

单词 conjured
释义 con·jure·d 英'kʌndʒə美'kʌndʒə COCA³³⁶⁵¹BNC³¹⁹⁶⁶Economist¹⁷⁰⁹⁶

do clever tricks such as making things


do certain object such as playing tricks

summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic;

raise the specter of unemployment

he conjured wild birds in the air

call down the spirits from the mountain

ask for or request earnestly;

The prophet bid all people to become good persons

engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together;

They conspired to overthrow the government

conjure up, recall to mind


1.conjure up的意思是“使图画般地出现在脑海中”,而recall to mind的意思时“回想起”。2.recall to mind可用于否定句,而conjure up不能。


I can't recall her name to mind for the time being. 此时我想不起她的名字了。

用作动词 v.
~+名词conjure a fish变出一条鱼conjure a pigeon变出一羽鸽子~+副词conjure away用魔法驱除conjure down用魔法召来conjure out念咒语时出现;耍戏法变出conjure up念咒召来;想象出conjuring up storms呼风唤雨~+介词conjure sth from从…里变出…conjure sth out of从…里变出…conjure sth into把…变成…conjure sb into to -ing施魔法似的使某人做某事conjure with用…变戏法
conjure upv.+adv.

魔术般地使…呈现 appear as a picture in the mindTry to conjure up a picture of life in Ancient Egypt.设法想象古埃及的生活画面。

近义词 charmraiserousecompelinvokesummonbewitchenchantto do magic
S+~The girl conjures with silver coins.那姑娘会用银币变戏法。
S+~+ n./pron.He said he could conjure a fair princess.他说他能用魔法召来仙女公主。
He said he could conjure the spirits of the dead.他说他能用念咒召显死者的灵魂。
His is a name to conjure with.他大名鼎鼎。S+~+ n./pron.+prep- phraseMark and Mandy conjured bolloons from their pockets.马克和曼迪从口袋里变出气球。
The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.魔术师从他的帽子里变出一只兔子。
She seems to conjure wonderful costumes out of thin air.她好像凭空变出了漂亮的戏服。
S+~+ n./pron.+adv.A walk in the fresh air soon conjured her headache away.在新鲜空气中散步奇迹般地消除了她的头疼。S+~+ n./pron.+prep- phraseHe conjured her into dancing.他施展魔法让她跳起舞来。
The dealer conjured him into buying a more expensive car.那商人蛊惑他买了一辆更昂贵的汽车。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vThe wizard conjured stones to move.魔术师把石头变得会动。


conjure from和conjure out of都表示“从…变出”;conjure up表示“用魔术般变出”,引申则表示“魔术般地使…呈现”。

用作动词Jean canconjureup a good meal in half an hour.琼能在半小时内变戏法似的做出一顿美味的饭菜。
Be on your guard, Iconjureyou.千万要警惕呀,我恳求你。verb.appeal to, implore
同义词 craveadjure,ask,beg,beseech,brace,entreat,importune,pray,supplicate,urge
反义词 answer,command,givedisgust,turn offverb.cast spell
同义词 exorcise,invoke,summonentrance,bewitch,raise,charm,voodoo,levitate,rouse,enchant,fascinatecall upon,ensorcel,play tricks
反义词 disenchant,turn off,repulse,repel,disgust A walk in the fresh air soon conjured her headache away.

And so a misanthropic fantasy is conjured: what would a world without men be like?
另外,我还祈求一个愤世嫉俗的幻想,就是如果世界没有了男人会变成怎么样呢? yeeyan

The programme describes the aesthetic experience conjured up by these transmogrified icons of high and low culture.
这次展览通过呈现对雅文化和俗文化标志性图标进行变形,让参观者获得审美上的体验。 yeeyan

A walk in the fresh air soon conjured her headache away.
她散步在新鲜空气之中,于是头疼顿时就消失。 hotdic

After days of meetings, she finally mentioned the words “ Jackson Hole,” along with the frontier spirit it conjured in her mind.
经过数天会议,她终于提到了“杰克逊霍尔”这个词,随之出现在她脑海的,是西部的拓荒精神。 yeeyan

But in the end he conjured up a reality of his own, channelling the magic of computing into products that reshaped entire industries.
然而最终乔布斯编织了一个自己的现实,并将计算的魔力引入到了重塑整个工作的产品中去。 ecocn

He often conjured up visions of his boyhood days.

Like the top quark, the Higgs will be conjured up by smashing heavy particles called hadrons which include protons and their antimatter equivalents.
像顶夸克,希格斯会魔法地出现通过分裂叫强子它包括质子和它们的反物质当量的重子。 ecocn

Perhaps no other set of images are conjured the morale at which the marriages acted and celebrated.
也许没有任何其他的图像是别有用心的婚姻采取行动和庆祝的士气。 ou99

The magician conjured a bowl of fish out of his hat.
魔术师从帽子里变出一碗鱼来。 hotdic

Their team has conjured up a couple of decent slogans;
他们协同合作,提出了数个有号召力的口号; ecocn

Their team has conjured up a couple of decent slogans; the Tories are still groping for theirs.
他们协同合作,提出了数个有号召力的口号;而保守党在此方面却毫无建树。 ecocn

With their economic power and hunger for new experiences, China’s restless middle classes have conjured a new Europe into life.
随着国家经济实力的增强和中国人对外出旅游体验的渴望,中国不知疲倦的中产阶级们已经把欧洲规划到自己人生旅途的计划之中。 yeeyan




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