

单词 congested
释义 con·gest·ed 英kən'dʒestɪd美kən'dʒɛstɪd ★☆☆☆☆高IMT八COCA²³³⁵³BNC¹⁹⁹⁴⁰iWeb¹⁵³⁵⁰Economist¹²⁴⁷⁰

overfull as with bloodcon-, 强调。-gest, 携带,词源同gesture, belligerent, aggestus拉丁词,积聚. 即带到一起的。congest使充满congested traffic拥挤的交通congested area人口稠密区congested band拥挤波段
非常记忆congest阻塞〖熟词〗+ed二弟〖拼音〗⇒阻塞的交通导致二弟上学迟到词根记忆con一起,共同+gest搬运+ed→都搬运到一起→拥挤不堪的;充塞的con共同+gest管道+ed⇒共同在一个管道→拥挤的con共同+gest管道+ed⇒共同在一个管道⇒拥挤的词根记忆congest使充满,使拥塞+ ed…的→充塞的近义词 full满的choked生气的packed塞满的mucous黏液的filled充满的crowded拥挤的blocked堵塞的crammed塞满的jammed被卡住的stuffed塞满了的overloaded超载的jam-packed塞紧的obstructed阻塞的engorged塞得满满的overcrowded过度拥挤的stuffy房间等不通气的…mobbed动词mob的过去式,动词…

用作形容词The street wascongestedwith traffic.街道因往来车辆而阻塞。
He had a cold and was verycongested.他患了感冒,鼻子不通。adj.blocked, clogged
同义词 choked,crowded,glutted,gridlocked,jammed,overcrowded,teemingclosed,crammed,filled,gorged,massed,mobbed,obstructedoccludedoverfilled,overflowing,packed,plugged,stopped,stoppered,stuffedchock-full,jam-full,jam-packed,packed like sardines,stuffed-up,up to the rafters
反义词 emptyclear,free,open,unblocked,unclogged uncongested,uncrowded
closeadjective dense, cramped
jammedadjective thronged
neck and neckadjective close
circumscribed,close-grained,compact,confined,confining,congested,consolidated,cropped,crowded,firm,impenetrable,impermeable,jam-packed,narrow,nip and tuck,packed,restricted,short,solid,substantial,thick,tight
packedadjective full
arranged,awash,brimful,brimming,bundled,chock,chock-full,compact,compressed,congested,consigned,crammed,crowded,filled,full to the gills,jam-packed,jammed,loaded,mobbed,overflowing,overloaded,packed like sardines,seething,serried,stuffed,swarming,to the roof,tumid,up to the hilt,up to the rafters,wall-to-wall,wrapped High volatility in fuel prices, indifferent service, labor problems, congested airports, and financial challenges continue to weigh heavily on the industry.
油价大幅波动、服务质量不稳定、劳工问题、机场拥挤及财务方面的问题依然影响着航空业。 yeeyan

The bomber targeted a crowd of people watching a volleyball match in a congested neighborhood.
炸弹手的目标是正在一个拥挤的社区观看排球比赛的人群。 voanews

The economy has longstanding weaknesses, such as poor skills and a congested transport system.
经济长期疲软,就好像是不熟练的手艺和拥挤的公交系统。 ecocn

The intention of this new bike lanes on wires is not to replace the ordinary bike lanes that are already available but to relieve congested areas.
这种新型的自行车钢索车道不打算代替普通的车道,而是想要缓解拥挤地区的压力。 yeeyan

Above, a congested street in Lagos sprawls to the horizon.
上图中,拉各斯拥挤的街道一直延伸到地平线。 yeeyan

And because everybody must make a trip to the store for every meal, the store can become rather congested.
由于每个人都必须为每一餐前往商店购物,因此商店将变得非常的拥挤。 ibm

Australian ports are becoming congested again, with coal ships in line on the ocean, waiting to load and unload.
澳大利亚各个港口再度呈现拥挤不堪的景象,运煤船在海上排着长队,等待装卸。 iciba

But, what if the bike lanes then become congested?
但是,自行车道要是变得拥挤那怎么办? yeeyan

But given the ever more congested state of China’s roads, negotiated by so many inexperienced new drivers, the authorities’ intervention seems overdue.
然而,考虑到中国日益堵塞的路况,以及如此多驱车上路的新手,有关当局的介入似乎已显迟钝。 yeeyan

Department stores are often congested before Christmas.

Due to lacking of playground the children of this colony play in the congested balcony of the building.
因为没有操场,所以,“工寮”里的孩子们只能在拥挤的阳台上玩耍。 yeeyan

He continues to sell the popular fried snack, tempe, made out of fermented soybeans, on a noisy, congested street in Jakarta.
他继续在雅加达一条喧闹和拥挤的街道上出售很受欢迎的油炸小吃--以发酵的大豆做成的豆豉糕。 ebigear

In America alone, congested roads cost billions of dollars a year in lost work hours and wasted fuel.
仅在美国,每年因道路拥挤造成的工时损失与燃料浪费,就达数十亿美元。 yeeyan

Maybe your enterprise has grown from a small IT staff to a congested data center full of legacy servers.
也许您的企业已从非常小的 IT部门发展成为拥挤的数据中心,其中充满了遗留服务器。 ibm

Our skies are the most congested in the world.
我们的天空是世界上最拥挤的。 yeeyan

Streets will be less congested, the air cleaner, and rent lower.
街道将不再那么拥挤;空气会更清新;房租会更便宜。 yeeyan

The image of congested vessels may look impressive, but the vessel owners are certainly not happy with their plight.
这种堵塞的船现象看起来令人震撼,但是船主们当然对他们的困境感到郁闷。 hxen

The system also predicts when a congested road will return to normal flow.
该系统还预测,拥挤的道路何时将恢复正常流动。 yeeyan

This means that if a node or network is congested, the heartbeats can be discarded.
这意味着,如果一个节点或网络很拥挤,检测可能被丢弃。 ibm

Congested railways and ports have also been a problem, especially for coal and iron ore.
拥挤的铁路和港口也已经造成了问题,尤其是对煤矿业而言。 ecocn




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