

单词 Congratulations on
释义 Congratulations on短语⁵⁸⁹¹
Ambassador Kuang thanked the president for meeting him, and extended his congratulations on the huge success of the50th anniversary celebrations.
旷大使感谢科罗马总统拨冗会见,祝贺塞独立50周年庆典活动取得了圆满成功。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

First of all, I would like to extend my congratulations on the publication of the Progress Report on China's Implementation of the UN Millennium Development Goals!
首先,我衷心地祝贺《联合国千年发展目标中国实施进展报告》发表。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

I would like to express congratulations on the convening of the meeting and extend welcome for your participation, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.
我谨代表中国外交部对会议的召开表示祝贺,对各位的光临表示欢迎。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Our workbook Congratulations on Your New Role… Now What? will help give you a head start.
我们的工作指导恭喜您的崭新角色…现在做什么?将有助于给您一个有利的起步。 yeeyan

The United Nations will also send congratulations on the summit and the5th anniversary of the SCO.
联合国方面届时也将向本次峰会和上海合作组织成立5周年表示祝贺。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Week eight: Congratulations on making it to week eight!
第八周:恭喜成功到达第八周! yeeyan

Congratulations on asking the right question.
祝贺你问对了问题。 yeeyan

Congratulations on passing your exams!
祝贺你通过考试! kekenet

Congratulations on your new job.
恭喜你找到了新工作。 hxen




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