

单词 congestion
释义 con·ges·tion 英kən'dʒestʃən美kən'dʒɛstʃən ★☆☆☆☆高IST四八COCA¹³⁰⁴⁷BNC¹⁰⁸⁶⁸iWeb⁸⁰⁹⁵Economist⁸¹⁴⁰

excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body partexcessive crowding;

traffic congestion

词根词缀: con-共同 + -gest-携带,运输 + -ion名词词尾congested拥挤的pulmonary congestion肺充血,肺阻性充血…ciliary congestion睫状充血traffic congestion通信量拥挤,信号拥挤…congestion surcharge拥挤附加费neurotonic congestion医 神经紧张性充…venous congestion静脉淤血,郁血…functional congestion机能充血,机能性充血…urban congestion市区拥挤pelvic congestion盆腔充血passive congestion静脉淤血,静脉性充血…congestion control拥挤控制call congestion呼叫拥塞mixed congestion混合充血network congestion网路拥塞congestion theory拥塞论conjunctival congestion目赤,结膜充血…
非常记忆congest堵塞〖熟词〗+tion婶〖谐音〗⇒交通堵塞让阿婶上班迟到了词根记忆con+gest搬运+ion→运了一大堆→拥挤,充塞词根记忆con加强+gest带来+ ion →带来很多→拥塞con加强+gest带来+ ion →带来很多⇒拥塞词根记忆congest+ion近义词 jamming干扰cramming塞满crowding拥挤blocking阻塞blockage封锁clogging阻塞bottleneck瓶颈obstruction障碍overcrowding过度拥挤over-crowding过于拥挤mobbing动词mob的现在进行式…

The route was designed to relieve trafficcongestion.这条路是为缓解交通拥挤而开辟的。
Nose drops often relieve nasalcongestion.滴鼻剂常可缓解鼻腔充血。
I'm afraid there is acongestionin your left arm.恐怕你的左臂上有一些淤血。noun.blockage
同义词 bottleneck,overpopulation,traffic jamcrowding,excess,jam,mass,press,profusion,rubber-necking,snarl-up,surfeit,surplusclogging,crowdedness,overcrowding,overdevelopment
反义词 flood,flow,opening
bottlenecknoun obstacle
barrier,block,blockage,clog,hindrance,holdup,impediment,jam,obstruction,snag,traffic jam
fullnessnoun abundance, breadth
gridlocknoun traffic jam
overflownoun flood, inundation
Niagara,advance,cataclysm,cataract,congestion,deluge,discharge,encroachment,enforcement,engorgement,excess,exuberance,flash flood,flooding,infringement,overabundance,overcrowding,overkill,overmuch,overproduction,plethora,pour,propulsion,push,redundancy,spate,spill,spillover,submergence,submersion,superfluity,surfeit,surplus,torrent
rush hournoun heaviest commuter traffic
bottleneck,congestion,gridlock,heavy traffic,jam,road rage,traffic jam
satiationnoun fullness
adequateness,ampleness,amplitude,broadness,completeness,completion,comprehensiveness,congestion,copiousness,curvaceousness,dilation,distension,engorgement,enlargement,entirety,extensiveness,fill,glut,plenitude,plenty,plenum,profusion,repletion,roundness,satiety,saturation,scope,sufficiency,surfeit,swelling,totality,tumescence,vastness,voluptuousness,wealth,wholeness,wideness A shopper who has sinus congestion may go straight to the product he or she knows that exists, without realizing there is a newer option.
有鼻腔充血的购买者可以直接购买他她知道的已存在的产品,而没有意识到还有新的选择。 ibm

It is important to avoid congestion near the podium, especially during debates.
在讲台附近避免拥挤是很重要的,尤其在辩论期间。 who

But zipping through the congestion is the vanguard of another transportation revolution: vehicles that use no gas, emit no exhaust and are so quiet they can surprise the unwary pedestrian.
但是在拥挤的交通中有另外一种运输革命的先驱在穿行:这是一种不用汽油,不排放废气,安静得会使不留心的行人吃惊的车辆。 yeeyan

Cities have brought better life for people, but they have also bred population explosion, traffic congestion, environmental pollution, resource depletion and friction between cultures.
城市为人们带来了美好生活,也带来了人口膨胀、交通拥挤、环境污染、资源紧缺和文化摩擦等问题。 putclub

Correspondents are reminded that it is important to avoid congestion near the podium, especially during debates.
提请记者注意,在讲台附近避免拥挤是很重要的,尤其在辩论期间。 who

Dry air can irritate your sinuses, but keeping air moist can help reduce congestion.
干空气会刺激你的鼻子,但保持空气湿润能够减少鼻充血。 yeeyan

Everyone with flu or lung congestion faces this coughing problem even after the germs have been killed.
每个患有流感或肺部堵塞的人都有面临这种咳嗽问题,即使在病毒被杀死之后。 blog.sina.com.cn

From that point the process begins anew, congestion windows again expand, and the SACK overhead picks up again.
此时这个过程重新开始,拥塞窗口又一次增大,而 SACK开销也是如此。 ibm

Hot liquids, it is said, help loosen secretions in the chest and sinuses, making them easier to expel and ultimately clearing up congestion.
热的液体据说可以帮助促进胸部和鼻窦部位的分泌物分泌,有利于排解并最终消除鼻子部位的堵塞。 yeeyan

I gradually realized I could die from congestion and coughing.
我逐渐意识到我可能会死于堵塞和咳嗽。 blog.sina.com.cn

If your flu or cold germs have not been fully killed, the congestion may return, but at least you can breath again to some extent.
如果你的流感或感冒病毒没有被完全杀死,堵塞可能还会复发,但至少在一定程度上你又可以呼吸了。 blog.sina.com.cn

In some cities, like Atlanta, this has meant a quick increase in pollution and traffic congestion as its population has grown.
在象亚特兰大这样的一些城市,随着人口的增加,也同时意味着污染和交通阻塞的日益严重。 kekenet

It can break up deep congestion and is effective in an emergency.
它可以打破严重的堵塞,在紧急情况下很有效。 blog.sina.com.cn

So what if there is congestion, or even crashes?
那么如果有堵塞,甚至崩溃怎么办? yeeyan

These, the bank thinks, are the real problems of urbanisation, not the multiplication of slums or congestion.
世界银行认为,这些才是城市化的真正问题,而不是贫民窟泛滥或交通拥挤。 ecocn

These have been used to justify levies on cigarettes, alcohol and even traffic congestion.
这一手法已经用来调整对烟酒甚至交通拥塞的征税。 ecocn

This is a standard procedure, costly, but desirable if you are dying from congestion.
这是一套标准步骤,费用昂贵,但如果你被堵塞得要死去时是可取的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Those complaints include chronic sinus congestion, constipation, and even symptoms resembling asthma.
这些投诉包括慢性窦堵塞,便秘,甚至哮喘症状相似。 yeeyan

We know there are problems with AT&T’s congestion, because some of these dropped- call problems affect other handsets.
我们知道 AT&T的网络有拥塞问题,是因为其他品牌的手机也会发生通话中断的问题。 yeeyan

While DRS will attempt to retry the send of the session, it might eventually fail if the congestion still exists with each retry.
虽然 DRS将尝试重新发送会话,但如果在每次重试时仍然存在拥塞,可能最终会失败。 ibm




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