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词汇 connectives
释义 connectives 英kə'nektɪvz美kə'nektɪvz COCA¹⁶¹²²³BNC³⁸⁰⁶⁵
名词 connective:
an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentencesan instrumentality that connects
用作名词By addingconnectivesin translation, the paratactic original text can be transformed into a hypotactic one which is more acceptable to target language readers.通过添加连接词,原文的意合型语句可以转换为形合型语句。as
同义词 association,channel,contact,element,hookup,network,relationship,tiearticulation,attachment,bond,connective,constituent,copula,coupler,coupling,division,fastening,hitch,in,interconnection,interface,intersection,joining,joint,junction,knot,ligament,ligation,ligature,loop,member,nexus,part,piece,ring,seam,section,splice,tie up,weld,yokevinculum
反义词 line,wholeas
同义词 obligation,relationshipaffiliation,affinity,attachment,connection,connective,friendship,hookup,interrelationship,liaison,link,marriage,network,restraint,tie,tie-in,union
反义词 dislike,divorce,enmity,hate,hatred A few of these are serial sentences prose, what Ron Silliman dubbed“the new sentence”: a quick succession of complete sentences, juxtaposed one to the next, without logical connectives paratactic.
其中有些是是由一系列句子组成的散文,让· 希里曼称之为“新句子”,即一连串的完整句子并置,全然没有逻辑上的并列连接词。

Among the textual errors made by Korean students at the intermediate and advanced levels, the errors of connectives are secondary only to the errors of omission, making up31.
中高级韩国学生的语篇偏误中,关联词语偏误仅次于汉语省略偏误,占31。 dictall

The contrast of the register of connectives shows that the total number of connectives with spoken feature in WECCL is relatively larger than that in LOCNESS.
研究发现,中国英语专业大学生的英语作文里所含有的具有口语特征的连接词的总量显著多于英语国家大学生作文中此类连接词的使用总量。 fabiao

The study of text- connectives theoretically comes under the strategy of meta- discourseKopple, 1985.
从理论上看,以文本连接词为中心的教学模式属于元语篇策略的范畴。 dictall

The functions of discourse connectives in the generation and interpretation of texts consist in two aspects: textual organization and cognitive guiding.
话语联系语在书面语篇的生成和理解中,具有语篇组构功能和认知引导功能。 dictall

At present, the study on connectives in modern Chinese is comparatively weak or not systematic.
目前,现代汉语研究中,关联词的研究相对薄弱,也缺乏系统性。 dictall

English is an overt cohesion-prominent, hypotactic language and its clauses are often arranged with connectives.
英语造句常用各种连接和形式,注重显性接应,是一种形合语言。 cnki

In both textual linguistics and pragmatics, discourse connectives are considered to have significant functions.
无论在篇章语言学还是在语用学研究中,话语联系语均被认为具有重要功能。 cnki

In free indirect speeches, discourse connectives perform similar cohesive functions by sustaining or transferring narrative point of view.
在自由间接引语语体中,话语联系语通过维持和转换叙事视角发挥类似作用。 dictall

Number, shape and size of stamens, especially the apex of connectives;
雄蕊的数目、形状、大小,尤其是药隔顶端的特征; cnki

The author supposes that due to their different learning environments and shared mother tongue, majors and non- majors may have some similarities and differences in using connectives in their wring.
虽然很多学者进行了这方面的研究,但是还没有学者对英语专业的学生和非英语专业的学生在写作中使用连接词的情况进行比较,探讨他们的异同。 fabiao

Then a further qualitative analysis of the context reveals that learners' overuse of connectives involve mechanical use, excessive use, ambiguous use and misuse of discourse connectives.
另外,本研究还发现,学习者倾向于较少使用那些适用于正式文体的联系语。 fabiao

There are no connectives in the premises and conclusions of this reasoning. There are not complicated but simple propositions.
这个推理的前提和结论里都没有连接词,它们不是复合命题而是简单命题。 cnki

There have not been many studies on English connectives in the field of linguistics.




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