

单词 connect
释义 con·nect 英kəˈnekt美kəˈnɛktAHDkə-nĕktʹ ★★☆☆☆初中高四六研IT牛4COCA¹⁹⁷⁸BNC¹⁰⁶⁴⁷iWeb⁷⁰⁴Economist⁵¹⁹²

vt. & vi. 连接; 结合

join or fix one thing to another thing

vt. & vi. 把…联系起来

tie or fasten or link together

connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces;

Can you connect the two loudspeakers?

Tie the ropes together

Link arms

make a logical or causal connection;

I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind

colligate these facts

I cannot relate these events at all

be or become joined or united or linked;

The two streets connect to become a highway

Our paths joined

The travelers linked up again at the airport

join by means of communication equipment;

The telephone company finally put in lines to connect the towns in this area

land on or hit solidly;

The brick connected on her head, knocking her out

join for the purpose of communication;

Operator, could you connect me to the Raffles in Singapore?

be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as in transportation;

The local train does not connect with the Amtrak train

The planes don't connect and you will have to wait for four hours

establish a rapport or relationship;

The President of this university really connects with the faculty

establish communication with someone;

did you finally connect with your long-lost cousin?

plug into an outlet;

Please plug in the toaster!

Connect the TV so we can watch the football game tonight

hit or play a ball successfully;

The batter connected for a home run


❌ The Suez Canal connects Africa from Asia.

✔️ The Suez Canal connects Africa with Asia.



❌ The two towns are connected with each other by a highway.

✔️ The two towns are connected by a highway.

connect本身含有“接在一起”的意思,用each other意思重复。

connect, combine, join, unite


1.connect指两个不同的、分离着的事物在某一点上相互接触可依靠媒介物,但各自仍保持原有的特性及独立性; combine指两个或多个东西“搅拌”“渗透”或“混合”,合而为一,但已失去原有的特性; unite意思是“联合”“结合”“合并”,指把两件以上同种类的东西紧密地结合在一起,重新组成一个整体,使其合而为一,也可用于无形事物的结合; join意为“联合”“联结”,指使两个分开的东西联结起来或把一个东西加入到另一个里面去,使它们合在一起,但个体形象仍然存在。例如:

Africa is connected with Asia at the spot where the Suez Canal was dug.非洲在开凿苏伊士运河的地方与亚洲相连。
She combined some sugar, flour and butter to make some cookies.她把白糖、面粉和黄油和在一起做小甜饼。
Let us unite to fight poverty and disease.让我们同心协力与贫穷和疾病作斗争。
They danced and danced until a lot of us joined in.他们不停地跳着舞,直到我们中间许多人都参加了进去。

2.combine还可表示“联合”或“合并”; connect还可表示事物之间的因果、逻辑等关系。例如:

Let us combine our two firms against our competitors.让我们两家公司联合起来,对付和我们竞争的那些公司。
The radio will not work unless you connect these two wires together.除非你把这两根线接上,否则收音机就不会响。

3.从结合的紧密程度来说, join要比connect密切。例如:

Make sure the machine is connected properly.务必核实这台机器是否确已接通电源。
The first stage of the operation was to join up the bones.手术的第一步是把骨头接上。join,combine,unite,connect,link,attach,couple,associate,relate











con-, 强调。-nect, 连接,词源同net, annex.
用作动词 v.
~+名词connect a voltmeter接上伏特计connect London and Cambridge连接伦敦和剑桥两市connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans联通了大西洋和太平洋connect the battery接上电池connect the main roads of north China连接华北的主要道路connect the two things将这两件事情联系在一起connect the two towns连接两个城市connect two wires together把这两根线接上~+副词connect accurately精确地相连connect closely紧密相连connect directly直接相通connect distantly疏远地连接connect loosely松散地连接connect properly确已接通connect remotely遥远地连接connect socially社会联系connect telegraphically以电信相连connect up接通,连接在一起~+介词connect to与…衔接connect with相连
connect to v.+prep.

使与…接通电话 join to sb else by telephone

connect up v.+adv.

接通; 连接在一起 join to a main supply or system; join together

connect sth ⇔ upThe scientists connected the wires up.科学家们把这些电线连接起来。
You won't get any current until you connect up the cells.你必须先把电池连接起来,才会产生电流。
Is your telephone connected up yet?你的电话接通了没有?
connect with v.+prep.

转乘,及时赶乘 meet so that the passengers can change from one to another without delay

connect with sthThe room connects with the dining hall by means of a hallway.这房间通过一条过道与餐厅相连。
This river connects directly with the sea.这条河一直通向大海。
Where does the gas-stove connect with the gas-pipe?煤气炉在什么地方与煤气管道相接?connect sth with sthYou must connect this wire with that one.你必须把这条电线和那条接起来。
The bus and lorry services connect all these farms with the outside.客、货车运输把这些农场和外界连接起来。
The two ends of the pipeline are connected with the radiator.管道的两端与暖气片相连接。
The hotel was connected with the station by a walkway.人行道把旅馆和车站连接起来。
North America is connected with South America by the Isthmus of Panama.巴拿马海峡把北美同南美连接起来。connect with sb/sthWait till I send you word. Don't try to connect with me.等我带信给你。不要来找我。
This sentence does not seem to connect with the context.这个句子似乎与上下文脱节。connect sb/sth with sb/sthThere is no evidence to connect John with the murder.没有证据把约翰与这件杀人案联系起来。
People usually connect China with silk and good food.人们一提到中国,往往便联想到丝绸和美食。
The police do not connect the knife with the murder.警察认为小刀和这件谋杀案没有联系。
I'd never have connected you with the George Parsons I used to know.我怎么也不会想到把你和我曾认识的乔治·帕森联系在一起。
This ambitious professor of philosophy connected himself with a group of like-minded intellectuals.这位有抱负的哲学教授同一群与自己志同道合的年轻知识分子建立了联系。
Was I foolish if I connected him with Anne Catherick?我把他同安妮·卡瑟里克联系起来,是不是有点傻呀?
I connect cotton candy with the circus.一看到棉花糖我就联想到马戏表演。
A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him.一个好学生应该将他读到的东西与他在周围看到的东西联系起来。
People connect Anshan with iron and steel.人们提到鞍山就联想到钢铁。
It's natural to connect Australia with kangaroos.把澳大利亚和袋鼠联想在一起是很自然的。
The visit of the police was not connected with the lost child.警察这次拜访和小孩丢失一事无关。
He was also connected with the government.他和政府也有联系。
Mathematics is connected with astronomy.数学与天文学有联系。
The less severe winters are connected with the presence of a large body of water, which cools slower than land.冬天不太冷与大面积水域有关,水比陆地冷得慢。
Force is not connected with the idea of time.力与时间概念无关。
He is connected with the iron industry.他在钢铁业谋事。
Our chief salesman has been connected with the shoes trade for twenty years.我们的营销主任已经做了20年的鞋业贸易。connect sb with sb/sthConnect me with Mr.Collins, please.请给我接柯林斯先生。
Please connect me with Beijing University.请给我接北京大学。
Can you connect me with London?请接伦敦。
The operator will connect you with our sales department.接线员将把您的电话转接到销售部。connect with sthThe early bus from the factory connects with the 8:30 train.从工厂开出的早班公共汽车可使职工赶上8:30的火车。
This train connects there with the 9:00 a.m. train from Beijing.本次列车可在那里与从北京开来的上午九点的列车接上。
The early bus from the town connects with the 7:00 train.从镇里开出的早班公共汽车可与七点的火车相衔接。
The trolly bus connects here with a bus for the airfield.无轨电车在这里同到机场去的公共汽车衔接。
This train connects with the one leaving for London half an hour later.坐这班火车可换乘半小时后开往伦敦的那趟车。
This train connects with one at Birmingham.这列火车在伯明翰与一列火车衔接。
This flight connects with a flight for Paris.这班飞机与去巴黎的班机衔接。钱博士con一起+nect连接→连接到一起⇒连接,联结,联系
非常记忆con啃〖谐音〗+ne哪〖吒〗〖拼音〗+ctCT〖编码〗⇒啃骨头的哪吒把CT机连接上了con一起+nect连接→连接到一起⇒连接,联结,联系。词根记忆con+nect绑→与…绑在一起→连接词根记忆con+nect连接→连接词根记忆con共同+nect近义词 joinlinkuniterelatecombineassociate反义词 disjoindiscordseparatedisconnectdissociate
S+~+AMake sure the machine's connected properly.请务必核实这台机器确已接通电源。
The two parts do not connect properly.这两部分没连接好。
Do the trains connect?各路火车连通了没有?
Northbound and eastbound trains connect at New York.北上和东行的列车在纽约衔接。
S+~+ n./pron.The radio will not work unless you connect these two wires together.除非你把这两根线接上,否则收音机就不会响。
Will this lamp light up if I connect the battery?如果我接上电池,这灯会不会亮?
I'm trying to connect these two pieces of wire.我在设法把这两根电线接在一起。
Connect the two wires here.把这儿的两根线连起来吧。
Suppose we connect a voltmeter across a dry cell.假定我们在干电池两端接上伏特计。
We connected the two towns by a railway.我们建一条铁路把两个城市连起来。
This road connects London and Cambridge.这条路连接伦敦和剑桥两市。
The Great Wall has great gateways which connect the main roads of North China.长城有许多关口,这些关口与华北的主要道路相连。
The channels connect 400 electric pumping stations.这些渠道连接着400多座电灌站。
The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.巴拿马运河联通了大西洋和太平洋。
The telephone operator connected us.话务员给我们接通了电话。
I cannot connect the two things in my mind.在我心中,我无法将这两件事情联系在一起。
The two cities are connected by a railway.这两个城市有铁路相连。
The two banks are connected by a bridge.桥把两岸连接起来。
Their families are now connected by marriage.他们的家庭现在成了姻亲。
The island is connected by telephone.那个海岛由电话联系。
She is well connected socially.她有优越的社会关系。
The two families are closely connected.这两家人关系密切。
As you study a globe, you may notice that most of the large land areas are connected, or almost so.当你观察地球仪时,你可能会注意到多数大块陆地是相连的,或基本上是相连的。其他v -ed as Attrib.He drew a conclusion from the connected facts.他从相联系的事实中得出了结论。Pconnecting接线的Pconnectin肌联蛋白Pconnectivum结缔组织Pconnectedness连通性N P-connectionN层连接Pintraconnection内连Pdisconnecting拆接的Pdiconnected双向连通的Pconnectionism连接机制Pinconnector流线内接符Pconnectionless无连接的Pquick-disconnect急分离Pbiconnectivity双连通性Pconnectivity连通性连通度Pinterconnectvt.使互相连接T P-connectorT型头T形连接器Pinterconnectionn.互相连络Ppoint-connectivity点连通度Plocally-connected局部连通的Pin-connection输入连接内连接Pdisconnectionn.分离断开分开Pinterconnecting转接的转换的Pconnectionn.连接关系前后关系Pdisconnecteda.分离的不连贯的Preconnection重新接人重新连接Pvariable-connector可变连接器Pconnectorn.连结者联系者连结物Pconnectionless-mode无连接方式Pinterconnectedv.使互相连接连接Poutconnector流线改接符流线外接符Pdisconnectvt.使分离使不相连拆开vi.断开Pconnection-oriented面向连接的数据传收方法Pconnectivea.易于连接的连接的n.连接物关联词Pconnectern.连接者联系者连接物连接器插塞和塞孔Pwell-connecteda.精心构思的有好亲戚的出身名门的Punconnecteda.不连接的分离的不连贯的无亲属关系的Pconnecteda.连接的连贯的有联系的关联的连结的有关系的




connect后接介词to表示“使与…连接”; 后接副词up表示“接通,连接在一起”; 后接介词with表示“与…连接”“使有关系”“用电话同…相联系”“转乘,及时赶乘”等。


用作动词The plumberconnectedup all the pipes and turned on the tap.管子工连接上所有管子,然后打开了水龙头。
These terminals areconnectedto our mainframe computer.这些终端设备都和我们的计算机主机相连。
Has the phone beenconnectedyet?电话接通了吗?
The police tried toconnecthim with the murder.警方试图将他与这起谋杀案联系起来。
I was surprised to hear them mentioned together: I've neverconnectedthem before.听到有人把他们俩扯在一起,我感到很惊奇,我以前从未想到过他们之间有什么关系。verb.combine, link
同义词 associate,attach,hook up,join,relateaffix,ally,bridge,cohere,conjoin,consociate,correlate,couple,equate,fasten,marry,span,tag,unite,wed,yokecome aboard,get into,hitch on,hook on,interface,join up with,meld with,network with,plug into,slap on,tack on,tag on,tie in,tie in with
反义词 disconnect,disjoin,dissociate,disunite,divide,divorce,separate,sever,detach,disagree,imbalance,loosen,unlink
adjoinverb attach
adjustverb mechanically alter, especially to
align,balance,bring into line,calibrate,connect,correct,fine-tune,fit,fix,focus,grind,improve,improve accommodate,mend,overhaul,polish,put in working order,readjust,rectify,regulate,renovate,repair,service,set,sharpen,square,tighten,troubleshoot,tune up
adjustsverb mechanically alter, especially to
acclimatizes,accommodates,accustoms,adapts,alters,arranges,composes,conforms,disposes,doctors,does as Romans does,fiddles with,fine-tunes,fits,fixes,fixes up,gets acts together,gets it together,grins and bears it,habituates,harmonizes,makes conform,modifies,orders,quadrates,reconciles,rectifies,redresses,regulates,remodels,settles,suits,swims with the tide,tailor-makes,tailors,tunes
affiliateverb associate or be associated with a larger organization
ally,amalgamate,annex,associate,band together,combine,come aboard,confederate,connect,form connection,go partners,hook up,incorporate,join,line up,plug into,relate,team up,throw in with,tie up,unite
affiliatesverb associate or be associated with a larger organization
allies,amalgamates,annexes,associates,bands together,combines,comes aboard,confederates,connects,form connection,goes partners,hooks up,incorporates,joins,line up,plugs into,relates,team up,throws in with,ties up,unites
annexverb join or add
adjoin,affix,append,appropriate,associate,attach,connect,fasten,hitch on,hitch up,hook on,hook up,link,slap on,subjoin,tack on,tag,tag on,take on,take over,unite A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him.

This is the adapter where all applications connect to the primary instance for each server.
所有的应用程序就是在该适配器中连接到每个服务器的主实例。 ibm

As before, if the value of this parameter is not right, then the application will fail to connect without any meaningful error message, as shown in Listing7.
与以前一样,如果此参数的值不正确,应用程序将无法进行连接,并且不会出现任何有意义的错误消息,如清单7所示。 ibm

Finally, it will connect to one of these databases.
最后,它将连接到这些数据库之一。 ibm

Go seek them out and connect with them.
把他们找出来并与他们取得联系。 yeeyan

If you can connect after disabling the firewall, then you can adjust the firewall rules on your systems to allow the traffic to pass.
如果禁用防火墙之后仍不能连接,那么您可以调整您的系统上的防火墙规则,以便允许流量通过。 ibm

Instead, use the words: do, be, or connect.
要用下面的词代替“尝试”:“做”、“在”或“联系”。 yeeyan

It can detect and connect either one, if you have coverage of both types.
如果这两种接口你都有,它会用任何一种进行探测和连接。 ebigear

Next, we connect to the database as we have done previously.
接下来,我们像先前那样连接到数据库。 ibm

Next, connect to the database.
接下来,连接到该数据库。 ibm

Of course we can connect it to the screens we already have.
当然我们可以将它连接到我们已经有的屏幕上。 cnblogs

This is because we have to connect to the naming service.
这是因为我们必须连接到命名服务。 ibm

This is an opportunity for people to express themselves and connect with one other.
这是给人们提供一个表达自我同时同他们联系的机会。 yeeyan

This is exercise to connect with the world around, not tune it out.
这是让你同周围的世界相连而非将它阻隔在外的锻炼。 yeeyan

To which databases do the clients connect?
客户机要连接到哪些数据库? ibm

We can now modify our script further to read these machine names into a list structure, and connect to the registries of each one in turn.
现在我们可以进一步修改脚本以把这些机器名读取到一个列表结构中,并轮流连接到每台机器的注册表。 ibm

Where do the two railroads connectlink up?

Which services do the clients use on servers, and how do they connect to these services?
客户机要使用服务器上的哪些服务,以及它们如何连接这些服务? ibm

You also should connect all control outputs and required data outputs.
您还应当连接所有的控制输出和必需的数据输出。 ibm

You could also connect people together from your network.
你也可以从你的网络中把人们联系到一起。 yeeyan




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