

单词 conjugate
释义 con·ju·gate 英ˈkɒndʒəˌgeɪt美ˈkɑndʒəˌgetAHDkŏnʹjə-gāt' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁴²⁶¹BNC⁴²²⁴⁷iWeb²³⁷⁶³
a mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions: one of A in B and another of B in A
joined together especially in a pair or pairsof a pinnate leaflet having only one pair of leafletsformed by the union of two compounds;

a conjugated protein

of an organic compound; containing two or more double bonds each separated from the other by a single bond
unite chemically so that the product is easily broken down into the original compoundsadd inflections showing person, number, gender, tense, aspect, etc.;

conjugate the verb

undergo conjugationcon-, 强调。-jug, 连接,词源同join, jugular.conjugate beam共轭梁conjugate planes共轭平面conjugate complex共轭复数complex conjugate复共轭的,复共轭…conjugate foci共轭焦点conjugate axis共轭轴conjugate division接合分裂,双核分裂…conjugate stress共轭应力conjugate slip共轭滑移conjugate point光共轭点conjugate system共轭体系统conjugate image共轭象conjugate line共轭线,共轭直线…conjugate matrices共轭阵conjugate base共轭碱conjugate spirals共轭螺旋conjugate diameter共轭直径conjugate circuits共轭电路conjugate faults共轭断层conjugate solution共轭溶液
con一起+jug结合-ate…的拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词、形容词和名词后缀→结合,结合的,结合物⇒语法列举动词的词形变化。词根记忆con+jug+ate=共同在轭下=结合近义词 twin孪生的connected相关的conjugated共轭的coupled成对的连接的…conjugate solution共轭溶液

用作动词Moreover, it is tolerated at higher doses in rats and cynomolgus monkeys than the sameconjugateprepared by conventional approaches.而且,与常规结合方法相比,这种药物在小鼠和猕猴中显示出更大的耐受性。
Based on the steepest descent method and theconjugategradient method, a hybrid algorithm is proposed in this paper, and its global convergence is proved.摘要将最速下降法与共扼梯度法有机结合起来,构造出一种混合优化算法,并证明其全局收敛性。用作形容词This is a constant-amplitude wave which is essentially the same on theconjugateimage plane.这是一个振幅恒定的波,在共轭的象平面上也是如此。verb.(combine
同义词 adjoin,affix,associate,attach,bind,compound,conjoin,connect,consolidate,couple,join,link,marry,meld,unify,unite
反义词 detach,disconnect,disjoin,disunite,divide,divorce,loosen,part,separate,sever,unfasten
cohabitverb live together
be roommates with,couple,have relations,live illegally,live with,mingle,play house,room together,shack up,share address,take up housekeeping
copulateverb have sexual relations
be carnal,bed,breed,cohabit,conjugate,couple,do it,fool around,fornicate,go all the way,go to bed,have coition,have relations,have sex,lay,lie with,make it,make love,make out,mate,sleep together,sleep with,unite
coupleverb join two things
bracket,bring together,buckle,clasp,coalesce,cohabit,come together,conjoin,conjugate,connect,copulate,harness,hitch,hook up,link,marry,match,pair,unite,wed,yoke
couplesverb join two things
brackets,brings together,buckles,clasps,coalesces,cohabits,comes together,conjoins,conjugates,connects,copulates,harnesses,hitches,hooks up,links,marries,matches,pairs,unites,weds,yokes
joinverb unite
accompany,add,adhere,affix,agglutinate,annex,append,assemble,associate,attach,blend,bracket,cement,clamp,clasp,clip,coadunate,coalesce,combine,compound,concrete,conjoin,conjugate,connect,copulate,couple,entwine,fasten,fuse,grapple,hitch on,incorporate,interlace,intermix,juxtapose,knit,leash,link,lock,lump together,marry,mate,melt,mix,pair,put together,slap on,span,splice,stick together,tack on,tag on,tie,tie up,touch,weave,wed,weld,yoke
linkverb connect
associate,attach,bind,bracket,combine,conjoin,conjugate,couple,fasten,group,hitch on,hook up,identify,incorporate,interface,join,meld with,network,plug into,relate,slap on,tack on,tag along,tag on,team up with,throw in with,tie,tie in with,unite,yoke A comprehensive review of all evidence on the safety of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines was conducted and presented.
会议期间完成并介绍了有关肺炎球菌结合疫苗安全性所有证据的综合性评述。 who

At the request of SAGE, the committee reviewed the safety of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines.
应免疫战略咨询专家组 SAGE要求,委员会评审了肺炎球菌结合疫苗的安全性。 who

It is because, in this case, the conjugate surface of the hob relief is a column face which can not be superseded by a surface of revolution.
因为在铲磨情况下,标准后隙面的共轭曲面为一柱面,不可能用一个回转的砂轮曲面来代替。 cnki

According to the filter matrix particularity, the filter equation was solved by using conjugate gradient method.
并根据滤波矩阵的特殊性,?用共轭梯度法求解滤波方程。 http://dj.iciba.com

Africa has a new conjugate vaccine with the power to eliminate epidemics in the meningitis belt.
非洲获得了能够在脑膜炎地带消除脑膜炎流行病的新结合疫苗。 who

An improved and affordable conjugate vaccine is expected by2010.
到2010年预期有一种改进的和可负担得起的联合疫苗。 who

From December2010, a new meningococcal A conjugate vaccine is being introduced nationwide in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.
自2010年12月起,在布基纳法索、马里和尼日尔全国推出新的 A群脑膜炎球菌结合疫苗。 who

Results Under the condition of the conjugate prior distribution, the prior parameters computed by three methods were similar.
结果在共轭先验分布的条件下,先验矩、分位数、众数与分位数三种方法确定的先验分布参数结果一致。 iciba

Since1999, meningococcal conjugate vaccines against group C have been available and widely used.
自1999年以来, C群脑膜炎球菌结合疫苗已经存在并得到广泛使用。 who

The authors of the paper conclude that pneumococcal conjugate vaccines should be made available as soon as possible to African infants.
论文作者的结论是,应尽早向非洲婴儿提供肺炎球菌结合疫苗。 who

Then, a requisition port could use the same type as a service port, thereby eliminating the need to define conjugate types.
然后,请求端口能够使用同样的类型作为服务端口,由此就不再需要定义变形的类型。 ibm

Therefore, the research on the design and manufacture of conjugate surface has become an important part in the field of machine manufacture.
因此,研究共轭曲面的设计和制造成为机械制造领域的一个重要课题。 cnki

This type is known as the conjugate of a service specification.
这一类型就是服务规范的变形。 ibm

We say that the reference is the “ conjugate” of the service.
我们将这样的引用称为服务的“共轭”。 ibm

With the introduction of the new meningococcal A conjugate vaccine, WHO promotes a strategy comprising epidemic preparedness, prevention and response.
随着采用新的 A群脑膜炎球菌结合疫苗,世卫组织鼓励采取流行防备、预防和应对策略。 who

You get these plots by taking the wave function times its complex conjugate and operating on that.




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