

单词 congratulations
释义 congratulations 英kənˌgrætjʊ'leɪʃənz美kənˌgrætʃə'leɪʃənz ★☆☆☆☆COCA¹¹¹⁷²BNC⁹⁰⁸¹iWeb⁵⁵⁰⁷

an expression of approval and commendation;

he always appreciated praise for his work

congratulation-s复数⇒n.祝贺⁹⁷;贺词³近义词 kudos光荣cheers干杯praise赞美compliments贺词well done干得好extolmentextol的名词形式…best wishes最美好的祝愿…

用作名词Congratulations on your success last night!祝贺您昨晚的演出成功。
Please give him mycongratulationswhen you see him.请见到他时转达我的祝贺。
Please accept my sincerecongratulations.请接受我最衷心的祝贺。
He offered hiscongratulationsto the new couples.他向这对新婚夫妇致贺词。
Congratulations rained upon him.贺词纷纷向他涌来。noun.complimentation on achievement, luck
同义词 compliments,felicitations,greetings,hailbest wishes,give a 'hear-hear',good going,good wishes,good work
反义词 commiseration,condolences,criticism
complimentnoun praise, flattery
acclaim,acclamation,admiration,adulation,applause,appreciation,approval,blessing,bouquet,buttering up,cajolery,commendation,comp,confirmation,courtesy,encomium,endorsement,eulogy,favor,felicitation,good word,homage,honor,kudo,laud,laudation,laurels,notice,orchid,ovation,panegyric,pat on the back,posy,regard,respects,sanction,sentiment,tribute,veneration,warm fuzzy
extolmentnoun praise
pat on the backnoun expression of approval
blessing,compliment,congrats,congratulations,encouragement,felicitation,flattery,praise,stroke,support And congratulations again on your amazing new book, “The Social Animal.” What a year you’re having.
还要祝贺您那部写得很棒的新书《群居动物》,一年来您收获真不小啊。 yeeyan

Convey my congratulations to her.

He deserves congratulations for winning such a vote even in the face of a costly war and a patchy economy.
他确实值得祝贺,因为他是在面临一场昂贵的战争和经济失调的情况下赢得这场选举的。 ebigear

I wish to express congratulations on the opening of the summit and thanks to the government of the Kingdom of Bhutan for the thoughtful arrangements.
我谨对峰会的成功召开表示祝贺,对不丹王国政府为此次会议所作的周到安排表示感谢。 putclub

Imagine their congratulations and their high image of you.
然后,想象一下别人对你的恭喜与敬仰。 ecocn

People crowded round the player with congratulations.

Please accept my hearty congratulations.
请接受我衷心的祝贺。 ebigear

Send a quick note of congratulations.
发送一个简介快速的祝贺。 yeeyan

So congratulations everybody on assembly complete.
所以祝贺完成组装的所有人。 yeeyan

The fusion of taste congratulations!
那融合的滋味恭喜你! kekenet

Congratulations! You are on the Conference Committee this year.
祝贺你了!你是今年的会议委员会成员。 hjenglish

Congratulations! You have just installed and set up a fully working AMPP development environment.
恭喜!您现在已经安装和设置好了一个完整的 AMPP开发环境了。 ibm

Congratulations! You have set up an application on XAMPP.
恭喜!您已经设置好 XAMPP上的一个应用程序了。 ibm

Congratulations, you are now done building and are now ready to test.
祝贺您现在完成了构建过程,并且可以进行测试了。 ibm

Congratulations, you have now completed all the exercises!
祝贺您,您现在已经完成了整个实践! ibm

Congratulations, you now have a new apartment!
恭喜,你现在有一个新的公寓了。 yeeyan




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