

单词 conjures up
释义 conjures up短语³³¹²¹
Its oxymoronic- sounding name alone conjures up visions of a shark from a Disney movie— a fluffy, fun little animal that wags its fin like Pluto wags its tail.
仅仅是它那形象的名字就足以让我们想到一部迪士尼电影中的一条鲨鱼--一只毛茸茸的有趣的动物,抖动起鱼鳍来就像冥王星拖着长长的尾巴。 yeeyan

CORRUPTION conjures up images of shadowy deals among lobbyists, corporations and crooked government officials.
腐败让人想起说客、公司和折腰官员之间的私底交易。 ecocn

I found that when I read the same piece of feedback at different times, it conjures up different thoughts and emotions.
我发现在不同的时间读同样的一条评论,会有不同的想法和感受。 yeeyan

Instead, it conjures up a deadly poison that seems to seep out of the flowers.
反之,这幅画在人们的思绪唤起一种致命的毒药,毒汁似乎就要从花中渗出。 ecocn.org

One popular explanation conjures up fears of rising inflation and hence higher interest ratessee article.
一种普遍的解释是人们对持续的通胀的恐惧以及因此而产生的高利率。 ecocn

Rather, it conjures up a quiet and dutiful domesticity.
但这幅画营造出一种安静祥和且各司其职的家庭生活。 ecocn

Stillness is a beautiful word. It conjures up images of a relaxed body, a peaceful mind, and silence.
静止是一个很美的词,看到这个词,脑海里呈现的画面是放松的身体,平静的思绪和周围的安静。 yeeyan

Travelling by plane usually conjures up images of a few too many hours spent twiddling thumbs in chairs with unsettling stains.
乘飞机旅行常常使人浮现出种种画面:不断摆弄拇指,在座位上左扭右扭打发漫长的时间。 ecocn




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