Congenital kyphosis
Congenital kyphosis
To cause to form an arch or similar curve
To cause to form folds
To cause to form folds,pleats,or ripples
To cause to form folds, pleats, or ripples
To cause to function
To cause to gallop
To cause to grow or yield a crop
To cause to hang back or fall behind
To cause to hurry
To cause to itch
To cause to lean
To cause to lean,slant,or slope
To cause to lean, slant, or slope
To cause to limp
To cause to lose tribal membership and customs
To cause to make a soft, sharp, metallic sound
To cause to mix
To cause to move back and forth rapidly
To cause to move forward or onward
To cause to move in or as if in an eddy
To cause to move in or form a zigzag
To cause to move toward a goal
To cause to move toward a goal; aim
To cause to move waveringly
To cause to occur sooner than expected
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更新时间:2025/3/5 10:11:41