

单词 confuses
释义 con·fuse·s 英kən'fjuːz美kən'fjuːz COCA³⁶²⁸⁶BNC²⁹⁹³⁷Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
vt. 使混乱; 使糊涂

put into disorder; mix up in the mind

vt. 混淆; 弄混

mistake one thing for another

mistake one thing for another;

you are confusing me with the other candidate

I mistook her for the secretary

be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly;

These questions confuse even the experts

This question completely threw me

This question befuddled even the teacher

cause to feel embarrassment;

The constant attention of the young man confused her

assemble without order or sense;

She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence

make unclear, indistinct, or blurred;

Her remarks confused the debate

Their words obnubilate their intentions

confuse, bewilder, puzzle


1.puzzle为日常用语,指对不能解释的事物感到迷惑; confuse指由于思想的迷乱或某些事情的混淆而产生困惑; bewilder指使人思想混乱到不知所措的程度。

2.在语气上, puzzle语气较轻, confuse较重, bewilder最重。

confuse, confound, mistake

这三个词的共同意思是“混淆”。它们之间的区别是:mistake强调产生进一步的后果或作出进一步的动作; confuse指由于未能区别两种类似的或有共同特点的事物而产生混淆; confound则通常强调由于思维混乱或愚笨而产生概念不清。











用作动词 v.
~+名词confuse the enemy迷惑敌人confuse liberty with license把自由与放纵混同起来confuse right with wrong混淆是非~+副词confuse deliberately故意地混淆confuse endlessly无限地混乱confuse inextricably无法摆脱地混乱confuse infinitely极大地混乱confuse intellectually智力上地混乱confuse intricately复杂地混乱confuse mentally心理上地混乱confuse mysteriously秘密地混乱confuse paradoxically自相矛盾地混乱confuse purposely目的上地混乱~+介词confuse about搞不清…confuse among混杂在…中confuse at对…困惑不解confuse by以…扰乱…confused in mind心绪纷乱confuse with分不出
confuse withv.+prep.

将…误作… fail to tell the difference between; mistake one thing for another

confuse sb/sth with sb/sthYou must be confusing me with someone else.你一定是把我和其他什么人搞混了。
She always confuses John with his twin brother.她总是把约翰和他的孪生兄弟混起来。
Don't confuse Austria with Australia.不要将奥地利误作澳洲。近义词 fog雾up向上cloud云mix混合throw扔fox狐狸blur弄脏shame羞愧puzzle难题muddle混乱mix up搅匀jumble掺杂baffle困惑boggle犹豫divert转移tangle缠结dismay沮丧mistake错误muddy泥泞的mystify迷惑addle使腐坏involve包含disturb扰乱disrupt干扰fluster慌乱upset心烦的put off不安distract分散disorder混乱fuddle使错乱perplex使困惑obscure难解的bedevil使痛苦flurry一阵疾风confound使困惑daze 使 … 茫然rattle嘎嘎作响befuddle使昏迷bewilder 使迷惑misperceive看错embarrass使窘迫disconcert使困惑complicate使复杂化entangle 使 … 纠缠obnubilate以云遮暗dumbfound 使 … 惊呆demoralize使士气低落discombobulate使混乱muddy the waters把水搅混反义词 soothe缓和calm平静的quiet安静的compose作曲
S+~+ n./pron.Waking up in strange surroundings confused her.她醒来时看到一片陌生的环境,这把她都搞糊涂了。
So many people talking to me at once confused me.这么多的人同时与我说话把我搞糊涂了。
The road signs confused the driver.这个路标把司机弄糊涂了。
You have confused the meanings of the two words.你混淆了这两个词的意思。
He has confused everything in the room.他把室内的东西全都弄乱了。
The chess player confused the computer by making some irrational moves halfway through the game.那个棋手在下到一半时走了几步不合常规的棋,弄得与他对弈的计算机无法应付。
He was confused by the noise.他被喧闹声所扰乱。


confuse常用作及物动词,多接名词或代词作宾语; 也可与介词with连用,表示“把…同…弄混了”。

用作及物动词They asked so many questions that theyconfusedme.他们问了许许多多问题,把我弄糊涂了。
Her unexpected arrivalconfusedall our plans.她突然来到把我们所有的计划全打乱了.verb.bewilder someone
同义词 amaze,astonish,baffle,befuddle,bemuse,complicate,confound,daze,demoralize,disconcert,disorient,distract,embarrass,fluster,frustrate,involve,misinform,mislead,mortify,muddle,mystify,obscure,perplex,perturb,puzzle,trouble,unsettle,upset,worryabash,addle,becloud,bedevil,cloud,clutter,darken,discomfit,discompose,discountenance,faze,fog,fuddle,nonplus,rattle,shame,stump,unhingelead astray,mess up,render uncertain,stir up,throw off,throw off balance
反义词 aid,assist,calm,clarify,clear up,comfort,encourage,enlighten,expect,explain,explicate,facilitate,help,illuminate,order,please,settle,soothe,supportorganize,separateverb.mix up;involve
同义词 confound,involve,disorganize,muddleentangle,rumple,mingle,discombobulate,tangle,blend,disarray,tumble,encumber,litter,clutter,embroil,tousle,jumble,intermingle,disorder,disarrange,mistakemess up,bedlamize,discreate,muss up,snarl up
反义词 unmix uncomplicateclarifyarrange,clean up,separate,divide,untwist,order,clear up,neaten,tidy,untangle,exclude,organize,explain,enlighten Multi- colored sites have the lowest visitation time, as a combination of warm and cool colors confuses the user.
五彩斑斓的网站往往是访问时间最短的,因为暖色和冷色的交叉使用会让用户变的迷茫。 w3pop

The fresh milk is not cannot adulterate, but must achieve confuses falsehood with the truth, is not easy.
鲜奶并不是不能掺假,但是要做到以假乱真则不容易。 kekenet

The mainstream view that during an economic slump it is OK for the central bank to pump money in order to revive the economy confuses money with funding.
主流观点认为在经济不景气时央行可以通过发行国债,为复苏经济注入资金。 yeeyan

At times the author confuses liquidity with capital and debt with equity.
有时,作者还会混淆资金的流动性和股票债务。 ecocn

Because of the deficiency of explicit regulations, the judicial practice in this area confuses.
由于现有立法对该问题的解决缺乏明确的规定,司法实践中较为混乱。 cnki

He confuses the two, mixing up details about the first expedition with those of the second.
他将忽必烈第一次和第二次远征的细节弄混了。 hxen

He confuses the stakes with surplus- value.
他把赌注和剩余价值混为一谈。 culchina.net

If your purpose is to establish a big reputation and fame confuses you, then you've just be swallowed by the goblin of fame.
若是你有想要大大出名的念头,就是遭到名闻魔的魔考。 fjnet

Summarizes some problems about variable transferring between frames in web page programming which confuses us, then concludes some methods in common use and analyzes them by several examples.
对网页编程中常常令人感到困惑的框架间变量传递问题进行了总结,归纳出几种常用的方法,并通过实例进行分析和说明。 dictall

The move is a blunder because it glorifies Mr Assange, and also because it confuses a cause with a symptom.
此举是一个弥天大错,因为它不仅美化了阿桑奇,而且还混淆了原因与症状。 falvtrans

The word‘ free’ confuses us because we equate the cost of the item to us with the value of the item to us.
“免费”这个词让我们迷惑不解,因为我们把这个东西的成本给我们的等同于它的价值。 yeeyan

The baby confuses Dad Ben and Mum Angela and also baffles genetics experts. The little girl is not an albino and the couple, both black, says they don't have any mixed-race family history.
这个白皮肤婴儿让其父母本和安吉拉惊诧不已,同时也着实让基因专家感到迷惑,因为婴儿并非患白化病,本和安吉拉的家族也没有混血史。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The damage and compensation item confuses me. Could you give some explanation?
我对损坏和赔偿条款不太明白,能解释一下吗? kekenet

There is an anonymous quote that states, “A smile confuses an approaching frown.”
有一个无名的引用,“微笑疏解欲皱的眉。” yeeyan

We use it to describe someone who confuses right and wrong deliberately.
我们用它来形容那些故意颠倒是非的人。 hanyuwang

What's a girl fashion trend that confuses you?
你觉得女孩中的哪一种时尚趋势让你觉得不可理解? ttmeiju.com




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