach, an unrepentant perpetrator, supine governing bodies, a contagion of embarrassment across France: all in all, a grand night in Paris.
毁誉的裁判,受骗的国家,疯狂的教练,不知悔改的罪人,懒散昏庸的监管,蔓延全国的尴尬:总而言之,巴黎上演了伟大之夜。 yeeyan

And he conned the grub of the cache and the grub of the Hudson Bay Company post over and over again.
他一遍又一遍地想着地窖里的食品和哈得逊湾公司商站那儿的吃的东西。 zftrans

The number of patients who have been conned, harmed or even killed is unknown, Qiu says.
邱仁宗表示,被欺骗、伤害甚至致死的病人人数尚属未知。 yeeyan

When Youshan sees Yongxing carrying a branded bag, he mistook it as a fake and conned someone into buying the bag at a high price.
游山看到泳欣的名牌包,却误以为是冒牌货。他打麻将输了没钱还,便把名牌包以假货的价钱买掉。 entertainment.xin.msn.com

“ It is a shame for the game, he has conned the referee, ” McLeish told ESPN.
“这是这场非常可惜的比赛,他已经骗到了裁判。”麦克利什在 ESPN说道。 fans1

All the way in, Long John stood by the steersman and conned the ship.
高个子约翰一路上站在舵手旁边指引大船进港。 eduzhai

Because I have been conned by him several times.
因为我吃过他几次亏了。 ryedu

Clare regarded her attentively, conned the characters of her face as if they had been hieroglyphics.
克莱尔仔细地打量着她,把目光集中在她的脸上,仿佛上面刻有象形文字似的。 hjenglish

Clare regarded her attentively, conned the characters of her face as if they had been hieroglyphics. The denial seemed real.
克莱尔仔细地打量着她,把目光集中在她的脸上,仿佛上面刻有象形文字似的。看上去她的拒绝好像是真的。 hjenglish

He had begun listening to his mother with the dulled ear of someone who was about to be conned and knew it.
刚才他母亲讲话的时候,他只是抱着那种等着受骗并且心中有数的姑妄听之的态度去听的。 tdict

He has conned the poems by rote.
他能凭记忆背诵那一首诗。 tingroom

Humans have been conned into a way of being that perceives things or merchandise as necessities to life.
人类被欺骗进入了一条认为所有物或商品是生命所必需的道路上。 qiudao

I conned my way in here, all to see you. I care.
我想尽一切办法进来这里,为了见你,我在乎。 blog.sina.com.cn

It was the latter attribute that caused him to fall for the wrong woman, a shifty changeling who conned him into fronting a spice-mining scheme.
正是后者导致他爱上了一个不该爱的女人——这个心怀鬼胎的变形人在一场香料矿阴谋中把他推向前台。 starwarschina

Knows when you're being conned, knows how to con.
人被骗了之后,就学会了怎么骗人。 entertainment.xin.msn.com

New job offers aren't always what they seem, added26-year-old Fang Jianlin, whose friends were recently conned.
新工作的招工人员中有很多骗子,26岁的方建林(音译补充说,他的朋友最近受骗了。 yeeyan

Photo is of a Chinese businessman who with Emma's help was able to recover money that had been conned.
图为一名中国商人在 Emma的帮助下,讨回了被骗走的货款。 chnmilitary

Some people loathe the whole car- buying experience simply because they anticipate getting conned.
一些人什么购车经验都不喜欢听,这仅仅因为受骗上当早已在他们的预料之中。 yeeyan

The clever salesman conned my brother out of all his money.
那个狡猾的推销员把我兄弟身上的钱全哄骗走了。 hotdic

Your brain is conned to spend, spend, spend.
你的大脑只知道花钱、花钱、花钱。 yeeyan




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