

单词 congruences
释义 con·gru·ence·s 英'kɒŋgrʊəns美'kɒŋgrʊəns COCA²³⁷⁴⁰⁰BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²
the quality of agreeing; being suitable and appropriatecongruent合适的linear line congruence线性线汇,一次线汇…congruence field同余域congruence of lines线汇polynomial congruence多项式同余congruence class同余类normal congruence法汇method of goal congruence目标一致法congruence of matrices矩阵相合congruence relation同余关系axis congruence轴汇congruence of curves曲线汇quadratic congruence二次线汇congruence circuit重合电路,同步电路…
近义词 congruity适合connection联系congruousness一致compatibility和谐共处反义词 incongruence不一致的

用作名词Conclusion Positive coping styles have benefits to self consistency andcongruence, and negative coping styles have disadvantage to self consistency andcongruence.结论采用积极应对方式有助于促进大学生的自我和谐,而消极应对对自我和谐存在不利影响。 In this paper, we describe the generalized inverse congruences on a regular semigroup by means of their kernels and hyper- traces.
利用同余的核与超迹描述正则半群上的广义逆半群同余。 cnki

On any eventually regular semigroup S, the K- classes T- classes of some special congruences on the congruence lattice of S are studied.
讨论了毕竟正则半群 S的同余格上包含一些特殊同余的同余类K-类 T-类 。 cnki

The rectangular group congruences on eventually orthodox semigroup were characterized by means of weak inverse and kernel- trace approach.
利用弱逆和核迹方法,刻画了毕竟纯整半群上的矩形群同余。 dictall

In this article, we investigate H- related congruences on completely regular semigroups.
本文研究了完全正则半群上的 H-相关同余。 dictall.com

In this thesis, we mainly study H- related congruences on completely regular semigroups and GV- semigroups.
本文主要研究完全正则半群上的 H-相关同余和 GV-半群。 dictall.com

It is well known that congruences on regular semigroups are good.
众所周知,正则半群上的同余都是好同余。 cnki

On this base, some properties of fuzzy good congruences on adequate semigroups are given.
在此基础上,给出了适当半群上模糊好同余的性质。 cnki

The congruences on a regular semigroup is completely determined by its idempotent congruence classes.
正则半群上的同余是由其幂等元同余类所完全决定的。 cnki

There exists an irregular semigroups in which joins of good congruences are good.
存在所有好余的并都是好余的非正则半群。 cnki

We introduce the concept of fuzzy congruence extensions for subsemigroups of a semigroup S, and give some homomorphic properties of fuzzy congruences extensions.
本文引入半群的模糊同余扩张的概念,给出了模糊同余扩张的同态性质。 dictall

We obtain that a semilattice of rectangular bands of finite weakly commutative semigroups finite inverse semigroups is finite iff the lattice of its congruences satisfies ACCor DCC.
前者得出有限弱可换半群有限逆半群的矩形带的半格是有限的当且仅当它的同余格满足 ACC或DCC。 cnki




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